

Aaron Brock

Aaron Brock is married to the lovely and talented Melanie Brock, and together they have two daughters, Annabelle and Clara. He is the Executive Director for Missoula Food Bank. When Aaron's not working or with his family, you can usually find him flyfishing on one of the rivers around Missoula.

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Abby Byrd

Abby Byrd is a teacher, a grammarian, and the poster mom for existential angst. She blogs at .

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Abby Conway

I live in Indiana, and work from home as a freelance writer, and blogger - you can see my work at .

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Abi Cotler

Abi Cotler tells stories about herself, to her kids, and for her favorite brands. Life is a story…tell it! By day, she teaches photo history and visual culture at the Art Institute of California--San Diego. She also lends her voice to the blogs and ad campaigns of some of her favorite people and brands. By night, she writes short fiction and personal essays. In between, she's a raising a deified kindergardener and a legalistic second-grader who’s tiny voices penetrate nearly every thought she has (who says doing term papers at the bar is a useless skill to practice?) Abi lives in coastal North County San Diego with her two daughters and a host of ideas. In her endless free time, she enjoys learning to surf, rock-climbing, hiking, snowboarding, thirty-second dance parties, and reading a few paragraphs then abruptly falling asleep.

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Adina Giannelli

Adina Giannelli lives in a (haunted) schoolhouse, is at work on her first book, and can be found .

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Adrian Manuel

Adrian is a freelance writer from Hawaii. He currently resides on the beautiful island of Maui with his daughter. You can find him at .

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Adrian Wood

Adrian H. Wood, Ph.D is a rural Eastern NC mother of four, one with extra special needs. Past nanny, ski instructor, preschool teacher, college professor, early childhood researcher, full time mama, PTA president and new to writing after a twenty year hiatus. Find her on Facebook at . In her writing, satire meets truth, faith meets irony, despair meets joy and this educated debutante escapes the laundry and finds true meaning in graceful transparency.

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Adrienne Frohlich

Adrienne Frohlich is a mother of 2 boys and a native New Yorker. She is a Speech Language Pathologist and creator of the Nurse Purse, a line of stylish breast pump carrying bags. In her free time she can be found drinking coffee and exploring NYC with her family.

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Aimee Farley

Aimee is a mother, wife, blogger and dreamer. You will often find her exploring the Twin Cities and writing about her adventures on .

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Aimee Hain

Other 1/2, mama, dreamer, , crafter, RN, wannabe photographer, and obsessed with this little thing called life.

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Aimee McQuilkin

Aimee McQuilkin is the owner of Betty’s Divine, a fabulous boutique in Missoula MT. Along with her husband, two daughters, and multiple pets, Aimee enjoys bird watching, devouring books, riding bikes, thrifting, adventures, smelling things, and making people’s day.

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Al Letson

Al Letson is the host and executive producer of the award-winning NPR/PRX program State of the Re:Union, and he’s the host of Peabody Award Winning public radio show Reveal. A true Renaissance Man, he is also a poet/playwright/actor/comic book writer/storyteller and a frequent contributor to the Moth.

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Alana Jones

An environmental scientist turned bookkeeper but still trying to involve herself in the Earth's issues. She once called Maryland her home but has now lived in Missoula, Montana longer than any other place she's lived. She's trying her best to raise two happy boys, love her husband, and to never stop learning how to be a better person.

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Alana Pace

When Alana Pace found out she was pregnant with her second child only six months after having my first, she knew I had to get creative fast. Fortunately, spending so much of her childhood outdoors with a mother who specialized in Early Childhood Education, learning through play is was almost instinctive. Each morning with her kids marks a new opportunity to explore and seize the day. Her family and writing are her passions. On she writes about her experiences, life lessons, activities, products and tips that are of value to young families.

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Alexandra Mercer McCarren

Alexandra writes, edits, and mothers her way through each and every day. As a freelance writer and editor for both children and adults, she feels fortunate to work from home while raising her two delicious daughters. She is an expert in selective hearing, benign ignorance, and triage assessment when it comes to hitting deadlines while simultaneously maintaining a copacetic sisterly environment. She believes there are lessons in every encounter, and writing is what sets them free.

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Alexandra Potes

Alexandra is a work from home mommy of a smart and rambunctious 2 year old boy. She is in constant search of adventure and enjoys anything outdoors with her husband and son. She writes to share her stories in hopes it will help others.

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Alexandra Rosas

Alexandra Rosas is a live storyteller. Raised on the riveting tales of her Spanish grandmother, she knew she would grow to be a storyteller in her own right. She now is a main stage storyteller with the nationally acclaimed, The Moth. You can follow her on or on her personal blog, .

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Alexis Wolfe

Alexis Wolfe is a former TV Production Manager and Mum to three boys, who lives in England. She writes mostly in secret and to avoid the household chores. She enjoys travelling and recently returned from Transylvania.

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Alexis Wolff

I have an MFA in Nonfiction Writing from Columbia and a BA in African Studies from Yale. My work has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and Brain, Child: the Magazine for Thinking Mothers, among others.

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Ali Cummins

Ali is the wrangler of Riley and Maddie, a stand-in mom for Story, and an 8-to-5 working girl (no, not that kind of working girl). She is the solid foundation of this boisterous clan, often doling out to-do lists and ever-so-patient corrections. She has a very serious addiction to chocolate but is otherwise trustworthy. You can find her over at .

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Alice Seuffert

Alice Seuffert is a parenting and food blogger in Minnesota. She is the author of Freezer Meals for Moms and writes about comfort food eats and her life as mom and wife at .

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Alicia DiFabio

Alicia DiFabio, Psy.D. is a freelance writer, blogger and published essayist with a doctorate in psychology. Her personal essays and parenting articles have appeared in various magazines and newspapers. She writes about her daily adventures in motherhood with four young girls, one of whom has multiple disabilities, at her blog .

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Alicia Horsley

I'm a Malaysian homeschooling mum of three. I went to England to read Psychology and found the sun to my shine and we've been a family ever since.

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Aline Weiller

Aline Weiller is a journalist and essayist whose work has been published in Brain, Child: The Magazine for Thinking Mothers, Scary Mommy, Your Teen, Grown and Flown and Great Moments in Parenting, among others. She's also the CEO/Founder of – a public relations firm based in Connecticut, where she lives with her husband and two sons.

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Alisa Schindler

Alisa Schindler is a SAHM of three boys and wife to Mr. Baseball. In between schlepping to the ball fields and burning cupcakes, she chronicles the sweet and bittersweet of life in the suburbs on her blog . She has just completed a sexy women’s fiction novel that she would love you to read.

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Alishia Osborn

A self-taught photography and Photoshop enthusiast who enjoys photographing my three girls and documenting our everyday lives via the lens. about all our shennigans.

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Alison Langley

Alison is a former teacher who has given up her teaching position in a British school, to spend more time with her three small children, whilst pursuing her dream of becoming a writer. Alison writes at , her blog is a light-hearted look at life as a wife and mother; often recounting stories of calamity and chaos, told with a hint of sarcasm and an awful lot of love. What Mum should have told me focuses on turning your worst day into a good story, and always managing to laugh at herself in the process.

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Alison Lee

Alison Lee is the co-editor of , a , and publisher. A former PR and marketing professional, Alison’s writing has been featured in Mamalode, On Parenting at The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Everyday Family, Scary Mommy, BonBon Break and Club Mid. She is one of 35 essayists in the anthology, My Other Ex: Women’s True Stories of Leaving and Losing Friends (Fall, 2014), and has an essay in another, So Glad They Told Me: Women Get Real About Motherhood (Summer, 2016). She is also an editor at BonBon Break. Alison lives in Malaysia with her husband and four children (two boys and boy/ girl twins).

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Alison Pomerantz

Alison (Grabau) Pomerantz is a former middle school English teacher turned writer who cut her professional teeth in the marketing and advertising world. She’s lived in so many zip codes, her accountant asked if she was a gypsy or running from something. Now optimistically calling Whitefish, Montana her permanent home, Alison lives with her husband, two daughters, two dogs, two cats and two guinea pigs and enjoys exercise, rare moments alone, and the occasional bowl of Captain Crunch.

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Alison Qualter-Berna

Alison Qualter-Berna is a proud mother of three kids, twin girls and an active little boy. With her husband Bobby and two friends Allison and Craig, she is the co-founder of , an all-in-one children’s play space in Manhattan that just launched its national franchise program. In her spare time, Alison likes to do as many handstands as she can in one day, run for hours in the forest with friends, hike as high as she can climb, and most of all, practice her beloved yoga.

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Alison Wilkinson

Ali Wilkinson live in Portland, Oregon with her husband and three children. She blogs at .

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Allison Carter

Allison Barrett Carter is a freelance writer in North Carolina. She is on a journey to keep learning and finding the best life, documenting it all on her . Her pieces have appeared in many places such as New York Times’ Motherlode, Washington Post’s On Parenting, Role Reboot, The Good Men Project and in several print anthologies as well as various local news outlets. Follow her on Twitter or on her Facebook page.

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Allison Hart

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Allison Landa

Allison Landa is a Berkeley, CA-based writer of fiction and memoir whose work has been featured in Salon Magazine, You and Me Magazine, and Word Riot, among other venues. She earned an MFA in creative writing from St. Mary’s College of California and is represented by Miriam Altshuler of DeFiore & Co. Visit her on her .

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Allison Slater Tate

Allison is a freelance writer, a mother of four, a somewhat ambivalent denizen of suburbia, and a consumer of way too much Diet Coke and cookie butter to be considered a healthy person. She holds a degree in English from Princeton University and enjoyed a brief, crazy career in Hollywood before embarking on the greatest adventure: parenthood. Find her or on and .

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Ally Earnest

Originally from the northeast, Ally Earnest has been living the dream of Missoula, Montana for the past 9 years with her loving husband and 2 beautiful daughters. She is a firm believer that good writing is an excellent elixir for extraordinary dreams. Ally enjoys sneaking minutes, when she can, to add to her own.

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Allyson Brown

Allyson Brown writes about grief, family support, and the love and challenges of raising a family (including the baby daughter that joined them in 2013). Allyson blogs at .

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Alton Parker

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Alyce Kominetsky

Alyce is a full time Professional Communications student, and full-time Wife and Mama. When she isn't busy chasing after her four year old; she loves reading, writing, and dabbling in photography. She proudly admits her obsession to reality television. You can find Alyce on her blog, and on and .

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Alysa Salzberg

Alysa Salzberg is a writer and worrier. She lives in Paris with an eccentric Frenchman, a train-obsessed toddler, and a charming cat. Besides them, she loves books, travel, & cookies. You can read about her adventures , or feel free to stop by and check out her .

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Alyssa Latala

Alyssa Latala lives in a house full of boys in suburban Chicago. She works for a national non-profit organization and hasn't yet discovered the secret to "work-life balance." She drinks too much coffee and blogs about parenthood at .

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Alyssa Pera

Alyssa Pera is a wife, mother and writer living in Houston, TX. Her blog, focuses on celebrating the good in the simple.

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Alyssia Birnbaum

Alyssia Webb Birnbaum graduated from Southern Methodist University with a B.A. in English with a Creative Writing specialization in 2009. She is also a certified nutritional chef. The creator of , Alyssia owns and operates a premier service for mothers and young families in the Dallas area that offers healthy meals, made in-home. She currently lives in Dallas with her husband, Eric, her daughter, Amelia, and her daughter's head of security, a rescue dog named Zooey.

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Amanda Briggs

Amanda Farrell Briggs is a lawyer turned (soccer) mom. She is the mother to three wild and wonderful girls ages 8, 6 and 1. She can be found chasing her toddler through the muddy soccer field in 3-inch high heels or updating her blog, . She and her very understanding husband live in their hometown of Fayetteville, NC.

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Amanda Buck

Amanda is a mother to two beautiful children and began writing, after her daughter was diagnosed with the rare disease cystinosis. She started the blog to chronicle their story, advocate for her daughter and help other families in similar situations look for their silver linings. Her writing has appeared on The Mighty, Good Mother Project, Coffee + Crumbs and she was a cast member of Vancouver's inaugural Listen To Your Mother Show. You can also follow her families story on .

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Amanda Elder

Panda is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom to two young boys and wife of a resident physician in Orlando. She loves coffee, chocolate, and writing about the triumphs and troubles of being a mother, wife, and woman at .

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Amanda Foust

Amanda is a small-town girl married to a third-culture-kid who shares her love for adventure and frivolous dreaming. She is a mom to two curiously independent little ones. Pen and paper make her spirit come alive. She spends her creative time as a life coach and a writer. Her world is better with an assortment of chocolate and a stack of books packed and ready for travel. Read more at .

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Amanda Glenn

Amanda Glenn has three children (5, 3, and 8 months) and lives in Chicago, where she works as a data scientist. In her spare time, she writes a about breastfeeding and pumping.

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Amanda Goodwin

Amanda Goodwin is a wife, mother, and dog lover from Missoula, MT.

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Amanda Hughes

I am many things: wife, employee, sister, friend…but above all I am a mom in recovery from alcohol addiction, depression, and general discontent. Hence the name: . No life is perfect, but I have been wildly blessed and strive to appreciate and enjoy every day. I hold on tight and try to make the most of every day on this wild ride of parenthood!

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Amanda Magee

Amanda Magee is the owner of an advertising and design agency. She and her husband are raising their three daughters in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York. Between desperate dashes to meet the bus, never-ending home improvement projects, and the odd trip to the gym, you can find Amanda writing at her personal blog .

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Amanda Motisi

Amanda is a new mommy, a teacher, and a health coach teaching women how to cultivate personal health and happiness in their own lives. She dabbles in writing as she tries to balance all the many roles a mom plays and a career she's passionate about. Her recent musings and information on working with a health coach can be found .

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Amanda Redhead

Amanda Redhead is a Pediatric Nurse, Mama and Professional Hugger. She is passionate about spreading kindness and speaking her truth so that others feel less alone. Her work can be found on The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal and other venues and she blogs at . You can also find her on and .

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Amanda Reilly

Married to my beloved ogre and Momma to my missing puzzle piece, I'm trying to use my boisterousness for good by sharing the stories of my own magical son to help give voiceless parents and children their voices. I could always use a margarita and a nap. Follow my journey to accomplish .

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Amanda Skelte

Amanda is a mom of 5 girls, 7 and under, one with a brain tumor, all with red-hair. In between school pick ups, dance, doctor appointments and cuddles, she is a photographer in dallas. Follow her family at or on Instagram: @punkfictionv4

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Amanda van Mulligen

I am a British expat, living in the Netherlands where I divide my time between writing, trying to Britify my three Dutch children and get to grips with the quirks of the locals. I write about raising highly sensitive children at .

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Amandalyn Vanover

Amandalyn is passionate about saving the earth, motivating people to get healthy, sharing vital information to educate communities about the real food movement and writing as part of her larger contribution to the anti-bullying cause.

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Amber Hill

I’m a stay at home mom, trying to grow two wildly adorable boys in to responsible contributors of society. I tend to spend what precious free time I have habitually baking, putting my thoughts out on the world wide web on my blog , and consuming coffee like it’s a life line.

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Ambrosia Brody

Ambrosia Brody is a working journalist, editor, and mother to two spirited daughters under the age of three. Connect with her on her blog or on .

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Amélie Trufant Dawson

Amélie Trufant Dawson, mother of two, blogs about children's books from a renovated one-room schoolhouse on Lake Michigan. You can read more of her book profiles at .

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Amita Greer

Amita Patel Greer is a mother of twin boys and always tries her best to be an amazing wife, daughter and sister to her family.

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Amy Betters-Midtvedt

My name is Amy Betters-Midtvedt and I blog over with my friend Erin at . We are two teachers and moms who are hoping to use writing to bring people together on this awesome parenting journey. Sometimes we have to hide out in our closets with our coffee to get our writing done or to preserve a little bit of sanity. You can find us on and .

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Amy Campero

Amy is a native New Orleanian, former New Yorker, and newbie Austinite. She is currently employed as a stay at home mom but always in search of someone to hire her to travel the world with her husband and two babes. In her spare time you can find her negotiating with children, obsessing over books, enjoying a glass of wine, and writing about her family’s adventures at .

