
Julie Merritt because i said so

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Letting go, saying goodbye to dear friends at our son’s pre-school.  They stood by us as we weathered the storm of his diagnosis with autism spectrum disorder. The people to whom I first spoke aloud the word of my fear – autism.  Letting that word and that fear out into the light was simultaneously painful and a relief from the pain. The journey began, bringing help, hope and more wonderful people into our lives.  There would be missteps and dark times still but also more and more sunny days.  Our son’s wings spread under nurturing guidance of teachers and Friends.  A new school with new challenges and opportunities beckons but the strong foundation built with those truly gifted educators will never be forgotten. Wise words heard through my tears on the last day struck a true chord in me-

“All you can do is pay it forward.”

Thank-you, I will.

About the Author

Julie Merritt

Julie Merritt is a mom of two beautiful boys and wife to a wonderful husband. We live in Missoula and love all the opportunities here for connecting with people and nature.

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