Seeing Her Again

Larissa Peluso-Fleming Loss

Despite the empty pit in my heart that took up residence when my baby sister died, I feel as though I am “seeing” her every morning when the sun comes up when that little voice calls my name from her crib.

What I Learned From The Death of My Son

Evelyn Shields-Cowley Loss

Losing my son has made me appreciate my other children even more. I understand that life is not guaranteed, even to the young and wonderful. I understand that every single moment is a moment that will never come back, so I have to enjoy it while I can.

Life and Death in the Dressing Room

Joy Riggs Loss

You are trying to pretend that you are on just another mother-daughter shopping trip. But the stakes have never been this high. Prom? Hah. Wedding dress? Who cares. This is about life with a capital L. You are terrified.