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Amy Cappelli

Amy Cappelli is a freelance illustrator and writer residing in Buffalo, NY with her husband, 4 children, 2 dogs, one cat, 2 rats, 2 hamsters and a parakeet. Her drawings and essays about navigating through the choppy channels of parenting teens, a tween and a pre-schooler can be found on her blog .

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Amy Carlson

Amy Carlson can be found running after her two boys, striving for some semblance of kids/work/life/etc. balance (ha!) and telling anyone who will listen about the importance of investing in public education. She crossed a big one off her list of Potentially Big Ideas with the creation of , a free iPhone app for taking & sending thank-you videos. She blogs about her transition from school administrator to tech startup founder at .

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Amy Challenger

Amy Aves Challenger is a writer, painter and mom of three children, one with special needs. When she isn't mothering, she is blogging on and or working on her first novel about a family's struggles and triumphs raising a child with special needs.

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Amy Flory

Amy and her husband made two kids, a four-year-old girl and a six-year-old boy. She is a and Families In the Loop blogger, was named by Mashable as one of the 17 Funny Moms on Twitter, and is a contributor to the popular books, "You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth" and "I Just Want to Pee Alone." Amy writes embarrassing stories about her family and herself at .

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Amy Freeman

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Amy G.

Amy lives in the Pacific Northwest and finds it difficult to write about herself in the third person. She blogs about random bits of life at – often related to parenthood, sometimes about her domestic misadventures, and occasionally about toilets.

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Amy Hunter

When she’s not writing her hilarity fueled parenting memoir as The Outnumbered Mother, Amy is a Florida living, butt wiping, soccer team carting, gourmet chef attempting, tennis skirt wearing, non-tennis playing, self-proclaimed bad mamma jamma to 3 sons and a very understanding husband. You can find Amy’s work as a featured writer for Scary Mommy, The Huffington Post, In The Powder Room or on her .

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Amy Oestreicher

Amy Oestreicher is a PTSD peer-to-peer specialist, artist, author, speaker for RAINN, writer for The Huffington Post, award-winning health advocate, actress and playwright, eagerly sharing the lessons learned from trauma through her writing, performance, art and speaking. As the writer, director and star of the Gutless & Grateful, her one-woman autobiographical musical, she's toured theatres across the country, earning rave reviews and accolades since it’s BroadwayWorld Award-nominated NYC debut. Amy’s “beautiful detour” inspired her to create the #LoveMyDetour movement, a campaign inspiring people to flourish because of, rather than in spite of challenges.

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Amy Pence-Brown

I have a masters degree in art & architectural history and my past careers include picking up the dead at night for a funeral home and being a curator at the only art museum in Idaho. I now divide my time between being a Radical Homemaker, mom to two quirky girls, Lucy and Alice, and baby boy Arlo, fat activism, , and doing various odd jobs in the local arts & historic preservation communities.

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Amy Turn Sharp

Amy Turn Sharp is a poet, freelance writer and toy maker. She wrote a poem everyday for the entire year of 2012. When she’s not writing, Amy and her husband make wooden toys for their company, . .

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Amy Whipple

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Ana Willenbrock

Ana Willenbrock was born and raised in Brazil. After getting her business degree, she moved to New York to pursue her culinary career. This is where she met her husband Jason who dragged her all the way to Missoula. She is a pastry chef and chocolatier, owner of .

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Andie Bridges

Andie Bridges lives in Santa Barbara, California with her husband, Dan, and their two small and sleepless boys. When not peeling stickers off the walls or picking play doh out of the rug, Andie enjoys writing. Her work can be found at and The Santa Barbara Independent.

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Andrea Condodemetraky

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Andrea Fifield

Andrea is a swim mom of 4 and bereaved mom of 1. Her writing is inspired by love, loss, and experiences from her 12-year teaching career. She blogs at .

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Andrea Isiminger

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Andrea Jarrell

Andrea Jarrell's essays have appeared in The New York Times; Brain, Child; Full Grown People; Role Reboot; The Manifest-Station; Literary Mama; the Washington Post and several anthologies. Her memoir "I'm the One Who Got Away" will be published later in 2016.

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Andrea Laughery

Andrea is a fifth grade teacher turned stay at home mom who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and spirited son. She loves the great outdoors, adventures, babies, motherhood, and traveling. Keep up with Andrea on her blog .

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Andrea Mowery

Andrea Mowery is a former market researcher-turned stay-at-home wife and mom of two children who are racing towards the teen years. Not one to shy away from admitting her mistakes, Andrea writes at , a blog about parenting and life sprinkled with hefty doses of self-deprecating humor, common sense attitudes, and heart.

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Andrew Cotto

Andrew Cotto is the author of two novels: The Domino Effect and Outerborough Blues: A Brooklyn Mystery. His articles have appeared in many national journals, including the New York Times, Men’s Journal, Salon.com, Deadspin, The Good Men Project and Teachers & Writers Magazine. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School. He lives in Brooklyn. Check out more of his work .

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Andrew Davison

Andrew has a diverse professional background as a marketer, digital strategist, product innovator and is a published author. He is married to Brooke, his wife of 13 years, and together they have three children. His passions include parenting, reading, yoga, and all types of bikes, skis, and travel.

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Angela Amman

Angela is a mother to two rapidly growing children, a gatherer of moments, and a weaver of words. Collecting her family's stories is a gift-in-progress, and she appreciates the chance to share her words as a freelance writer and share others' stories as a co-director/co-producer of Michigan's first Listen to Your Mother show. Check out her .

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Angela Caswell

I am now a former Army wife, stay at home mom, homeschooler, keeper at home, Christian woman trying to live the best life possible. I struggle to balance those roles and as a way of sharing what I’ve learned and what I want to do better.

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Angela Dawson

Angela Dawson is a home educating mother of three who can't resist cropping and editing the ordinary moments in life over on Instagram. Her words have appeared on Born Happy, Mothers Always Write and in The Green Parent, the UK's leading natural parenting magazine. You can read more about being human, raising children, motherhood and natural learning at .

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Angela Jamison

Bozeman native, mama of 2 girls, blogger about family and food at . She's also had a couple articles published on the website.

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Angela Keck

Angela is an online community and social media expert who uses her blog as a means to return to her love of writing. She is proud to be a contributor to the anthology, The Mother of All Meltdowns as well as several websites. You can find her at .

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Angela Opitz

Angela Opitz is a professional counselor with her practice in downtown missoula as well as school counselor at RA elementary. One of her greatest loves in life is learning and her kids school her every day.

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Angela Smith

Angela is an introverted photographer, writer, gardener, and hiker. A lover of all animals including the loves of her life, her two kids, Tyler and Jolie. She writes .

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Angela Youngblood

Angela is a mom of four who documents their imperfect, often hilarious adventures on her personal blog . She is a freelance writer, videograppher, runner, dreamer and doer.

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Angi Dilkes

Angi works as the Vice President of a small lobbying firm in Oregon. She runs on occasion, sweats during yoga and/or hip hop classes, writes, chases her energetic sons, travels, tries to garden, reads, regularly drafts new obituaries for herself, and eagerly seeks new adventures. Find more of her writing on her , where she strives to no more than mildly embarrass her children.

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Angie Frederickson

Angie Frederickson is a freelance writer and stay-at-home mom. She lives in Houston and when she is not carting around overscheduled children or dodging PTA volunteer requests, she writes feature stories for a local lifestyle magazine and blogs at .

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Angie Miller

Angie Miller--the 2011 NH Teacher of the Year and a TED speaker--spends her free time raising goats, children, and chickens. A teacher-librarian, she writes for her blogs and .

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Angie Warren

Angie Warren is a writer, photographer, & mama to three. She lives in Northern California with her family, and enjoys teaching others about photography and telling their own stories. Through love, loss, and a whole lot of grace - Angie shares her soul on . Additionally, you can see more of her work and details on the classes she offers, on her page.

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Angila Peters

Angila Peters, author of , is a mom of three children, and a freelance writer. She is a featured writer at Blunt Moms and has been published in print and on Huffington Post.

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Anita Manderfield

I used to both help direct a communications office and teach basic Italian. Since relocating to Leuven, Belgium, for my loved one's PhD work, we've had two babies. Now I build Lego towers and mediate disputes over sharp objects that really should not be played with anyway. With free time, I cook or teach myself the language of the Flemish people and their old-school painting techniques. Aside from my spouse and kids, podcasts are my most constant companions. I still dream of becoming a ballerina. Keep up with her on her blog .

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Ann Cinzar

Ann Cinzar is a wife, mother, former professional fundraiser and current sometimes writer. She is a regular contributor to Huffington Post.

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Ann Jamison

Ann lives in Wisconsin with her husband, toddler, and unruly dog. In addition to her day job testing software, she volunteers with and is the co-architect (with her son) of many lakeshore sand castles that are just as fun to smash as they are to build.

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Ann Klotz

I am a mother, teacher, writer and live in Shaker Heights, OH, where I am the Head of Laurel School, an all girls' school. My house is full of books and tiny rescue dogs. My work has appeared in Brevity Blog, Mothers Always Write, Community Works Institute Journal, Independent School Magazine. I blog semi-regularly for the Huffington Post.

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Ann Lonstein

I took my first plane ride when I left South Africa and moved to the United States with my husband and our eight-month-old son. While raising him and his two brothers I worked as a volunteer on issues to do with women, children and families. I have written about those issues in magazines and newspapers.I am lucky enough to travel and write a blog about my journeys at .

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Anna Ellis

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Anna Mitchael

Anna Mitchael writes a monthly column about motherhood for Wacoan, the city magazine of Waco, Texas, and blogs at . She is the author of Copygirl, coming in October 2015 from Berkley Books. Anna lives on a ranch deep in the heart of Texas with her family, lots of cattle and a one-eyed dog.

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Anne Flavin

Annie Flavin is a writer, an attorney, and a mother to her three young children. She is writing a collection of short pieces on motherhood and relationships. You can find more of her work at , and follow her on and .

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Anne Penniston Grunsted

Five years ago, Anne Penniston Grunsted was a data analyst living in Chicago. Today she is a writer based in Southern California. Her son and a midlife crisis inspired her to live the kinder, sunnier life. She writes about family. Follow her on Twitter at @AnneGrunsted or read more .

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Anne Reber

Anne Reber, author of the blog, , takes her readers on a personal journey through the last 18 years of her life. As Anne explores her past as it relates to her future, readers can identify with and connect to, the universal life themes of courage, change, grief, hope and love.

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Annie Tegen

Annie Tegen lives in Seattle with her husband, energetic 4 year-old son, patient 6 year-old daughter and insane black lab. Annie is a Northwest transplant from Wisconsin. For the past 14 years she has worked full time for non-profits in world of health policy, fighting to get smoking out of public places. Recently she started working two days per week as a carpenter's apprentice. She loves coming home full of sawdust on her days in the woodshop.

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Annie Valentine

I get parenting. I have four young children between the ages of 11 and 4-years-old and am a full-time mother, part-time everything else. When it comes to writing about marriage and motherhood I have years of printed published experience.

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Annie Wildeman

A lady of mystery.

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Anonymous Mom

This mama chose to remain anonymous.

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Another Mother Runner

Another Mother Runner was founded by Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea after the 2010 release of their first book, Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity. Online, the AMR community includes an engaged page, an active , and the usual social media outlets. Their second book, Train Like a Mother: How to Cross Any Finish Line and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity, complete with nine training plans, was published in 2012, while their third book will debut in spring 2015.

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Antasha Durbin

I'm a 27-year-old mama, graduate student and spiritualist who enjoys reading, , meditating, spending time with my little one and practicing daily happiness

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Anthony Wobbe

There's a chance I'm the owner of the most boring bio available. Beautiful wife (poor woman married well beneath herself), six kids, bald spot...and I could use a few sit ups. All that said, I'm a horrible writer but I make up for it by never having any good ideas. There's a few published credits (I'm huge in the free newspaper with a readership of less than five including my mother market), won a contest or two, but mostly I would have to say that my writing career seems to be little more than a hobby of collecting turn down letters.

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Anwar White

Anwar White is a single Dad of twins, Parenting Coach, and Founder of SmartKidParenting.com. He teaches busy parents how to maximize the potential of their children. Sign up for his free .

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April Derksen

April is a millennial mama from Manitoba, Canada who is just trying to do the best "#momming" she can while depending heavily on Google, her trusty topknot, and drive-thru caffeine. Writing helps her to make sense of the new parenting gig she acquired in October of 2015. She regularly and .

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Ariel Bleth

Ariel is a Missoulian who enjoys both the wonders of the Rocky Mountain West and the adventures of travel, particularly connecting to women and children around the world. She has worked on food security and economic development issues locally and abroad.

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Arnebya Herndon

Arnebya writes an often hilarious lifestyle where no topic is safe from being tackled. A three-time BlogHer Voice of the Year, she will be featured in an anthology from HerStories later this year.

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Asha Dornfest

Asha Dornfest is the creator of , and the co-author of Minimalist Parenting: Enjoy Modern Family Life More By Doing Less. Her next book, an illustrated collection of the best of Parent Hacks, is forthcoming from Workman Publishing. Asha lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and two kids.

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Ashby Bartke

Ashby Bartke is an eighth grade teacher and Mama to two children, living in coastal Maine. Her days are spent breathing deeply, laughing, sweeping the floor and sneaking goldfish crackers in the pantry.

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Ashley Kim

Ashley Kim is a Certified Professional Coach who helps moms who feel trapped, stuck, or rage-y find free freedom and joy, so they can take full advantage of each trip around the sun. She’s thrilled to have recently returned to her adopted hometown of Missoula, MT and to be exploring the path of worldschooling with her family. You can find her and on .

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Ashley Marcin

A writer for .

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Ashley Yaste

Mom of 3 littles who moonlights at a construction manager. I spend my nights changing poopy diapers and trying to remember where I left my sanity.

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Athena Tsavliris

Athena Tsavliris is a lifestyle writer with a focus on decor, fashion, food and family life. She has written for the National Post, Toronto Star, House & Home, Chatelaine and Today's Parent. Her blog, , is an online scrapbook of all things pretty, witty and irreverent. Athena lives in Toronto with her husband and three young children.

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Austin Graef

Age 16, originally published in Mamalode print magazine.

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Autumn Jones

Autumn Jones is a freelance writer, blogger, and co-producer of Nashville's funny female storytelling show That Time Of The Month. Her dream is to one day have all the clean clothes from the laundry basket make it to the drawers and closets where they belong. You can find her on .

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Anonymous Mama

Sharing my story, keeping name private.

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Alyssa Harrington

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Barbara Beaton

Barbara is a Montana native who loves to speak French. She enjoys travel, reading, writing, and her family. You can find her at .

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Bea Davies

Bea Davies is an Italian illustrator based in Berlin. She is the mother of Samuel Q Chand, aka Samurai, who was born to be a comic book character. She keeps a blog where she tells his wonderful adventures through pencil, paper and ink, watching him grow and hoping he will be the first man on Mars. Find her work on .

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Because I Said So

'Because I Said So' is a 200 words or less short piece related to a theme. To submit your own 'BISS', click on "submit a story" from the website.

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Becca Deysach

Becca Deysach teaches creative writing and environmental studies for Prescott College and her business, . She also works with people to gain clarity about their lives in one-on-one sessions and .

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Becky Holland

I am an aspiring writer who desires to make sense of my world by writing. I about my journey with a child with special needs as it is a way to download my brain for daily challenges and joys. My soul desire is to write to somehow help others with their journey and for the love of it.

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Becky Margolis

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Becky Schroeder

Becky Schroeder found her writing voice during her battle with and recovery from postpartum anxiety and depression in 2013. She has gone on to work for Postpartum Progress, the world’s most widely-read blog dedicated to maternal mental health. In her role she supports and advocates for moms all around the world who are suffering from a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder. Her writing has been published on Disney’s Babble, Mamapedia, and she’s a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and daughter. Follow her on or at .

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Becky Thomas

Becky Thomas is a mom of two fabulous girls who inspire her to create a lifestyle of sharing experiences together. To fund those moments, Becky is the majority owner of Bexbags, the Missoula sales rep for Willies Distillery out of Ennis,MT, team member at W Chiropractic, and Volunteer Firefighter at Missoula Rural Fire Dist.

