Theme: Move

Erin Britt mama says

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Go, go, go, collapse. This has always been my style. As a kid I was boundless energy or asleep. As an adult I tend to push until I am sick.

One of my sons is just like me. There is no pacing, no balance. It is all nothing, all the time.

I watch him, always moving, and want to help him learn to slow down, to not push so hard. I want to teach him to be less like me.

But here’s my push—I move to stay upright. I move to prove—something. I move because I don’t know how to do it otherwise.

Our theme this month is MOVE—with stories about both physical motion and emotion. There are so many ways to MOVE, I am hoping I learn some of the balance I seek to learn and teach.

About the Author

Erin Britt

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