I’m A Stay-at-Home Mom And I Wear Leggings Everyday

Gloryanna Boge Stay at Home Parent

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Wahh. Wahh. No time to pee. No time to eat. Must. Get. Up. Must. Feed. Asher. Good morning.

The sweetest face. Ever. Big smile. Raspberry kisses. Crusty hand from sucking all night.

Hmm. Crusty mattress. Spit up?

My night gown is damp. Yep. Thought so. Leaked some milk. What am I doing? You're hungry. Right.

Huh? I don't know where your pants are. I'm feeding the baby. Wear your work pants from yesterday. Yes, I'll be doing laundry today. You'll have clean clothes for work tomorrow. Bye, love you too.

Don't bite Mamma. I know. Two new teeth. Burp. Spit up on night gown. Switch sides. Repeat. Burp. Big smile. Raspberry kisses. The sweetest face.

What is that smell? Yummy. The stinkiest diaper in the West. You're pretty good at grabbing those toes. Pretty good at missing those toes and grabbing your poop. No, not in your mouth. Sure, why not, wipe it on mom's arm. Better yet, my night gown. Big smile. Raspberry kisses. The sweetest face.

I'm the fastest changer in the west. My clothes included. Why? Easy. I wear leggings everyday. Black. Matches everything. Cheap. Thank you, Wal-Mart. There's lots of stains hiding under there. Spit up with prunes mixed in. The boy loves prunes.

There's lots of love hiding under there. Tear stains from a teething baby. Slobber stains from a teething baby. Sweat from, well, everything. I'm hot all the all time. Can I get an amen? Running up and down the stairs to check on baby. Running to the mailbox and back to check on baby. Running across the room to stop baby. Running across the room to tickle baby. Big smile. Raspberry kisses. The sweetest face.

No time to worry about my wardrobe. No time to worry about tomorrow. Shoot. I wore my dirty leggings from yesterday. Smell test. They can go another day.

Wahh. Wahh. No time to worry. Love this. Staying home with my baby. What an opportunity. A Blessing. Big smile. Raspberry kisses. The sweetest face.


About the Author

Gloryanna Boge

"The greatest thing I have ever taught I stole from S.E. Hinton. 'Stay Gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.' " Gloryanna is a middle school teacher turned SAHM in Kansas. Writing is her outlet at where she hopes to encourage other mamas with laughter and her faith.

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