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Becky Tountas

After ten years as an attorney, Becky retired from the practice of law to become a stay-at-home mom. This gave her the opportunity to develop her lifelong love of writing. Today Becky is also a certified Holistic Health Coach and a group fitness instructor. She dreams of having more time to write, but usually spends her days chasing around her toddler instead. Check out .

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Bella Butler

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Benjamin Allmon

Ben is , author and musician, and squeezes these professions around raising his two year old son. He fondly remembers sleeping and going to the toilet without an audience.

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Beth Fox

Beth Fox is an advocate, a writer, a mother to two little girls, and happens to be married to her best friend. She's just living life one day at a time, trying to take it all in and enjoy.

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Beth Markley

Beth Markley is a 40-something married mother of two, who holds down a day job as a fundraising consultant. As a blogger, she offers weekly perspective on mediocre mothering, fitness, and random other nonsense at .

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Beth Navarro

Beth Navarro, a.k.a. , is a blogger and when when not battling her kid's candy obsession, she writes children's books. Beth lives with her fiancé and two girls in California. Check out her and !

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Bethany Fitzpatrick

Bethany Fitzpatrick has a M.A. in English from the University of Arkansas. She’s a full time mom, and a part time teacher and writer, who loves reading, dancing, singing off key, and playing in the dirt. She has published poetry in the Apeiron Review and Cliterature, and has a recently published essay in Mothers Always Write. She has also self- published Becoming: A Journey to Motherhood, a chapbook of poems through Lulu press.

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Bethany Thies

Bethany Thies is a writer and the proud mother to four, young Vikings. She is the author of and the chronically unread poetry blog . She can often be found searching for socks, keys, discount non-perishables and a bathroom lock her children cannot pick. Bethany's work has been published in two bestselling humor anthologies, on several parenting sites and in old fashioned black and white in her local, independent newspaper. You can also listen to her pontificate on Vermont radio every month. Her children are unimpressed.

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Betty Sweet Atkinson

Betty Sweet spent most of her teen years watching Melrose Place, so had very different expectations for adulthood. She is the mother of three bright and brilliant children, one of whom has autism. She believes in words and the ability to change the world with them. Follow along on her .

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Birch Banks

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Blaire Eastman

Blaire is an aspiring writer, traveler, artist and proud mom to little Jeremy, who she has her best adventures with. New York based after five years spent in the Middle East learning about life.

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Bob Wire

Bob Wire writes words and plays music in Missoula, Montana. This father of two teenage redheads spends much of his time working frantically to keep up with his kids, but is usually a step or two behind. Fortunately his long-suffering wife keeps an eye on the ball and knows where everything is. Keep up with Bob on his blog, and learn more about his music at .

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Bobbie Willis Soeby

Bobbie Willis Soeby is a writer and high school teacher who, along with her husband, is raising two sons in Eugene, Oregon. Connect with Bobbie and link to more of her writing through Facebook and Instagram.

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Bonnie Robinson

Bonnie is a former teacher, current stay-at-home mom to a preschooler and toddler triplets. You can read about her everyday adventures and musings on motherhood at .

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Boot Campaign

Established in 2009, is a national 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to promoting patriotism for America and our military community; raising awareness of the unique challenges service members face during and post-service; and providing assistance to military personnel, past and present, and their families. Retail sales of combat boots, apparel and mission-focused merchandise, general public donations and corporate sponsorships fund programs that support military families. These efforts extend to all generations of military personnel who endure significant physical, emotional and circumstantial hardships resulting from their service and sacrifice.

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Boukje Eerkens

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Bradley Charbonneau

Bradley Charbonneau has written (for the past 1,474 days in a row) so his kids can strengthen their own memories of what happened when they were kids.

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Brandi Haas

Brandi Haas is the slightly neurotic and very sarcastic author of the new book, "Tales from Suburbia: You Don't Have to be Crazy to Live Here, But it Helps." You can also find her suburban ramblings on her Facebook page and on her .

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Brenna Jennings

Brenna Jennings is a writer, photographer and full-time web designer. Her resume of pro-bono work includes raising one daughter, two dachshunds, and writing about her adventures in accidental parenthood at

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Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson loves raising his kids. But he especially enjoys finding humor and insight in some of the more frustrating aspects of childrearing. So when Brian isn’t teaching English or singing “Let it Go” while trying to braid his daughter’s hair, he is cataloging the lessons he’s learned at . Connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.

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Briana Loveall

Briana Loveall is a recent EWU Creative Writing graduate. Her first year of post graduate life has included publications by Northwest Boulevard as well as her participation in the show, Listen to Your Mother. When she's not busy building tent forts for her five year old, Briana spends her time , reading, and pretending to fold laundry.

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Briana Meade

Briana Meade is a contributor at Early Mama and writes on about millennial life. She is also working with her agent to publish a book on millennials that involves a series of short essays on growing up.

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Brianna Randall

Brianna Randall lives in Missoula, Montana where she toggles not-so-deftly between chasing her young son, running her own business, and fantasizing about sailing off to a deserted island (again). Her work has appeared in Scary Mommy, Outside, Backpacker, and several travel magazines.

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Bridgette White

Bridgette White is a silly mother of two who spends her days driving her children to a public Waldorf school, sneaking walks along the river, drinking lots of coffee, reading stacks of books and trying to throw a little dancing in the mix. Read more about her life at .

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Brie Latini

Brie is a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and Jersey Girl. She is still a student of life and learns a little more as each day passes. Her brave, funny, sassy, smart son, PJ, is the light of her life and brings out sides of myself that she never knew she had. PJ has Autism, and it makes life as a parent that much sharper and focused and hard and wonderful. Brie shares her stories at her blog, .

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Brigetta Schwaiger

Brigetta is a mama of four boys, a writer, and an entrepreneur. After living in Los Angeles most of her life, she packed a U-haul with her husband and carted her family off to the incredible state of Montana. She can found navigating the sock and paper piles that plague her daily or up on the ski hill. Online, you can find her at or .

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Briton Underwood

Briton Underwood is a young father of three. He enjoys writing about a variety of topics under the moniker . His love for writing is only rivaled by his love for his wife. You can follow along on .

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Britt Grujic

Britt Grujic quit her 9-5 writing/editing job in favor of becoming the "lead parent." She is a proud millennial, a taker of baths, and a lover of wine. She writes (when her baby naps) about her experiences with motherhood at . You can also find her on .

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Brooke Conley

Brooke Conley is a well-traveled Southerner who fell in love with a Yankee. She is a part-time writer and stay-at-home mom to her two children. Her daughter is an intuitive and compassionate social butterfly who has for better of for worse inherited her mother's love of talking. Her son is a joyous ball of energy who courageosly beat cancer and stylishly rocks his extra chromosome. Brooke loves to connect with others through her writing and contributes to the Today Show parenting team, The Mighty, Mamalode and others. Her regular musings can be found on her and you can join in on the conversation over at her page.

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Brooke Kwatny Kravitz

Brooke is a wife, mom and attorney. Her hobbies include over-caffeinating herself, cursing and decorating her pretend beach house on Pinterest. When she can remember, she tweets at .

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Brooke Schoen

Mother to two beautiful girls and a widow. I enjoy spending my time with my daughters, creating memories and making the most out of each day. I love running, reading & exploring the world with a new sense of life.

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Brynn Lewis

I'm a new parent to an incredibly hyperactive child. I think a lot of moms lie to each other, and I want to provide the truth in parenting, with a spoonful of humor at .

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Christa Bri

Christa Bri is an educator, wife, and mother to two brilliant little girls. She dreams of solo Target runs and showering alone. Christa survives on wine, sarcasm, and sharing her musings about life and love with anyone willing to read them. You can find her blogging about dating, relationships and the married life at .

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Caitlin Copple

Caitlin Copple is a public affairs, fundraising, and communications consultant based in Missoula, MT. She serves as Vice President of the Missoula City Council. Her 2011 race was named one of the nation's top five LGBT races to watch by Huffington Post. Caitlin is passionate about creating gigabit cities across Montana, women's entrepreneurship, LGBT equality, and enjoying all the outdoor activities the Big Sky has to offer.

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Caitlin Jacobsen

Caitlin Jacobsen is a full-time mama of three, loves to write, run and write about running with her triple stroller. Follow her at .

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Camile Lindsay

I am a wife, mommy to two boys, Max and Myles, , and an attorney in search of my life's passion.

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Campbell Hoffman

My carpenter-husband and I can mostly be found out on a trail, encouraging (read: begging) our three kids to keep hiking. When I am not out on the trails, I am on another adventure, not altogether different: motherhood. Sometimes I write about it on my blog .

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Candice Conner

Candice Marley Conner lives in Alabama and has two amazing munchkins. Once she realized how much time and money she was spending at Target, she joined, and now organizes, a playgroup. She has poems and an essay at Mothers Always Write and has a YA mystery and MG fairytale retelling out on submission. She is represented by Lotus Lane Literary.

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Candy Mickels Mejia

Candy Mickels Mejia is a Gen X mom who writes for her own blog, . Candy is a mother to two girls and wife to a running-obsessed husband. After many moves across the US, the family of four (plus two cats) now calls Houston home.

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Cara Achterberg

I'm a blogger, freelance writer, occasional local columnist, and (hopefully) soon to be published YA author. You can find links to my blogs, news of my writing exploits, and inspiration for teen writers on my . In my spare time (ha) I teach workshops on Homemade Life, run our small organic farm, and on a good day spend an hour on the back of a horse.

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Cara Paiuk

Cara is a freelance writer whose articles have appeared in The NY Times, The Huffington Post, Kveller and many others. She is also an entrepreneur and . If that doesn’t give her enough to talk about, ask about her three-year-old son and twin baby daughters and she will never shut up. You can follow her on .

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Carissa Howard

Carissa Howard is a former litigator, turned wife, mother, writer, and contributor to ScaryMommy and MommyEffect. Her blog, is a slightly neurotic mother’s fresh take on the absurdities of modern mothering. You can follow her on .

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Carli McKinney

Carli is a recovering real-world job worker who decided to follow her dreams. She’s part- writer, part- marketing consultant, part- stay-at-home mom, part- wife, part- dog mom, part- gardener, part- fitness fanatic, and mostly vegetarian. She is currently working on a novel set in the 1950’s and subsequently is also part- researcher. In her spare time she blogs at about bringing up her three young boys (and one large dog) in San Francisco.

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Caroline Beaulieu

Caroline Beaulieu is a Boston girl by way of Texas. She lives in the city with her husband and their cat Stuart. All are awaiting (with healthy anxiety) Baby Beaulieu's arrival in September. She is a writer and brand strategist by day and by night she blogs about life with unabashed honesty at .

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Caroline Hand

Caroline Hand is a freelance TV producer, writer and mother of one who recently moved to the 'burbs after 19 years in New York City. More of her musings can be found in the pages of Us Weekly's Fashion Police and at .

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Caroline Lonski

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Caroline Moon

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Carolyn Moore

Carolyn traded a career in local news for a gig as a stay-at-home mom, where the days are just as busy and the pay is only slightly worse. She grew up on the same street she lives on today with her husband and three kids, and blogs about motherhood and her home state of North Dakota at .

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Carolyn Roberts

Carolyn Roberts lives in Scotland and works in mental health. Her work has previously appeared in , and on . She has just given birth to her second daughter, Kirsty.

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Carrie Davis

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Carrie Friedman

Carrie is a writer and mother of two toddlers. Her work has been published in Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and Brain Child magazine, among others. Her latest project is .

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Carrie Groves

Carrie is the amazing mind behind , a humorous blog about parenting and life. She incessantly and posts brilliance to .

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Carrie Nowlen

Carrie makes a habit of doing what makes her happy. She lives under the Big Sky with her hunky husband and wild, red-headed son and believes that laughing until your soul pukes cures pretty much anything.

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Carrie Tinsley

Carrie Tinsley is a Southern girl, a recovering English teacher, the wife of a very patient man, and the mother of three kids, a dog, and a cat. She writes about everything from parenting misadventures and teaching to poor attempts at housekeeping and DIY at .

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Carter Gaddis

Carter Gaddis is a Florida writer and journalist. His work has appeared in the Tampa Tribune, the Huffington Post, the Good Men Project and many other print and online publications. He lives with his wife and two sons in the Tampa Bay area. He writes about life as a father and longtime sportswriter on his blog, .

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Cary Lawler

Cary Lovejoy Lawler is the author of . She is married to her loving, goofy and playful husband, Josh. They have one daughter, Savannah, and a very furry collie, Bigfoot.

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Cathy Sun

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Cecilia Garcia-Velez

Cecilia Garcia-Velez lives in St. Paul with her husband Pat where they can be found on numerous sidelines coaching and cheering on their three kids or chasing their golden retriever. She works as a writer and editor and enjoys spending time outdoors with her family.

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Cecily Kellogg

Through her blog and Twitter, Cecily entertains tens of thousands on a daily basis. She was named by Babble as one of the Top 100 Mom Bloggers in 2011 (and Top 50 twitter moms in 2010). Cecily also writes about the business of mom blogging at MomCrunch for babble; works with AboutOne on social media strategy; helps companies navigate the momosphere; and partners with Plaid House Designs making media kits for bloggers.

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Celeste is a mom to a toddler and expecting another boy in 2016, and loves to write about the good, bad, and the "what the heck am I doing??" parts of motherhood. Published at Scary Mommy, Sammiches & Psych Meds, and Mommy Effect, follow her journey and learn about The Ultimate Mom Challenge™ on her .

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Christian Geyer

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Chaitali Gawade

Chaitali Gawade is a freelance writer living in Pune. Her writerly musings are fuelled by tea and coffee. Her work has been published by Twenty20 Journal, Daily Love, Postcard Shots, Duckbill Anthology and Vagabondage Press, among others. Check out her writerly musings on .

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Chana Frid

I am an attorney with a solo practice in Queens, New York, a former adjunct professor, and mom to a charming assortment of kids (the fish belong to my husband). My work has been featured on the Huffington Post and its German edition.

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Charlotte Fixler

Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the child’s work.” Fortunately, Charlotte never really grew up, and play continues to be her life’s work. A former elementary school teacher, Charlotte works as Director of Communications at ThinkFun developing games to equip the problem solvers of tomorrow. Tweet about play with @charlottefixler or connect with her !

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Charlotte McMullen

Charlotte lives in Pennsylvania with her farmer husband and their five daughters. She writes about her salty sweet life at .

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Chris Carter

Chris Carter is a SAHM of two pretty amazing kids. She has been writing at for almost four years, where she hopes to encourage mothers everywhere through her humor, inspiration and faith.

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Chris Treber

Chris Treber is a humorist and writer at . She lives in a tiny midwestern town that boasts a world-record-holding egg statue on Main St.

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Chrissy Boylan

Chrissy Boylan is a stay-at-home mom to three daughters. Her writing has been featured in The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor and Brain, Child. For more information, visit her .

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Chrissy Howe

I fancy myself to be a stay at home mother with the ambition to help other mothers relate to a less-than-perfect life. You will find more of me at where I tell my tales from the front lines of motherhood.

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Chrissy Kelly

Chrissy is scared, brave and does it anyway. She loves big and laughs loud. She writes about the good life with her two boys on the autism spectrum at .

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Christine Burke

Christine Burke is the , Manager of the Fecal Roster and Driver of the People Mover. In other words, she's a mom. An Erma Bombeck Martha Stewart with a Roseanne Barr twist, she has the mouth and organized cabinets to prove it. She resides in Pennsylvania with her ever budget conscious husband, two blog inspiring Fruit Loops and her extensive collection of thrift shop shoes. In her spare time, she runs marathons, governs the PTA like nobody’s business and drinks cheap wine to cope with it all.

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Christine Organ

Christine is the author of Open Boxes: The Gifts of Living a Full and Connected Life, which is a collection of stories about the paradoxes of parenting and the fullness of life. When she isn't chasing around her two boys or scolding her two ill-behaved dogs, she writes on . You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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Christine Suhan

Christine Suhan is a SAHM to three wild boys. She has an MA in Marriage and Family therapy but has taken a hiatus from the working world to pursue her passion for writing. You can find her work at .

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Christine Yu

Christine Yu is a freelance writer, yoga instructor, runner and wannabe surfer living in Brooklyn, NY. She shares her love of fitness and stories about her experiences as a mom of two young boys trying to balance, work, family, fitness and healthy living on her blog .

