BAM – A Look Back

Tori Roberts mama says

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If we’ve learned anything this month, it’s that Mamaloders are the epitome of #badassmoms.

We had so much fun working with our friends over at Voke in September, celebrating the badass in each of us and the fuel that gets us through our days.

Here are a few of my favorite moments:

“Parenting is incredibly hard. No book in the world can explain it. No experienced parent can help you understand the half of it, no matter how hard they try. It’s so hard and yet so many of us are doing it every day and kicking parenting’s ass.” – Meghan Horan, And THAT Is Incredibley Bad Ass

“I need a favor from you, queen bee. I need you to stop saying that you are “just” a mother. I need you to stop right now. I need you to stop saying it in your future. Your child is so much more than just. Your life is more than just. You are so far beyond just… just doesn't deserve you.

Here is what you are (just in case you need the reminder):

You are







a hope

a light

a vault

a believer

a dreamer

a warrior

the love

the glue

the glitter

the future.”

– Katie Moore, You Are Not Just A Mother

“When I was asked to write my 9/11 story I felt like a fraud. Sure, I have a story but it is not one of survival or personal loss. (Even my friends mother turned out fine — and thankfully so.) It is not a special story or a unique story. It is the story of a day, a normal fucking day, turned upside down. Who am I to write about this day? What can I say that matters? But then I remembered that most of the nation, and many other parts of world, have memories just like mine. Most of the nation was not a survivor. Most of the nation was not there. And most of the nation did not experience personal loss. But we all have a story; we all our have our story.” – Kim Zapata, I Watched The World Burn From Exit 12

“I didn't choose for Scott to die but I choose, each day, to keep living. I choose to be strong for myself and my girls. I choose to keep going when everything in me wants to give up. I choose to let go of things that don't matter and cling tightly to people who do. I choose to make the most of the moments I have with the people I love because I know how quickly those moments can be snatched away.

Loss changed me. It broke me. But it built me up in the most beautiful way.” – Brooke Shoen, His Death Taught Me How To Live

“Despite all of those swirling anxieties, I get up every day and plunge forth, wading through the thickness of my life. Leaning into it all as though there is no other choice.

So, by my own definition, is that bravery?

Living my life, even though I’m afraid to.” – Claire Bidwell Smith, Dear Girls, On Being Brave

“When my mom was sick, people used to tell her she was “so strong.” She knew they were well intentioned, but she hated hearing that. “What choice do I have?” she would ask me rhetorically.

I knew what she meant; she didn’t ask for cancer; she didn’t want to be a hero. She was just doing the best she could under terrible circumstances.” – Emily Hatch, No Other Choice

“With shiny cheeks and Kleenex in both hands, I suddenly felt like a badass. My self-doubts about parenting are frequent and shame-filled. Sitting in our living room, sharing a few minutes of raw emotion with my children, I felt more rugged and real than ever.  It occurred to me that my kids can only see my true strength if I allow them to view me at my weakest. Walking around every day like a gung-ho, ever-cheerful mannequin is not doing my boys any favors. They need to see their mom crying. They need to see me struggling. They need to see me being human.” – Kirsten Brunner, Moms Cry Too

Thank you to ALL of you #badassmoms who come here everyday to celebrate what it means to raise these tiny humans we call our own.

Cheers to September…Now on to October. See you next month Mamaloders!


About the Author

Tori Roberts

Tori started as an intern, then worked as an editorial assistant, and is now our managing editor. She graduated from the University of Montana School of Journalism in 2013 and now lives in Boston, MA.

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September 2015 – BAM
We are thrilled to work with VOKE tab (natural energy tabs)to power BAM and highlight so many #badassmoms
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