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Christopher Woods

Christopher Woods is a writer, teacher and photographer who lives in Houston and Chappell Hill, Texas. His published works include a novel, THE DREAM PATCH, a prose collection, UNDER A RIVERBED SKY, and a book of stage monologues for actors, HEART SPEAK. HIs short fiction has appeared in many journals including THE SOUTHERN REVIEW, NEW ORLEANS REVIEW and GLIMMER TRAIN. He conducts private creative writing workshops in Houston. His photography can be seen in .

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Christy Stillwell

Christy Stillwell is the mother of two. She writes about parenting and the writing life at . She loves to hike, swim, explore, read, draw and tell stories.

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Chrysula Winegar

Chrysula Winegar is a communicator, agitator and mother. Founder of Wake Up World Communications, she has spent twenty years in marketing communications, training and project management based in Sydney, London and New York with companies like Ernst & Young, NatWest UK and Estee Lauder Companies. More recently she has focused on nonprofit work with campaigns like #GivingTuesday, Shot@Life and the Global Mom Relay. She is the Community Manager for the United Nations Foundation's maternal and child health site, the Million Moms Challenge. Chrysula is passionate about social media for social good and was named one of Babble’s “Top 25 Bloggers Who Are Changing the World”.

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Chula Beauregard

Chula Beauregard lives in Steamboat Springs, CO with her two boys and husband. She is pursuing her professional painting career in the Great Outdoors and in her studio. She is single-minded about her passion for painting, but she also makes time for biking, skiing and walking with friends. Follow her through her and newsletter.

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Cindie Hansen

I'm a former TV producer from the big city, who fell in love, and somehow ended up in the suburbs ~~ immersed in all things babies! Now I'm a stay-at-home mom/freelance writer / blogger, with two amazing children and a zoo. I'm finally getting used to this crazy thing called parenthood. Wine definitely helps! Follow along at .

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Cindy Laundrie Marshall

Cindy Laundrie Marshall grew up in a large family in Green Bay, Wisconsin. After living in Missoula, MT for the past twenty years, she considers it home. She spends most of her time raising her two daughters ages 7 and 8 and in her spare time she teaches art, makes large paintings, works at the restaurant her and her husband own and plays guitar in a rock band.

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Claire Bidwell Smith

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Clara Kelley

Clara blogs about motherhood and her daughter at and is very excited to contribute to Mamalode. She enjoys good grammar, mojitos, nerdy BBC T.V. shows, and baking for her family.

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Colleen Kaleda

Colleen Kaleda is a writer, college instructor, nonprofit co-founder, and mom-in-waiting to two Congolese preschoolers. She writes from Oregon, where she and her husband train (and love) their 12 dogs, nine of which are a racing sled dog team.

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Cordelia Newlin de Rojas

Cordelia is the voice behind , where she chronicles her parenting adventures in raising her two global girls abroad. She currently resides in Bangkok, Thailand where she homeschools her children and protects her rescued dog from stray pythons. She is a regular contributor to and .

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Corinne Cunningham

Corinne Cunningham is a mother of two, writer, knitter, creative soul, embracer of faith, and an avid tea drinker. Her writing has also been featured in Emily Wierenga's Imperfect Prose and One Crafy Mother's Truthful Thursdays and Kindred Magazine.

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Courtney Conover

Courtney Conover is a mother of two under three, wife of an ex-NFL football player, and frequent contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Highlights of her day include tripping over Fisher-Price Little People and picking up cold macaroni and cheese off the floor. She blogs about life at .

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Courtney Fitzgerald

Courtney is a widow, mom, teacher, writer, photographer, and dreamer. She writes about her perfectly imperfect life at .

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Courtney Hanna-McNamara

Courtney Hanna-McNamara is a former English teacher and instructional coach. She lives in the Midwest but currently writes from New Orleans where she, her husband, and their two daughters are spending a sabbatical year. She blogs at .

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Courtney Butts

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Crissie McMullan

Crissie McMullan co-founded a to connect kids to real food so that they can grow up healthy. In 2014, though, she's taking a year-long radical sabbatical to spend more time writing, playing with her preschooler, and just enjoying life in general.

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Crista Orenda

is a progressive pleasurist, sex-positive parent and intersectional feminist.

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Crystal Calanca

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Crystal Cook

Crystal Cook, otherwise known as Qwietpleez here on the interwebs, goes by many names, most notably, Mommy. Proud wife and mother four, she is an Autism Warrior Momma and advocate for those with special needs and their families.She writes about about life and love, the good and the bad, the serious and the silly over at to retain what is left of her sanity. Sometimes to make some spare change for venti iced coffees, she occasionally writes about other things.

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Crystalee Beck

Proud mama bird to one, Crystalee Beck is a word wrangler by profession. Based in Ogden, Utah, she lassos sentences as a social community manager for a global marketing company. She celebrates the delicious art of words at .

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Caitlin Sundborg

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Chantilly is living a charmed life as a writer, wife, mother, curious kitten and wanderer. She currently writes the lifestyle blog from her home in San Francisco. She loves pretty things, inside and out.

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Daffodil Campbell

Daffodil Campbell is a professional mother - with 2 children of her own and over a dozen foster children who have spent time in her home and her arms, she shares her experiences at and in her book "Giving the Baby Back".

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Daisy Florin

Daisy Alpert Florin is the staff editor at . Her essays have appeared in Brain, Child, Full Grown People, Minerva Rising and Dartmouth Alumni Magazine.

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Dakota Nyght

Dakota Nyght had the perfect plan to be a crazy cat lady, but was thwarted by the arrivals of first one, and then two amazing children. Since she couldn’t qualify as a cat lady with two children and only two cats, she regrouped, left the work-for-someone-else-world, and is currently attempting to practice zen and the art of creativity as an artist, writer, and Mama. She documents the craziness on her website, .

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Dana Getz

Dana Colecchia Getz is a writer, yoga instructor, entrepreneur, mother and traveller. Most days you can find her enjoying the simple life in Pittsburgh with her family and one-eyed cat.

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Dana Hemelt

In her head, Dana is the next great novelist, stand up comic, fashionista, and interior decorator trapped in the body and life of a suburban mom. She writes about her attempts at being amazing at .

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Dana Robertson Halter

Dana is a working mom of two girls, triathlete, and a big "E" extrovert who loves living in Seattle, beer, oversharing, and making people laugh. You can check out the crazy stuff she says to her kids at .

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Dana Schwartz

Dana Schwartz lives in eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and two children. She writes about navigating the sticky (sometimes literally) terrain of motherhood and writing on her blog .

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Dana Whitney

Dana Whitney lives in Northwest Montana with her handsome husband, two above average children, and one below average dog. Her hobbies include, gardening, cooking, beekeeping, and pretty much anything that helps her avoid doing the laundry. You can follow her blog at .

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Daniel Kiely

Daniel Kiely currently plays drums for the Whizpops, works at Merrill Lynch, and lives in Missoulawith Wife Kay, and two kids, Hayden and Evelyn. He also has an intense fly fishing habit.

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Daniel Rose

Dan Rose has been teaching English Language Arts to middle school students for 16 years. He is a father of 3, and likes to read to and with his children whenever possible. Dan writes to capture the fleeting moments of fatherhood.

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Danielle Herzog

Danielle Herzog is the blogger behind , a blog for anyone who has ever needed a martini after driving a minivan around all day. Or for anyone who has just ever needed a martini. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, AOL.com, What to Expect.com and Scary Mommy. She also writes a weekly parenting blog post and parenting advice column called “The Sassy Housewife” for the Omaha World Herald’s site, . If it’s part of her life, she’ll write about it, except if it is about her mother, she promised her she wouldn’t do that.

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Danielle Lattuga

Danielle Lattuga is a freelance writer and editor who lives happily in Missoula, MT. Some people, we won't say who, refer to her as The Garden Commander. You can read more of her work at .

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Danielle Robertson

I’m a mom of 3, wife, graphic designer, flea market junkie, unstoppable home decorator and renovation addict. My blog, , is where I share my thoughts about being a creative mom.

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Danielle Stricklin

I live in Great Falls, MT with my husband, our two young boys, and our cat, Miss Edith Peanut. Years ago I acquired a BFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana, but now I mostly stay at home with my kids, train for marathons, and write poetry.

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Darcy Edmundson-Andrade

Raising my kids in Europe as an American is an adventure indeed and worth a blog of its own, but my blogging began when I signed up to take a one year alcohol free challenge on the website HelloSundayMorning . After many years of being the one who often drank a bit too much I found as I neared my fiftieth birthday that wine was becoming a cumbersome ball and chain. On March 6, 2015 I sat down at my computer,started writing, reading and discussing and have been sensationally, creatively, consciously sober ever since. My goal now is to enjoy my beautiful life while publishing perspective that I hope will encourage people to Rethink the Drink. I’m the proud mom of a of a sixteen year old girl and a twelve year old boy who publishes publicly in , on my as DEA and privately in a closed facebook group among members of the wonderful community from HSM.

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Darcy Perdu

Darcy Perdu shares hilarious true tales about embarrassing kids, exasperating coworkers, and the ever-perplexing public at . Her sparkling humor has attracted awards from Nat. Society of Newspaper Columnists and BlogHer -- but has yet to generate any respect whatsoever from her children.

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Daria Mochan

Daria Mochan. Wife. Sister. Daughter. Pet Lover. Biologist. Photographer. She answers to many titles, but her favorite is Mommy. Daria spends most of her time as a mom to 2 wonderful girls, each very special in their own way. Follow Daria's blog, .

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Darrien Michele Gipson

An M.F.A. recipient from the Peter Stark Producer’s Program at USC, Darrien Michele Gipson is the National Director of . She is responsible for the strategic planning and oversight of the SAGindie Outreach Program. A regular on panels and workshops, Darrien has spoken at numerous festivals and conferences. She has visited more than 30 states, 5 countries, and over 75 festivals to consult with independent filmmakers and actors.

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David Allan Cates

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David Vienna

Screenwriter and playwright David Vienna blogs about parenting issues at . He loves E.L.O., ’70s horror films, Philly cheese steaks and napping.

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David Yakos

David lives on an old farm in a log cabin in the middle of Bozeman, MT with his lovely wife and 3 adventurous children. He is a full time inventor, designer and co-owner of . If he isn’t working with inventors, designing indestructible dog toys or working on valves for NASA he can be found giving tractor rides, building forts, or down on the floor making up new games with the kids. Instagram @DavidYakos #placesIfindLiam

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Debi Lewis

Debi Lewis is currently at work on a memoir about her family's experience through Sammi's journey through medical adversity. You can read her blog at .

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Deborah Cruz

Deborah Cruz is the creator of . She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two amazing daughters and when she is not writing about how parenthood has changed her life in every way, she can usually be found trying to make the world a better place. Deborah has strong opinions and she's not afraid to voice them but you know what they say about opinions? You can find her most days .

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Deborah McGinnis

I live in the Long Beach, CA area with my husband and seven year old son. In his seven years, I have both worked part time and been a stay at home mom. As varied as we all are, I am in absolute awe of what moms (and dads) do each and every day to bring up these little human beings into society. No matter our outward differences or lifestyles, when it really comes down to it, we are all the same-just going through this wild journey of parenthood together.

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Deborah Mitchell

I've written for Salon.com, CounterPunch, CNN, Mothering, Brain Child, the Dallas Morning News and many others. My book, Growing Up Godless: A Parent's Guide to Raising Kids without Religion was released in 2014. I also write about environmental and social issues.

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Deborah Vincent Evans

Deb lives on a small farm with her husband, 4 kids, 2 dogs, 3 horses and 2 (and counting) goats. When she's not cleaning or cooking something up, she regains her sanity writing about things that matter to her for people who might be interested, too (unlike her kids!).

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Debra Cole

Debra Cole is freelance writer and blogger specializing in parenting, health & wellness and lifestyle content. She blogs regularly at , where she offers thoughtful analysis on issues facing parents today, with a side of humor. You can find her on , , and and as well as in New York where she lives with a patient husband, an impatient toddler and a neurotic corgi.

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Debra Schafer

Debra is the Founder and CEO of and she also runs a .

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Denise Cline

Denise Smith Cline is an award-winning part-time writer and lawyer from Raleigh NC.

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Diana Kane

Diana Kane is a wife, mom, and frequent companion to coffee and chaos. She is a proud supporter of ice cream cake for breakfast and perpetually struggles with being on time. Diana blogs at , where she writes about the less than perfect version of motherhood and recently published her first book, “Mama Needs A Cupcake.”

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Dina Relles

Dina L. Relles is a lawyer, writer, aspiring doula, and mother of three boys, aged four and under. She has a B.A. in Ethics and Political Philosophy from Brown University and a J.D. from Fordham Law, but mostly she likes to drink coffee and people-watch from her front stoop. You can follow her on or check out her fledgling blog, .

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Donna Brooks

Donna Brooks is an MFA candidate at Queens University of Charlotte. She was a finalist for the 2013 Iowa Review Award in nonfiction and a shortlist finalist for the 2013 SFWP Literary Award Program in nonfiction. She lives in Sioux City, IA with her husband and daughter.

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Dori Gilels

Dori Gilels is Mamalode's Publisher and COO. She has almost 20 years of professional experience as the director and founder of organizations, businesses and projects designed to build, nourish and mobilize communities around common interests and needs. She once told her husband there isn't a single thing she started that she didn't finish. Need we say more?

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Dori Gilels is Mamalode's Publisher and COO. She once told her husband there isn't a single thing she started that she didn't finish. Need we say more?

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Dory Arber

Professional single Mom of three amazing kids. 22, 17 & 5. Free-spirited, non-conventional woman who works full time in corporate America but never to be corporate Americanized. Writer, artist and above all and hands down my greatest accomplishments are as Momma.

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Doug French

Doug French is co-founder and programming director of the , co-parent of , a blogger, speaker, and cartoonist. But fatherhood is still the best gig.

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Dr. David Keim

Dr. David Keim is a practicing dentist in Kalispell, Montana, who combines private practice with extensive service to those in chronic need, particularly homeless and very low-income members of his community. Dr. Keim is currently President of the Montana Dental Association and is married with four children.

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Drea Rightsell

I have lived in Montana for 18 years, and currently reside in Hamilton. I live in a yurt with my two boys, partner, dog and cat. I am studying creative writing from Southern New Hampshire University and lead groups in a somatic trauma therapy called Somatic Experiencing. I love gardening, hiking, playing music, and playing games with my boys!

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Dresden Shumaker

Dresden is a freelance writer specializing in pop culture, women's health issues, multigenerational families and single parenting. She lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia with her awesome mom and inquisitive five year old son. Dresden has been chronicling her nontraditional path to motherhood for nearly ten years on her blog, .

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Eden Atwood

Eden has now recorded 13 CDs, the last two, on Japanese label SSJ won critics choice awards for best jazz vocal recordings in Japan. JazzTimes magazine heralded Eden as “one of the most undersung heroes of modern jazz singing.” For more on Eden Atwood, visit her Wikipedia page .

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Edward Weymouth

Father to a smart and active little girl. Husband to a beautiful and creative wife. Massage Therapist, Teacher, Writer.

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Eirik Johnson

Eirik Johnson is a photographer and mixed media artist who lives in Seattle with his wife Heidi and their two sons, Skye and Leo. Along with making pictures of his kids, Eirik has exhibited his work widely and has published two books, Sawdust Mountain and Borderlands. See more at or find him on .

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Elaine Alguire

Elaine Alguire is an uprooted Texan living in Cajun country with her three amazing kids. When not writing or photographing her kids or other people, she is blogging at , or posting pics on .

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Elaine Sheff

The author of five books on herbal medicine and healing, clinical herbalist Elaine Sheff has been passionate about sharing herbal knowledge for over 25 years. She is the Co-Director of , where she strives to inspire and empower students and clients to remember their connection to the earth, the plants and their own healing process. As a certified Instructor of the Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Methods, Elaine has helped many couples to avoid or achieve pregnancy naturally. An artist and writer, Elaine has written numerous articles about her family’s journey with epilepsy and a special needs child. You can often find her bent over an herb in her garden or marveling at small flowers in mountain meadows with her husband and sons.

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Eliana Osborn

is a writer, professor, wife and mother living in Arizona.

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Elijah Weston-Capulong

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Elisabeth Becker Topkara

I am a Sociology Phd student at Yale, studying immigration and integration. A native New Yorker, currently European resident, mom to baby Sami, foodie and coffee lover.

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Elise Free

Elise is a contributor on Felicity Huffman’s website What the Flicka?, Scary Mommy and The Mighty, with essays featured in LA. Parent Magazine, Literary Mama Magazine and on KPFK’s radio program, Motherhood Unplugged. She currently lives is Iowa with her 11-year-old daughter, Adelaide, who’s thriving and living life to its fullest and funniest, despite having Cystic Fibrosis.

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Elise Higgins-Steele

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Elizabeth Atalay

As a former documentarian and multi-media producer, Elizabeth tells stories and raises awareness for social good on . Her travels have taken her to more than 55 countries around the world, and she is currently working with to help them treat 2 million children a year for malnutrition around the world.

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Elizabeth Braatz

I am a mother to boy/girl twins and a daughter living in Milwaukee, WI. I am a marathon runner, group exercise instructor and freelance writer and blogger for .

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Elizabeth Broadbent

A mama to three sons 4 and under, Elizabeth dropped out of academia to procreate and spend way too much time tie-dying. A certified educator with Babywearing International, she still misses teaching freshman English. Elizabeth attachment parents out of sheer laziness, and writes about social justice and crunchy parenting at Manic Pixie Dream Mama. Her work has appeared on the Huffington Post, xojane, Mamapedia, Scary Mommy, and Time Magazine online.

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Elizabeth Hollis Hansen

Elizabeth Hollis Hansen is a writer, editor, mama and yogi based in Oakland, California. She writes to explore the gap between what we really feel and the stories we tell ourselves. Elizabeth is a student at The Writer’s Studio in San Francisco. You can read more of her work on .

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Elizabeth Rose

Mother, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Dancer, Dog and Cat lover, and struggling cellist, believes that sharing our thoughts with each other challenges, inspires and celebrates the power of being alive, of being a woman and of being a part of this incredible community called humanity.

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Elizabeth Small

Elizabeth Small is a lawyer by training, a writer by nature, and a wife and mother by calling. She is a regular contributor for , blogs at , and is writing a book on Reproductive Ethics.

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Elizabeth Spencer

Elizabeth Spencer is mom to one tween and one teen daughter and has been married for 20 years to a long-suffering husband who valiantly carries on as the token male in a house of estrogen. She lives with her family in a 100-year-old farmhouse that needs 100 years’ worth of work. Elizabeth blogs about life as an underachieving mom at .

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Elizabeth Thompson

Elizabeth Laing Thompson writes novels for teens, and blogs about the perils and joys of baby wrangling, tantrum taming, and giggle collecting at . She is always tired, but it’s mostly the good kind.

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Elke Govertsen

Elke Govertsen is the Founder and Editor of Mamalode. She has been featured in Real Simple, Where Women Create, 406 Woman, Ad Tech, and . She speaks on a variety of topics, from social media to overcoming poverty. She also leads the Learn As You Go lecture series for small businesses and is passionate about economic development in Montana. Her special skills include extreme bootstrapping, overcoming obstacles and creating opportunities. Of the many things she has learned by doing Mamalode? is her ability to work with absolute chaos/kids/mess just might be the best.

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Elke Govertsen is a entrepreneur and founder of Mamalode. She has been featured in Real Simple, Forbes, Where Women Create, Ad Tech, and listed as one of Origin Magazine's "Top 100 Creatives." She has been a speaker at The Girls Lounge, Adweek, C2Montreal, HATCH, TEDx and (her favorite) in classrooms. She speaks on a variety of topics from entrepreneurship to overcoming obstacles. She loves consulting in the areas of community design, storytelling and brand building. Her special skills include extreme bootstrapping, overcoming obstacles and creating opportunities. Of the many things she has learned by doing Mamalode, her ability to work with absolute chaos/kids/mess just might be the best. She is learning that slowing down creates more impact.

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Ellie Jenni

Age 10, originally published in mamalode print magazine.

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Elly Lonon

When her oncologist suggested learning a new language to help recover from chemo brain, Elly chose to learn HTML which led to the creation of her blog, . Her writing has been featured at SexIs, Craftastrophe, Sprocket Ink, The Celebrity Cafe, Divine Caroline, BlogHer and a disappointing number of now defunct sites. Her memoir, Lymphomania, will hopefully find a home with a publisher very soon. She really, really hates writing in the first person.

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Elroy Davis

Elroy Davis lives in southern Vermont with his wife and three daughters. In addition to writing, his hobbies include LEGO trains, board gaming, model railroading, mask-making, photography, and, most recently, scratch-building traditional skin-on-frame kayaks. When not creating things, he spends his free time learning how to create things.

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Emily Brisse

I have my MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. My work has appeared or is forthcoming in Armchair/Shotgun, Literary Mama, and Brain,Child. I teach English in Minneapolis, and enjoy a heavy slice of pumpkin pie.

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Emily Cretella

Emily Cretella is a content marketing strategist and copywriter, and the publisher of . She loves being mom to her two little ladies and drinking obscene amounts of coffee from mugs with pithy sayings.

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Emily Farrell

Emily is a stay at home mom who loves essential oils and roller derby. She also enjoys making, growing and birthing babies. She has one brilliant son and a tiny on the way.

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Emily Freeman

Emily H. Freeman lives in Missoula, MT. Her work has appeared in the anthology Best New American Voices, and in various print and online publications. She has written recently about motherhood at Literary Mama and The Morning News.

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Emily Gallo

Emily was a career woman, "Mommy!" in the pedagogical conversation, "Mom!" hand on the pulse of culture and art. "MOOOOM!" Now she knows what's really important. "Wipe me!" Find her musings and DI(Why) attempts at .

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Emily Grossi

Emily is a stay-at-home mother of two spirited sons and a canning and preservation instructor who can’t stop cooking. She also writes and photographs , a sassy mishmash of all things SAHM and food.

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Emily Hackethorn

Emily is a mountain mama & choir teacher, spending summers in Glacier National Park with Mr. Wonderful & baby Josephine, with one on the way! She loves to sing, play, collaborate, and write. You can find her blogging regularly at .

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Emily Likins

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Emily Loeb

Emily Loeb is a frequent contributor to Long Island Pulse Magazine. Her work has also appeared in the Long Island Herald. She is the mother of three young children and is often found shuffling them to various activities.

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Emily Miller

Writer & mama.

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Emily Mitra

Emily is an active member of her community as both a mother with two young girls, ages three and nine, and as a businesswoman. In addition to DOSA Restaurants, Emily built and operates DOSA Catering, a full- service South Indian catering company and acts as Vice President of Japantown Center Garage Corporation (JCGC), a non profit corporation benefiting San Francisco, focusing specifically on management and technical assistance programs.

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Emily Page Hatch

Emily Page Hatch is a freelance writer, therapist, and doting mom who has trouble drinking coffee and kissing her son in moderation. Her writing has been featured on Babble, BonBon Break, The Huffington Post, and more. Connect with Emily on and visit .

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Emily Smith

Emily is a foster mom in Portland, Oregon who has been married to the love of her life for almost 12 years. They have two adorable kids who keep them laughing and Googling. Emily also volunteers with .

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Emily Vera

Emily Vera is a mother of two, wife of a heavily bearded Mexican man, employee of a small nonprofit, and 3am writer of . She enjoys exploring her faith, speaking terrible Spanish, and skipping showers in favor of chasing her small children around the house.

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Emily Withnall

Emily Withnall hails from the high mountain desert of northern New Mexico and is the queer, solo-parenting mama to two independent and fiery daughters. Currently a graduate student in the Environmental Studies program at the University of Montana, Emily serves as co-editor of and her writing often examines the intersecting concerns of social injustice and environmental issues.

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Emma Swartz

Emma Swartz is a native Missoulian, and is currently a sophomore at Hellgate High School. She hopes to one day make the world a better place with words.

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Emma Woodward

Emma Woodward is a wife and stay at home mom to her son and stepdaughter. Together they live in the suburbs of Boston. She lives for girls night out, mani/pedis and evening cocktails with her husband.

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is a baby clothing company based out of San Francisco that makes some of the softest organic pima cotton baby clothing that you have ever felt. Best of all, with everyendue product purchased, endue will donate life-saving meals to a child in need. In this way, endue truly helps to make the world a better place for children everywhere. Founded and operated by CEO, Gary Hsueh, and President and COO, Nathaniel Faggioli.

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Eran Sudds

Eran Sudds is a photographer, mama, and postpartum depression survivor. She is the creator of the , and is passionate about making sure other mothers and mothers-to-be know how amazing they are, as both moms and women. Eran can be found on , and .

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Eric Ellingson

A father living in Missoula, MT.

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Erica Thrall

Erica is a financial services writer by day and a family therapist by night. She's also mom to one year old Hudson. In all her spare time, she runs and does triathlon. She's a graduate of Providence College and received her Master's Degree from Central Connecticut State University. She writes at The Mommies Network and Cheerful Uncertainty.

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Erik Montague

Erik Montague is a traveling actor, director, and teacher who goes across the United States to teach up to sixty kids an hour long musical every week. He is honored and thanful to work with Missoula Children's Theatre for all the opportunities he has given him these past two years.

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Erika Chapin

Hating to admit she's in her late-30s, Erika Chapin tries to capture the simple joys in life alongside her wonderful family.

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Erika Hickey

Erika is a wife of a pretty rockin' guy, Shane. She is Mama to two boys, Simon and August. She is an owner of a little toy shop on Missoula's Hip Strip that employs a plethora of Mamas and their babes. provides Missoula with natural toys and goods for babies and kiddos. The toy biz is only one of Erika's many interests/loves. She does some birth (doula) work in our community, loves educating and being educated on the use of essential oils, knits and sews as often as possible, and obviously really loves to make lunch.

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Erika Krumbeck

Dr. Erika Krumbeck is founder and owner of Montana Whole Health, a naturopathic medical practice that serves families in Missoula. Dr. Krumbeck specializes in the natural treatment of chronic health conditions in children and postpartum women. She lives with her husband Jason, a physical therapist, and their young daughter Annika. She blogs at , and is on .

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Erika Peterman

Erika Peterman is a photographer from Missoula, Montana and feels extremely lucky to be raising her kids there. Also a member of the Montana State Bar, she would rather be paid to sing in one. You can see more of her work at .

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Erika Wilson

Erika Wilson is blessed to live on a Montana farm with her husband and four boys. She is mama to the littlest one, and step-mama to his three big brothers. Coffee-fueled building manager by day, writer by night; she loves sharing her adventures being outnumbered 5 to 1 in her home. Lover of all things children, she has her Masters Degree in Elementary Education and hopes to go back into teaching someday when her baby goes off to school. You can find her mama-tales at her blog The Tired Mama Project.

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Erin Britt

Erin R. Britt is a fiction writer, poet, and essayist. She has a BA in English-Creative Writing from Indiana University and is currently working on her MA. Her book, Celia, is available through Barnes & Noble online and Amazon.

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Erin Byrne

A working mom exploring ways to embrace change, find new hobbies, and discover a new me. Leaving no stone un-turned in my search to for life outside of Corporate America.

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Erin Christ

Erin Christ is a part-time teacher, full-time mommy to one, with another on the way. Her true passion, beyond motherhood, is writing. You can find her stories, personal revelations, and parenting trial and errors at .

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Erin Curlett

Erin Curlett is a new mama, aspiring writer, and editor of the Good Mother Project. A recovering perfectionist, she is passionately committed to speaking the truth about life and motherhood in all its messy, beautiful glory in the hope her stories will help other women feel a little less alone. Her writing has appeared on Scary Mommy, the Good Mother Project, All In, and her personal blog, .

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Erin Duffy

Erin is a full-time mom, and a part-time attorney, preschool teacher, and writer. While she was busy trying to decide what to be when she grew up, she grew up. Now she is working on just being Erin!

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Erin Falagan

Erin Falagan has a true City Girl turned Country Girl story. She lives with her husband, two kiddos, a couple goats and one dog trying to squeeze in a love of fashion. On a sunny day you will find her in her own backyard sandbox digging a little deeper with her babies.

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Erin Fangboner

Life with Chronic illnesses while also being a parent and a wife and how all the little things turn into big things , so it all matters! One kid One husband , we live with my brother in law, three dogs, three cats…. Insanity. I worked in Early childhood education have also worked in Misdemeanor Probation. Working full time and keeping house and being a parent became too much about two years ago. I have been trying to find my way back to me since then. Some of that has been through writing on my blog, .

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Erin Frankel

Erin Frankel loves her girls beyond the moon and back again. She is a published children’s book author who hopes to bring more compassion and empathy to the world through her picture books on bullying (Weird! Dare! Tough! Nobody!). Erin lived abroad in Madrid, Spain for over 15 years before moving back to the states with her husband and three daughters. She currently teaches writing at the University of Pittsburgh and spends her most peaceful moments trekking through the woods with her family and doggie. Erin never takes a zero on Yahtzee, hopes to one day try her hand at stand up comedy because life it just too serious, and is eternally grateful for friends near and far. You can follow her work at her or on and .

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Erin Gilman

I am a stay-at-home mom of a two and a 1/2 year old and a one-year-old. It is a daily chore of mine to find the balance between being a mom, wife, and women.

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Erin Jones

I am a freelance writer, English teacher, and English graduate student from the Washington DC area. My previous publications include the First Day Press, Heart and Soul Magazine, Bethesda Magazine, the Gaithersburg Gazette, and the Montgomery Advocate.

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Erin Loranger

I'm an intern at Mamalode and a student at the University of Montana studying Journalism, Political Science, and Women's and Gender Studies. In my spare time I find myself lecturing anyone who will listen on the values of sunscreen and feminism.

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Erin Parsons

I'm Erin. I'm a mom of two under the age of five. I'm new to being a full time stay-at-home mom and am learning how to keep sane – well mostly! I'm a wanna-be baker, athlete and creative writer. I admit that I'm fueled by coffee, chocolate and wine. My blog depicts this new life I'm learning.

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Erin Scoles

Birth mama to 4, with a 5th due in May, and step-mama to 1, likes to dream about the day when she can finally look sexy while practicing yoga. Erin works full time to feed her gaggle of children, and will be done in the spring with her degree in Anthropology (11 years in the making). She loves watching horrible reality T.V., soaking in hot springs around Montana and Idaho, daydreaming about crafting (but not actually doing it), and making her children and fiancée, Casey, laugh.

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Erin Stoner

Erin Stoner is a local copywriter and editor. When she’s not pushing words around, she’s probably teaching yoga, playing Legos, changing a diaper, or tromping around in the woods. Missoula is her happy place.

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Erin Warren

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Eva Poulsen

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Evan Redmon

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Evelyn Shields-Cowley

Evelyn Shields-Cowley is a stay at home mom. She lives in Richlands, NC with her husband, children, dog, and two cats.

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Erin Britt

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Fiona Austin

Fiona is a wife and mother of two little girls aged 1 and 3 1/2. Originally from Canada with her husband originally from England, they moved to the Dominican Republic in 2008 to teach at an international school. One year later they had opened their own non-profit school and summer camp program and have been running that ever since. They live in the small, coastal town of Cabrera and love the close-knit, truly Dominican way of life found there. When not teaching, Fiona enjoys sipping sangria and sleeping when her children allow. Fiona blogs over at .

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Forrest Espinoza

Forrest Espinoza is the founder and CEO of Artterro. Forrest has a lifelong passion for art and is a self-taught artisan with expertise in many techniques and media, including paper making, needle felting, ceramics and pottery, painting, drawing, collage, decoupage, sewing, knitting and crocheting. Personally and professionally, creativity is Forrest’s #1 passion. She loves thinking of new business ideas, connecting with customers, and adapting to new challenges. She’s also an unschooling mom, avid gardener, biker, hiker and artist.

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Gail Hoffer-Loibl

Gail Hoffer-Loibl is a stay-at-home mom living in Brooklyn, N.Y., with her husband and two-year-old son. Her writing has been featured on HuffingtonPost.com, Mombabble.com, MrsMuffinTop.com and TheWriteMoms.com. She can be found sharing her thoughts on parenting on her blog .

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Galit Breen

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G.W. McKinney

Computer programmer learns human language, aspires to be novelist. Fiction attracts Garry McKinney with its openness to improvisation, unlike machine code’s defined opcodes and operands that must be in their assigned places, delimited by their required bit combinations; or the computer will fail, crash, abend … bomb! In fiction, there are standards, with exceptions that no one agrees on, so you are free to be somewhat consistent, or if literary; off the rail. Garry has four children becoming young adults he loves infinitely and is very proud of. He is a naturalist by nature who suspense, thriller, and mystery.

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Gary Sprague

My fiction and non-fiction has appeared in several publications, including the Raleigh Review, Writers Weekly, Grown and Flown, and Ripped Jeans and Bifocals. I also write a humorous newspaper column for the Sanford News.

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Gena Mavuli

Gena is a writer, mother and whole host of other adjectives. She loves to get out into nature to breath fresh air and exhale.

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Geoff Peddicord

Geoff Peddicord is a husband, a father, musician and photographer. When he's not playing guitar in VTO he's working as the Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Community Medical Center.

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Geraldine Carter

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Ghada Karam

Ghada Karam is a first-time mom who lives in Bangkok with her husband and her two-year old daughter. She enjoys gossiping about being a mom and about her daughter’s tantrums. She thinks tantrums are great. They spice-up her day. Her work has also appeared on BLUNTmoms, Bonbon Break, BKK Kids, Mamapedia, Sammiches and Psych Meds and Coffee Table Confessions. You can follow her latest news at , or get in touch with her on , and .

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Gillian Bishop

Gillie English Bishop lives with her daughters (now 14 and 10), her husband, and two dogs in Westminster, Colorado. Her essays have been published in the UU World and the anthology Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee. She's still writing with quill and parchment and has no blog, but readers can follow her at "Gillie English Bishop, Writer" on Facebook. Brynn just finished her Growing and Changing unit at school but hasn't expressed any romantic interests for half a decade.

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Gillian Kessler

Gillian Kessler can be found dancing to loud music, teaching exuberant children to appreciate language, writing in the early morning when everyone is asleep and exploring the wilds of Montana with her beautiful family. Read more about her eclectic and full life at .

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Gillian Sherrill

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Gina Ballentine

Gina is a wife, mother, and terrible maid pushing paper by day and sweeping crumbs at night. Her musings can be found at .

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Gina Fenton

Gina Fenton is an obstetrical RN, blogger, wife, mom of four and self-appointed advocate for special needs and mental health. She writes the over-the-top humor blog Extreme Mom for sanity preservation and her own entertainment. Gina lives in Upstate N.Y. with her family, two dogs and ThatGoddamnedCat. Her adventurous everyday tales can be found on . Her writing has been featured on popular sites like Mamapedia, Bonbon Break, BlogHer and Project Underblog.

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Gina Hassan

Gina Hassan, PhD, is a mother and clinical psychologist who specializes in the transition to motherhood, perinatal mood disorders, and mindful parenting. To learn more visit her website at .

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Gina Rich

Gina Rich lives in Wisconsin with her husband, their two daughters, and two rowdy but sweet guinea pigs. When she’s not organizing play dates or trying to keep her house from being overrun by Legos, Gina enjoys collaborating on community projects, training for sprint triathlons, and fueling her writing pursuits with large amounts of coffee and chocolate. You can find some of Gina’s caffeinated ramblings at and at MKE Moms Blog where she is a contributing writer.

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Gina Sampaio

Gina Sampaio is her computer tech husband’s worst client. She is, however, pretty good at writing, acting, crafting, and cooking. She blogs at .

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Ginger Beck

Ginger Beck is a writer and English teacher in Little Rock. She advocates for at-risk youth, sings in a band, and is obsessed with dinosaurs and space. She lives with her boyfriend Michael and their 12-year-old poodle now that her 18-year-old daughter has left for college.

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Gloria Hansen

Gloria Jean Hansen is a nurse/bluegrass musician/writer living in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Her stories of growing up in rural Kipling have been featured in her long-running weekly newspaper column for more than two decades. She is the author of five novels and several published articles in various magazines. In her spare time she enjoys camping and fishing, skiing, and playing bluegrass.She will one day retire from nursing and live in a cabin by the river.

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Gloryanna Boge

"The greatest thing I have ever taught I stole from S.E. Hinton. 'Stay Gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.' " Gloryanna is a middle school teacher turned SAHM in Kansas. Writing is her outlet at where she hopes to encourage other mamas with laughter and her faith.

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Jill Kravetz , Co-Founder / CEO, has a long history of business bada$$ery. Before starting , she founded and ran MiniLuxe, an incredibly chic, ultra-hygienic nail and beauty lounge in Boston, which she founded while a Partner at The Cue Ball Group. The mom of 3 relieves stress with 3000-piece puzzles. Prior to revolutionizing online beauty discovery and shopping, Laura Bronner , Co-Founder / CMO / COO, developed upscale nail and waxing concepts at MiniLuxe, Nail Bar, and Trim. The new mom loves running, hotdogs, chocolate peanut butter cake, and cheddar fries.

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Grace Decker

Grace Decker is in love with Missoula (her adopted home since 1994.) She's mom to Alden (5), wife to Josh, a swingin' honkytonk fiddler, and an early childhood trainer and coach. She keeps meaning to get out there and weed the garden. (She's also looking for a publisher for her first children's book.) You can follow Grace's Picks on . Or keep with her on her blog

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Grace Gibson-Snyder

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Grant Kier

Grant Kier is a Democrat running to represent Montana in Congress. He is the former director of Montana Land Trusts, where he expanded access to public lands and promoted agricultural and economic development.

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Gustavo Szulansky

Gustavo Szulansky is the Founder and President of Super Soccer Stars, New York City's largest and most popular children's soccer development program. Gustavo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has an extensive career in the arts and culture as a musician, radio and television journalist, record producer and published writer. Gustavo has a lifelong commitment to promoting and supporting nonprofit organizations and social causes. Currently, he is a Board Member of Symphony Space, a multi-disciplinary performing arts center that promotes innovation, excellence, engagement, and accessibility to artists and audiences alike.

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Hannah Harlow

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Hannah Mikesell

A young poet writing for Mamalode's Mouths of Babes.

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Hannah Murphy

I'm a working mom to two boys by day, and moonlight as a freelance writer by night. Raised by a single dad, my mothering experience is best described as "winging it". I love strong drinks, good stories, acoustic guitars, Jurassic Park and babies. I am 100% not perfect, and 100% okay with it.

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Hannah Lacy

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Hannah-Laura Henderson

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Hannah-Laura Rudolph

Hannah-Laura is a graduate of the University of Montana School of Journalism and Mamalode's amazing Social Media Manager. She loves to blog, hike, float the river, go out to brunch and call her mother.

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Harmony Hobbs

I'm a mom of three who is navigating the waters of motherhood without any grace or finesse whatsoever. My writing style is best described as "honesty and insanity in one fell swoop." My work can be found on my blog, .

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Hatton Littman

Hatton Littman is a phenom mom and the Technology and Communications Director for Missoula County Public Schools. In between school board meetings, school bond campaigns, the unveiling of 21st century school initiatives, kid carpools and listening to her husband, Hatton finds time to dance like crazy, practice Yoga, mountain bike and rock climb, paddle board, ski, organize her girlfriends for a surf trip and play scrabble. Hatton is living out and loving the second chapter of her life with her second husband Cameron Johnson and her two boys Weston and Ben. They make the most of the Montana lifestyle together.

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Hazel West

Hazel West is a writer, yoga teacher and proud mother of four who has been living in a small Dutch village in The Netherlands with her Irish partner since 2004. Her work has been published on Amsterdam Mamas and The Tribe Magazine as well as on her .

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Heather Dixon

Heather Dixon is a writer, copywriter and content manager. She’s also a Mom to three highly advanced little girls (according to her husband and her), a runner and a big time Judy Blume fan. Her work has been featured on Pregnant Chicken, Scary Mommy and the Mabelhood along with other publications. Find her on , and .

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Heather Holter

Heather Holter is a mother of 5 school aged kids age 6-12. She loves to read, write and spend time with family. She writes a blog titled . She blogs about the adventures and mishaps that occur in her family life. You can also follow her on .

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Heather King

Heather King is a freelance writer, speaker and blogger at . She is also co-director of Austin, where she lives with her family after growing up in Minnesota. Heather's work has been featured across the web (BlogHer, Literary Mama, Owning Pink, etc) and her writing and story have been covered by NBC Nightly News With Diane Sawyer, Redbook Magazine, Minnesota Parenting Magazine and Fox 9 Twin Cities News.

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Heather Spiva

I am a in Sacramento, California, spend most of my time swashbuckling with my two boys, and love selling vintage clothing through my Etsy store.

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Heather Spohr

I am Heather: the wife, mom, and writer of . I started blogging on a whim back in 2002, just a few weeks after I started dating a new guy. I’ve blogged through cross-country moves, job changes, pregnancy, loss, and all the other things life has thrown at me – including marrying that new guy.

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Heather Thuesen

Heather Thuesen is a die-hard coffee drinker, has a Montana heart and a serious love of Batman. When she's not falling down rabbit-holes and walking through the looking glass, she can be found trying to settle into a whirlwind life in Colorado with her two children. In attempting the balance of being a therapeutic massage student, sometime writer and all-the-time mother, she is hoping to take the leap into the blogosphere soon.

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Heidi Anderson

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Heidi Darwish

Heidi Darwish is a photographer who lives in Naples, Florida with her husband and three children. Her kitchen is her happy place, and cooking is her love language.

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Heidi Hamm

Heidi Hamm is a writer and mother of twin boys with the alter egos of the Hulk and Spiderman and their older sister, who is in training to rule a small, or large country someday.

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Heidi Roizen

Venture Capitalist, Stanford Educator, Board Member, Recovering Entrepreneur, Mom.

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Holly Collingwood

I am a stay at home mom by day and a freelance writer by night. My kiddos are 3, 5 and 7 and full of energy and crazy loudness. I love good jeans, snow forts, wildflower hikes, playing barefoot in the grass, jellybeans and homemade guacamole. Grumpy people, dogs and saliva are on an entirely different list. Read more about my adventures at .

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Holly Howley

I am a and lover of artichokes, who believes in indulging inner ramblings and watching them take shape.

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Inga Batur

I established my award winning family travel blog almost four years ago and have been creating interesting and most of all funny stories encouraging parents to travel and spend quality time with their kids.

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Ingrid Simone

Ingrid is executive editor of Toca Boca's , bringing a passion for providing quality content focused on kids, family, learning and a love of most things digital. She provides relevant and relatable content for families on the topics of play, technology and the kids’ perspective — and as the mom of two tweens who have been using the iPhone since the day it launched, these topics resonate with her both personally and professionally. For four years, Ingrid was the senior editor for apps at Common Sense Media, the nation’s leading nonprofit dedicated to helping families thrive in a world of media and technology.

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Jen Slayden

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Jacalyn Wetzel

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Jackie Pick

Jackie Pick is a former teacher who is now writing her way through what she nervously identifies as her "second adolescence." Her work can be found in the HerStory Project's Anthology: So Glad They Told Me (Spring, 2016), Multiples Illuminated (Spring, 2016), and on ScaryMommy.com. Jackie is the co-creator and co-writer of the upcoming short film Bacon Wrapped Dates, and she occasionally performs sketch and musical comedy in Chicago. When she's not in one of her three children's school pick-up lanes, she can be found on apologizing for not updating her .

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Jackie Semmens

Jackie Semmens lives and parents two young boys in beautiful Helena, MT. She writes at .

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Jacque Gorelick

Jacque Gorelick is a mother of two boys, elementary school teacher and wife. In the rare moments she is not consumed by children and to-do lists, she can be found reading, cooking, gardening, walking her two dogs, and trying to find her zen on her .

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Jacqueline Royael

Jacqui Royael lives in upstate New York and works as the Director of Operations at the Double H Ranch. Double H is a non-profit organization founded by Paul Newman that provides programs for children with life threatening illnesses. She is surrounded by the love of her daughter, son and husband. After they are all asleep she loves to write stories about them. Adventures with her family and the inspiration of her work provided her much joy and funny stories to share.

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Jaime Richards

Jaime works in a scientific research lab by day and Mommy to her son, Ethan, all the time. She lives in South Florida, but secretly would love to live in Alaska in hopes of never sweating again. When she's not being bossed around at work and home, she enjoys reading, cooking, sewing, making soap, and naps. Lots and lots of naps.

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Jami Amerine

Jami Amerine is a wife, mom, writer, and seeker of Jesus. When she is not writing her inspirational, and often whacky , Jami is on the go. Jami and her husband Justin have five children and are in the process of adopting their sixth. They are also active in the fostering program in their hometown in West Texas.

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Jamie Finn

Jamie is a bio mom to two kiddos, foster/”definitely-for-now-maybe-forever”/pre-adoptive mom to two littles, and short-term foster mom to whichever baby needs a home this week. The 4+ kids in and out of her home make for some light-heart musings and some heavier broodings on her blog, and as a contributor to the Huffington Post.

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Jamie Purdy

Jamie Purdy lives in the Montana with her rambunctious 3-year old and his loving father Zach. As a stay at home mom she spends her days enjoying everything motherhood has to offer. While her nights are spent curled up with a good book of her own choice or writing children’s stories that she hopes to one day be published. Keep up with her on her blog at purdysideoflife.blogspot.com.

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Jamie Sumner

Jamie Sumner is a writer for Parenting Special Needs Magazine and mom to a son with cerebral palsy and twins. She also dishes about infertility and special needs parenting on her .

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Jan Hershberger

Jan is a mother to her son, Lennon, and works full-time as a psychiatric registered nurse. In her free time she enjoys thrifting, fitness, writing, and photography. She can be found on .

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Jane Bedard

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Janelle Hanchett

Janelle Hanchett is a freelance writer in northern California and mother of questionable disposition to three children. You can join her in the fight against helpful parenting advice at her blog, .

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Janet Freeman

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Janet Garber

Janet Garber lives in what New Yorkers call "the country" with hubby #2 (a keeper) and two emotionally-challenged rescue cats. Her work has been published in literary journals such as Minerva Rising and Writing Tomorrow and in anthologies such as Up, Do and Growing Pains. She hopes you will visit her at .

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Janet Lucy

Janet Lucy, MA, is an award-winning writer and poet, and the author of Moon Mother, Moon Daughter ~ Myths and Rituals that Celebrate a Girl’s Coming of Age (Publishing by the Seas, Second Edition, 2011) and The Three Sunflowers (Publishing by the Seas, 2012), a children’s book for all ages. She has been a contributor to Mothering, Natural Solutions, The Sun, Skirt! and Real Travel magazines. Janet is the Director of Women's Creative Network (WCN) in Santa Barbara, California. She is the mother two radiant daughters, with whom she shares an irrepressible spirit of adventure. More of Janet's work can be found at her website, .

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Janette Eusebio Harwell

Janette Eusebio Harwell is the founder and owner of both and . She struck out on her own in 2004 to start Stir Design and Advertising. Then in 2011, inspired by her 2-year-old's obsession with old boxes and stickers, Janette launched Box Play for Kids whose mission is to promote creative play that stimulates curiosity, enthusiasm and learning in kids.

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Janice Scholl

Janice is a mother, traveler, and entrepreneur who said goodbye to her career and life in the US to spend more time with her family and explore Asia. A few years and two countries later, she is also using her experiences to train women worldwide how to start businesses of their own .

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Janice Wilberg

I am the mother to four adult children, three adopted as small children with special needs from Nicaragua. I write about adoption, feminism, social justice, aging and disability at . I've been published in the NYT and Newsweek.

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Janna Schuette

Janna Schuette is a wife and mother of her two daughters Saylor 5 and Svea 3. Janna grew up in Sweden and moved to the USA in her early twenties. She spent 12 years working for Google and recently went on a European Adventure with her family and spent 4 months in Sweden and 8 months on the road exploring Europe and Africa in a camper. Janna doesn’t consider herself a writer, though kept a blog of the family’s adventure called “Fun & Chaos” at .

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Janna Urschel

Janna is currently a part-time instructor at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT and professional juggler of school, work, and her two goofily gorgeous daughters, aged 1 and 4. She has at one time or another been a harpist, linguist, Spanish teacher, and dog musher, with a perpetual undercurrent of aspirations to the literary.

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Janny Cramlett

Janny is a freelance writer, author and mother of 3.

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Janya Veranth

I'm a . My husband and I have two young sons and I usually have some kind of poop on my shoe.

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Jeanette Perosa

Jeanette Perosa is a graduate Arcadia University’s MFA program. While not chasing her four children or teaching at Montgomery County Community College, she is writing fiction or traveling with her husband. Her work has appeared in The Thorn Literary Journal, Perspectives Literary Journal, Adanna Literary Journal, Delta Woman Magazine, Eunoia Review and is currently finishing her first novel.

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Jeanie Knowles

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Jeanne Alongi

Jeanne Alongi has been, among other things, a florist’s assistant, a pizza delivery driver, an emergency medical technician, a bank teller, and a writer of terrible poetry. She has a habit of not following the recipe; spends most of July glued to the Tour de France; and is developing decent campfire lighting skills. She lives in Sacramento with her 10 year old daughter and her 10 year old dog.

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Jeannine Harvey

Jeannine Harvey is the Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships at and . on Twitter.

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Jeff Bogle

Jeff Bogle is a stay-at-home dad who writes about parenting, family travel and All Things Childhood on his site . His work also frequently appears on The Huffington Post and PBS Kids, among other print and online outlets. He is married to an adorable redheaded gal and has two lovely little ladies under the age of 10 who provide him with countless hours of humorous in-home entertainment, and who get to do, hear, see and play with more cool stuff than you can possibly imagine. He considers himself one of the luckiest guys in the world, although he needs to be reminded of this fact from time to time. You can find him on , , , and .

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Jeffrey Dotts

Jeff Dotts is a full time dad and husband in Seattle. He spent 15 years working for young people from under-resourced communities. Then he got tired and decided to take the easy route and stay home with his twin, now-3 year old girls. Genius.

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Jeffrey Sparr

Jeffrey Sparr has waged, over the course of two decades, a daily personal battle to keep his debilitating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from consuming his personal aspirations and family life. He is the founder and CEO of , a movement that works to support people suffering from mental illness, and a father. Not despite, but because of his illness, he is uniquely qualified as an advocate, self-taught artist, and most importantly, an OCD sufferer who communicates and articulates a message of hope and a creative vision for making a difference in peoples' lives.

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Jen Bryant

I am a mother, student, and wannabe writer, currently living in the Midwest, originally from the South. My work has previously been published on Girlmom.com and in the anthology "You Look Too Young to Be a Mom."

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Jen Collins

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Jen Garry

Jen is a writer and the mom of two girls who are just as talkative as she is. She writes about motherhood, healthy living, girl bosses, and squeal-worthy finds on her blog . She also laughs loudly and eats a lot of chocolate.

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Jen Holman

Jen is a Canadian living in the U.S., homeschooling her two girls and following her husband around the world on his teaching gigs. Currently in Istanbul, Turkey, Jen enjoys her status as an expat (squared), being caffeinated and eating baklava.

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Jen Johnson

Jen Johnson is mom to four witty and rebellious young people spanning from toddler to teen living in a charming Midwestern town with her college sweetheart, their over-sized muppet, Sid the goldendoodle, an overworked Costco membership card, enough soccer gear to outfit the entire World Cup roster, and an infinite supply of sarcasm and dance parties and bear hugs. As an endeavoring benevolence practitioner and joy spreader and fellow human just fumbling through the everyday chaos, she started her tiny spec in the blogiverse, Choosing Kind, to build community and inspire more of the one thing she feels we can never have enough of on this planet: LOVE. You can follow her at her , and .

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Jen Mclellan

Jen McLellan is a writer and childbirth educator who advocates for plus size women. She promotes positive information to empower healthy decision-making during pregnancy, shares tips for embracing your body, and laughs at the adventures of motherhood within her blog .

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Jen Redmon

Jen is a wife, mom, and teacher living just outside of Annapolis, MD. You can find her writing about her attempts to courageously live out her everyday callings at .

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Jen Schwartz

Jen Schwartz, expert postpartum depression survivor and real, bad-ass mom is the founder of the blog, , whose mission it is to normalize the struggles of motherhood so no mom feels alone or as if she ever needs to pretend of suffer in silence. After kicking postpartum depression’s ass, she learned the importance of accepting herself as the mom she is (one who pops an antidepressant every morning), not the mom she thought she should be (domestic goddess and Pinterest’s mom of the year). She helps moms tell all those “shoulds” to go f**k off and accept themselves as the amazing moms they already are. Jen is a published author, influencer at the women’s online platform, Mogul and contributor at HuffPost, The Mighty, Thrive Global and Motherlucker. Her writing and commentary have been featured all over the mommy blogosphere at top websites such as Scary Mommy, CafeMom, Mamalode and more. She would love to hear from you on , , and .

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Jen Waldref

Jen Waldref is a professional speech writer, former journalist, and proud mama to three sons. She recently rediscovered her creative writing muse while attending the Write: Doe Bay conference. Jen lives with her family in Washington state, and is currently working on her first novel.

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Jen Westmoreland Bouchard

Jen Westmoreland Bouchard wears many hats, including mother of a daring and compassionate toddler, owner of , a boutique writing, editing and French translation agency, and lead designer at . She is thrilled to contribute to Mamalode.

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Jena Schwartz

Jen Schwartz is the founder and writer of the blog, . After kicking postpartum depression’s ass, she learned the importance of accepting herself as the mom she is (one who pops an antidepressant every morning and wishes playdates came with a bottle of wine), not the mom she thought she was supposed to be (domestic goddess and Pinterest’s mom of the year). Jen loves being a mom to her little boy but she loves herself too and never apologizes for who she is or taking care of herself. She wants to help all moms give themselves permission do the same because happy mommy equals happy everyone. Jen is an influencer at Mogul and a regular contributor at The Huffington Post, The Mighty, Motherlucker, and Suburban Misfit Mom. Her writing has also been featured on Scary Mommy, Mamalode, Postpartum Progress, Kveller, BluntMoms, Sammiches and Psych Meds, Perfection Pending and Mummyitsok. You can also connect with her on , and .

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Jenn C.

Jenn is a middle school English teacher who lives on the Southern Oregon Coast. She's the mother of two incredible children. She writes about her search for beauty in the present amidst the chaos of everyday life at .

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Jenn Collins

Jenn Collins lives and writes in Waukesha, Wisconsin. She loves running and Crossfit and is the proud mama of one son, Jack. You can follow along on .

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Jenni Chiu

Jenni Chiu is a writer, public speaker and best know for her 68% humorous blog . You can catch her on her and vlogging at as the latest Mommaloguer. She lives in Los Angeles with her two boys, husband, and two lesbian dogs.

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Jenni Frizzell-Fuller

Jenni is an English teacher at Hellgate High School. has always been an important part of her life: journaling, poetry, prose, and memoir all have a special place in her writing life. Jenni is a wife, a step-mother to two amazing teenagers, and a mother to a three month old daughter. She loves Montana and has lived there all her life, but she does have a bit of wanderlust and would love to teach and write abroad someday.

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Jennie Goutet

Jennie Goutet is the author of memoir 'A Lady in France' and she under the same name. She was a BlogHer Voice of the Year pick twice, and her writing has appeared in Huffington Post, Queen Latifah’s website, and the anthology for grieving mothers: 'Sunshine After the Storm'. She lives just outside of Paris with her husband, three children, and a naughty dog.

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Jennifer Batchelor

Jennifer Batchelor is a Nashville native, wife of the most patient man ever and mom to a toddler and preschooler. She openly admits that she is the messiest member of her household but makes up for it by always having dessert on hand. She blogs at about the frustrations and elations of her days as a (mostly) stay at home mom.

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Jennifer Beck Furber

Jennifer Beck Furber is a poet and a playwright, an educator and a school board member. She says her three daughters deliver life’s best work. This happily married Mama can be found often on a beach with knitting needles and coffee, a camera and a pen. Currently working on her second collection of poetry and blogging at , Jennifer lives on Washington state’s San Juan Island and co-produces and curates .

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Jennifer Belden

I am an uprooted coffee-drinking Yankee adapting to Texas life with my two fabulous kids, feisty dog and amazing husband. When I'm not writing on my blog Momma on the Rocks or working on my children's book, I'm shlepping kids to soccer and lacrosse and failing miserably at keeping up with the laundry.

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Jennifer Bosse

Jennifer is a freelance writer living in Kansas City. She was first syndicated through BlogHer, but also writes for KC Parent & KC Baby Magazines. When she's not writing for others, she's blogging for herself over at . There, she writes about the winding journey of life and being the ringleader of her family circus.

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Jennifer Cramer-Miller

Jennifer has been immersed in the Twin Cities custom home and design industry for 25 years as a marketing and client consultant and copywriter. In addition, she is the author of Live Happy (...damn it) A Journey of Acceptance and Abundance, and has been a featured writer on The Kindness Blog.

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Jennifer Fink

I'm a freelance writer, mother of four boys and founder of .

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Jennifer Gregory

Jennifer Gregory is a stay-at-home mom of two young boys and the writer behind the blog, The Runaway Mama. Her work has been featured on Scary Mommy and Mamalode, and she has been featured in the TODAY Parents Funniest Facebook Posts of the Week. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else except home raising her boys, but like the little bunny in Margaret Wise Brown’s classic book, she sometimes wants to run away. Read more at , find her on and follow her on .

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Jennifer Groeber

Jennifer Groeber is a mother, artist, writer, blogger. “Four kids in three years” is her tagline (because it’s irresistible) but perhaps, “She was once simultaneously in marching band and on the homecoming court” has more of a saucy John Hughes ring to it. You can read about her escapades parenting, reliving her childhood and obsessing over Bruce Springsteen at .

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Jennifer Haupt

Jennifer Haupt is a Seattle-based writer whose work has been published in O, The Oprah Magazine, Spirituality & Health and other magazines. Haupt's mini-memoir, "Will you be my mother? The Quest to Answer Yes," is available on Amazon and Shebooks.net. She is also the editor of the Psychology Today blog, One True Thing, an online salon of interviews with best-selling authors and essays about the moments that matter most.

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Jennifer Hillman-Magnuson

I'm an essayist and author, my travel memoir Peanut Butter & Naan: Stories of an American Mom in the Far East is currently a finalist for the INDIEFAB 2015 Book of the Year Award. You can find me on .

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Jennifer Humphries

Jennifer is a published children's book author, PR consultant, blogger and mom to 4 kiddos that range in age from teens to toddlers. She lives in sunny southern Arizona with her family. To see more of her writing visit .

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Jennifer Knickerbocker

With four boys close in age, Jennifer Knickerbocker is the type of mom who opens the mini-van door, and stuff spills out all over the ground. She is the president of a non-profit organization, a diversity leader and trainer, a human resource professional, a volunteer, a student, an artist, a writer and poet, a feminist, a proud Anishinaabe Native American, and sometimes, a stay-at-home-mom. And that is just for starters.

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Jennifer Linney

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Jennifer Meer

Jennifer Meer lives in New England with a wacky, unruly, loud and loving bunch she is proud to call her family. She is a writer and mother of two adorable redheads who frustrate her, amuse her, challenge her, and continue to teach her something new about life every day. Read more about Jenn at or keep up with her on .

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Jennifer Palmer

Jennifer Palmer worked as an electrical engineer until her daughter was born, but has always been a writer at heart. She now scribbles in her journal between diaper changes, composes prose in her head as she rocks a baby to sleep, and blogs about finding the beauty in everyday life at . She lives with her husband and daughter in the forested foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in Northern California.

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Jennifer Pett

Jennifer is a reader, writer, professor, and mama who is wrangling four young boys, often by the skin of her teeth. When not doing yoga, she will likely be baking (in order to prolong the inevitable grading of the papers, of course). You can also find her at her blog, , where she successfully avoids the laundry, one book at a time.

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Jennifer Watts Reggiardo

Jennifer lives in a 100-year-old farmhouse with her husband, two daughters and a ghost or two. When she is not , you can find her sewing, traveling, gardening or eating copious amount of pancakes with her family.

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Jennifer Reinharz

Writes for children. Blogs for grown ups. Teacher. CrossFitter. Mom. Jennifer is a 2015 BlogHer Voice of the Year and creator of the personal essay blog, Her work has also appeared in Brain, Child and The Mid. Visit her on and .

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Jennifer Savage

Jennifer Savage is a writer and mama of Eliza and Lucille. Lately, she's learning to be a farm girl, again. She writes from her home at the base of the Mission Mountains in Arlee, Montana. She is also one of Mamalode's favorite writers and you can fall in love with her too at .

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Jennifer Scharf

Jennifer Scharf is a Boston based writer and producer. Her work has been featured in McSweeney's, Lost in Suburbia Stories and Writer's Digest. You can follow her on , check out her and .

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Jennifer Stephens

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Jennifer Weedon Palazzo

Jennifer Weedon Palazzo is a mom and working actress.She is the creator/writer/and producer of , an online network of comedy shows for moms. When she’s not writing about the funny side of being a mom, Jennifer can be found eating Reese’s Cups while furiously bidding on vintage clothing on eBay. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and their son. Follow her on .

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Jennifer White

Jennifer White is an artist, advocate and story teller. She is the founder of , an initiative that encourages support for grievers by building memorial community service projects.

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Jen Marie Wiggins

Jen Marie Wiggins is an English teacher and PR professional turned stay-at-home mom. She has 3 boys and is a self-proclaimed "sort-a-ner". She is from Ohio but has in lived in Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans (the trifecta of beautiful southern cities.) She enjoys writing about her view of the south and life with children.

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Jennifer Wolfe

Jennifer Wolfe, a mom and middle school teacher, loves nothing more than watching kids be brave, courageous and navigate the world, Combining love, health and hope with a colossal amount of emotionally-charged inquisitiveness, Jennifer attempts to simultaneously slow down and speed up time by trusting fate and the global community to teach us life’s lessons. Jennifer reflects on life’s lessons on her blog, .

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Jenny Dunn Pray

Jenny Dunn Pray recently left her job as a middle-school teacher to stay at home with her three rambunctious daughters. She maintains her sanity by blogging at . (Ice cream helps, too.)

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Jenny Evans

Jenny Evans is a night owl, perfectionist, and mother of 5. When she's not cleaning juice out of the carpet, she makes jokes at her own expense and chronicles her messy life with a houseful of kids at her blog . You can also visit her on .

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Jenny Giering

Jenny Gierging is a musician, composer, and solo artist who holds degrees in Music from Harvard & Radcliffe Colleges and an MFA from the Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program at NYU’s Tisch School for the Arts. She has received many awards and residencies for her compositions. Her most recent project was “Saint-Ex,” a musical journey through the life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which won the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company New Musical Award and had its world premiere in 2014 at the Weston Playhouse Theatre Co., in Weston, VT. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two children.

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Jenny Jones

Writer & mama.

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Jenny Roth

Jennifer Roth has always loved stories and her favorite parts of her day are reading with her three daughters and waking up early to write. She lives in South Dakota where she spends her free time camping with her husband, children, and dog. You can find her thoughts about home school and parenting on her blog.

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Jenny Wu

Jenny Wu is a partner at the Los Angeles based practice, Oyler Wu Collaborative, which she started in 2004. The office has been published globally and is recognized for its experimentation in design and fabrication.

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Jess Townes

Jess is an occasional writer, doula and actress and a full-time mama to two boys and wife to a banjo-strumming husband. She writes about the journey at .

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Jesse Burke

divides his time between personal art projects and commissioned work. He currently lives in Rhode Island with his wife and their three daughters. Jesse's work deals with themes related to vulnerability and identity, as well as human's complicated relationship with nature. His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in the U.S. and abroad.

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Jesse Michener

Jesse Michener likes to tell stories. Her work as a photographer and writer offer an intimate glimpse into life, relationship and our shared connections. She co-produces the popular and is a Spark Grant award recipient for her work on the Tacoma253 project. Jesse lives with her family in Tacoma, Washington with her husband, three daughters and three dogs and is currently writing her first book.

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Jessi Marcinek

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Jessica Burdg

Jessica Burdg is a writer, stay-at-home mother and distance runner making it work in the Midwest. She blogs on her about the heartbreak and hilarity of motherhood and marriage. She is a firm believer in laughing together, lifting one another up and celebrating the most human parts of our unique stories.

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Jessica Cobb

Once a Privateer in a Rennaisance Festival, I am now a full time mom. When I'm not taking care of the Captain and our 4 Cabin Kids, I am blogging at . I am obsessed with pirates, addicted to the internet, and convinced that the dough is always better than the cookie.

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Jessica Dettmann

My name is Jess, and I am the blogger . I live in Sydney, Australia, with my husband, H, daughter, May Blossom, son, Garnet, and cat, Gusto. I am a book editor by profession, a mother by occupation (which makes it sound like my children invaded my life and rule it tyranically … which is only sometimes how it feels), and a writer when there’s no-one to talk to.

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Jessica Fowler

Jessa Fowler is a single mama of two - who hit a big bump in the road - navigating her way down an unexpected new path one day at a time. She is a soul seeker and lover of all things simple, intent on living and imparting resilience to her children by example. Writer, handmade shop owner, assistant preschool teacher, and Mama. She discovered late night couch writing to be a source of survival and healing and collects and reflects upon all that life is unveiling at .

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Jessica Garvin

Jessica Garvin is a single mom of two, Jessica is just trying to find the funny, in what is most likely NOT funny; like morning school drop off zones, booger walls and the "perfect" room mom. You can read more from Jessica at and follow her daily attempts at finding the funny on .

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Jessica Goodwin

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Jessica Graham

I . I read. I corral my children into posing for pictures. I inadvertently stumbled into living loud and it has become my anthem.

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Jessica Latham

Jessica Malone Latham’s writing has been featured in Brain, Child, Literary Mama, Mothering.com, Speak Mom and on NPR's local station. She has published various forms of Japanese poetry in numerous journals and anthologies. Learn more about Jessica’s work at and on .

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Jessica Malouf

Jessica is a Montana implant hailing from a Western suburb of Chicago. She is a mother of one and a physical therapist working for the Community Bridges brain injury program.

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Jessica Rassette

Mama of 3, she contributes to the Huffington Post Parents Blog, she's been accepted into the blog for Brain/Child Magazine, written for Jill Smokler's Scary Mommy multiple times, is a contributing editor to , and writes on her own blog .

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Jessica Rosen

Writer & mama.

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Jessica Watson

Jessica Watson is a mom to five, four in her arms and one in her heart. She lives in Michigan where her life is as unpredictable as the weather. After the loss of her infant daughter in 2007, Jessica left the corporate world behind, vowed to soak up every living moment and found her writing roots again. You can find her wearing her heart on her sleeve at her personal blog or on twitter .

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Jill Ginsberg

Jill Ginsberg has several 3-letter certifications behind her signature but the one she's most known for having is OCD. As a Writer, Holistic Nutritionist and the mother of three wild little humans, she relishes order, tends to think in lists, appreciates humor and doesn't mind offending people. You can find her at , a lighthearted lifestyle and wellness blog that helps moms lose their shit and get it together at the same time.You can also follow her on and .

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Jill Norander

Jill Norander is a wife and mom to three boys who thinks she is way funnier than her husband does. You can follow her on .

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Jill Robbins

Jill Robbins writes about adoption, motherhood and midlife on her blog, . She has a degree in social psychology that she uses to try and make sense out of the behavior of her husband and three children but it hasn't really helped so far. Her work has been featured on The Washington Post, Babble, Blunt Moms, In the Powder Room, The Huffington Post and others. You can also find her in the December '14 print issue of Mamalode. Hang out with Jill on and .

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Jinna Halperin

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JJ Landis

JJ Landis is the author of Some Things You Keep about growing up after the suicide of her mother. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children and .

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Jo Packham

Jo Packham, creator/Editor-in-Chief of , and partners with Stampington & company to produce these three best selling, award winning magazines. A successful entrepreneur with her own publishing company, WWC PRESS, she has personally authored more than 40 titles.

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Joanna Brichetto

I write at , and am a monthly columnist for BookPage.

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Joanna McFarland Owusu

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Joanna Yardley

Joanna Yardley is magic. She takes all of our wacky ideas and makes them beautiful. And we couldn’t think of anyone else we would rather go into the layout trenches with—you see, she is cool, creative and fun to spend hours at a computer with. You can find her at Yardley@my-design.net.

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Joanne De Simone

Joanne De Simone is a special educator and parent of two sons with special needs. Her work has appeared in The Huffington Post and Brian, Child Magazine’s Blog.

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Jocelyn Jane Cox

Jocelyn Jane Cox is the mother of an entertaining toddler and the wife of an entertaining husband. She blogs about the humorous side of parenting at and tweets . Her book, has changed many many lives, some of them for the better.

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Jocelyn Pihlaja

Jocelyn has been teaching writing at the college level since 1991. She has a husband who cooks dinner every night, kids who hold up hands requesting "silence" when their reading is interrupted, and a blog, .

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Joe LaBracio

Joe LaBracio is a television agent who represents production companies known for creating and producing shows like: Catfish (MTV), The Great Food Truck Race (Food), The American Baking Competition (CBS), Raising McCain (Pivot), Boston's Finest (CNN/TNT). He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Melanie, and his son, Milo.

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Joelle Wisler

Joelle Wisler is a writer, mom and occasional physical therapist. She lives in the mountains in Colorado and likes to run the crazy trails behind her house but is terrified of getting eaten by a mountain lion. This year she co-produced show and she blogs at .

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John Kinnear

I used to ask my dad everything. If there was a question that no one knew the answer to, I'd go to my dad. He always had an answer. It probably wasn't always the right answer, but he sure as hell had one. To me, that's the perfect metaphor for my fatherhood experience. It doesn't matter if I have the answer of not, the question is getting asked. And so I blog. And ask. And converse. Follow along at .

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John McElhenney

John is a mad, depressed, joyous, hyper, renewed, defeated, starting over, alone, homeless, single dad and this is his rant: an about marriage, divorce, and recovery from divorce. He is also the .

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John McKee

John McKee is co-founder of Headframe Spirits in Butte, America. When he isn’t being basically just a Dad to his kiddos, he’s also excitedly just a Husband to Courtney.

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John Sucich

John Sucich is a writer and comedian living with his wife and three daughters in Massachusetts. You can follow him on and or find out more on his .

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Jon Ziegler

Jon is the Author of the humorous short story collection and of the same name. But despite making dozens of dollars with his writing, he has earned his living as both a tree trimmer and tower climber for the past twenty-five years. He lives in Davison, Michigan in a crappy but laughter-filled house with his wife Cynthia and their two beautiful daughters.

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Jonathan Cristall

Jonathan Cristall resides in Los Angeles with his wife and three sons and is the founder of .

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Jordan Harrell

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Jordan Rosenfeld

is forever a first time mom to one son, and author of two novels and three writing guides.

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Jorrie Varney

Jorrie Varney is a registered nurse and mother of two adorable misfits, who chronicles her parenting triumphs and misadventures on her blog . Her work has been featured on parenting websites such as Scary Mommy, Mamapedia and Mamalode. You can also find her on and .

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Joseph Medler

Joe Medler lives in New Jersey with his beautiful wife and two strapping sons. He will tell you he is the luckiest man in the world. You can find his writing at .

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Joy Latimer

I am a forty something mother of two searching for the life less ordinary and using haggis and vodka to keep me motivated. Read more of my writing at .

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Joy Riggs

Joy Riggs is the mom of three teenagers. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous publications including Minnesota Parent magazine, the Star Tribune, Minnesota Monthly, and Viking magazine. She blogs about her family’s adventures in making and appreciating music at , and she is working on her first book of narrative nonfiction.

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Judy Honigfort

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, small business owner, and writer living in St. Louis. Catch up with me at .

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Juli Fraga

I am a psychologist in San Francisco. I also write for the Golden Gate Mothers Group Magazine, The Huffington Post and Psychology Today.

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Julia Arnold

Julia Arnold is a mom of two young kids living in the Twin Cities who is still coming to terms with the fact that her counters are always sticky, and her floor is never clean. She writes about the less glamorous side of new motherhood on her blog .

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Julia Howe Sullivan

Julia is in awe of life and it's many intricacies. She's not trying to be this or that, rather, she's trying just to be. She is the mama to a beautiful little girl, teaches yoga, loves hiking but also power-walking through busy city streets, chowing down on vegan food, and just generally working to spread kindness and love.

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Julia Markiewicz

Julia Regan Markiewicz is a freelance writer, advertising creative and mom. She is a newbie in the pump room and on the blog circuit. Follow her on and check out her blog .

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Julianne Palumbo

Julianne is the mother of three almost grown children. She writes poetry, short stories, essays and YA verse novels. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks, Into Your Light (Flutter Press 2013) and Announcing the Thaw (Finishing Line Press 2014) and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

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Julie Buckley

Julie is a part-time English instructor and a full-time mom of four. She lives on Long Island with her family and cats, and you can follow her . Her essays have been featured on Mamalode and Scary Mommy.

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Julie Burton

Julie is the author of , the co-founder of the Twin Cities Writing Studio, and teaches yoga and wellness workshops in the Twin Cities (MN). She lives in Minnetonka, MN, with her husband and four children. For more information, go to .

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Julie Kennon

Julie Kennon is a freelance writer who blogs about life as a 40-ish mom at .

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Julie Merritt

Julie Merritt is a mom of two beautiful boys and wife to a wonderful husband. We live in Missoula and love all the opportunities here for connecting with people and nature.

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Julie Scagell

In addition to a full time job, Julie is part time taxi driver, laundry folder, booger picker, and wine connoisseur. She has a Masters in Psychology which has proved useless in trying to understand her preteen daughter. She has the attention span of a gnat, zero sense of direction and loses at least 3 things every day. Except for a minor situation at a county fair, her children are not on the short list of items she’s lost. She is extremely proud of this. You can find her writing on . She has been published on Scary Mommy, The Mid, BLUNTmoms, and Indie Chicks (among others).

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Julie Severson

Julie Jo Severson, former PR girl, is now mom to a teen, tween, and pretween and a Minnesota-based freelance writer. When she's not trying to drum up copywriting work on , she's doodling about past, present, and future clinking glasses and making peace at her new blog .

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Juliette Crump

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Justine Solot

Justine Solot is a former attorney, who now stays home with her three small children. Her writing has been featured on the Huffington Post, the Elephant Journal, and Scary Mommy. She writes on her . You can also find her on .

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Justine Uhlenbrock

Justine Uhlenbrock is an epidemiologist by trade and a storyteller by hobby. She writes about motherhood and can be found on and on and . She listens to podcasts every day and is always in search of a new favorite.

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Jyl Johnson Pattee

Jyl Johnson Pattee is the founder and CEO of . She is a cheese lover, avid traveler, road tripper, piano player, and dancing queen. She is also the co-founder of the evo Conference and founder of .

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Kaci Briggeman

As a certified ISR Instructor since 2010, Kaci teaches survival swimming lessons and advocates for water safety awareness. She is a native Missoulian with a degree in Exercise Science. In her free time she enjoys playing with her rambunctious four-year-old, running, cooking and catching up with friends and family.

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Kaia Roman

is a mother, writer, entrepreneur, and communications consultant. She is also a regular contributor to .

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Kaly Sullivan

When Kaly doesn’t have her nose in a book, she wrangles and referees two elementary age boys and about her often humorous efforts to lead a mindful, connected life. She's the co-founder of Harlow Park Media and is the author of Good Move: Strategy and Advice for Your Family's Relocation. Her writing has been featured on Mamalode, In The Powder Room, and Scary Mommy. You can follow her on , and .

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Kalysta Fern

Age 13, originally published in mamalode print magazine.

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Kara Lawler

Mostly a mother, wife, and English teacher, Kara writes about the divide that is mothering her children while still mothering her spirit and the sacred. Kara writes on her own blog, , and for . She's been featured on the social media sites for the Today Show and has been published on Parenting.com, Mamapedia, Mamalode, The Mid, and Scary Mommy. Come, join Kara's tribe on .

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Kara Overton

Kara Overton is a wife, mother, and teacher who lives in southeast Iowa with her husband and two daughters. You can find her on , and on her blog, .

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Karah Hawkinson

Karah Hawkinson is a wife, mother, historian, and blogger from Minneapolis. She blogs about global hunger issues at .

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Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson is a writer at and assistant editor at Sammiches & Psych Meds. Often sarcastic and always passionate, she writes about all things parenthood as well as issues of social justice. Karen has had work featured on sites such as Scary Mommy, The Huffington Post, and Sammiches & Psych Meds and is a contributing writer in several anthologies. Follow Karen at the21stcenturysahm.com and on , and Instagram as 21st Century SAHM.

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Karen Peterson

Karen Peterson is a freelance writer in St. Ignatius, Montana. She works among the sometimes quiet sounds of her three children.

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Karen Southall

Karen Southall is recently married with two children. She lives in a rural village in Southern Spain and writes about gambling for a B2B publication and also runs two online directories and for some light relief and to use up any spare time she may otherwise have.

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Karen Vatz

Karen recently moved to the wooded hills of Vermont. She is looking for that perfect balance between kids and work, though most days it feels like plain old chaos. She finds calm and perspective while hiking and on long runs, neither of which happen regularly. She reflects on parenting at .

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Karen Weese

Karen Weese is a freelance writer and mother of two. Her writing has appeared in Salon, Alternet, Scary Mommy, Everyday Family, the Cincinnati Enquirer, Sojourners, and other publications. You can also find her on her .

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Kari Wagner Hoban

Kari is a stay at home mom to two girls and writes at .

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Karin Beschen

Karin Beschen lives in Iowa with her husband and two sons. She works as a psychotherapist and maintains her own mental health with imperfect art projects, photography and meditation.

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Karla Hess

I am a homeschooling mother of three daughters, ages 9 years, 5 years, and 6 months. I live in Arlington, Texas. I cope with life in a hectic world by reading creative non-fiction, getting outdoors and baking too many fruit pies. You can follow along on her .

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Karla Perkins

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Kate Abbott

Kate Abbott is a mother, runner, yoga instructor and recovering attorney. She delights in writing from the heart. Her first novel, Running Through the Wormhole, was published in March 2015. Her second novel, Asana of Malevolence, will be published in spring 2016.

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Kate Felton

Kate Felton is a writer and an artist, who lives in Los Angeles with one unbelievably well-mannered dog, three delightfully unruly children, and her eternally patient husband. Her daughter, Penny, was diagnosed with Type 1 in December of 2015, at the age of three. Kate blogs at www.notsurehowtodayends.com, and writes elsewhere on the interwebs. When she isn't chasing children, she produces theatre and sits on the boards of several nonprofits.

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Kate Fries

Kate Fries lives with her husband and tween sons in Central California, where she is a journalist at a mid-sized newspaper. Her work has also appeared in Good Housekeeping, Huffington Post, and Club Mid. She can often be found running and listening to comedy podcasts.

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Kate Groepper

I’m a part time Spanish teacher and full time mom, carrying around a traveler’s heart that's grown new roots in suburbia. Daily life includes a hectic race to and from work, parent switcheroo, and chase of my two boys through the afternoon. Summer affords me the chance for pure play, some writing and a chance to catch my breath and look in the mirror.

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Kate Hopper

Kate Hopper is the author of Ready for Air: A Journey Through Premature Motherhood and Use Your Words: A Writing Guide for Mothers. Her writing has appeared in a number of magazines and journals, including Brevity, Literary Mama, The New York Times online, and Poets & Writers. For more information about Kate’s writing, retreats and classes, visit her website, , or her blog, .

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Kate Koch-Sundquist

Kate is an adventurer, sailor, blogger and mom, based in the Boston area. She holds a master’s degree in education, captain’s licenses in the US, the UK and Australia, and a school of life degree in toddler wrangling. Kate founded as a result of her family’s New Year’s resolution to spend time playing outside every day in 2015.

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Kate Milliken

Kate Milliken is a mother of two who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. When not working to create a healing environment through storytelling, she runs an independent production company, , that produces high end mini-documentaries for private clients.

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Kate Orson

Kate Orson is a mother to a five-year-old daughter. She works as a freelance writer, Hand in Hand Parenting instructor, and is author of Tears Heal: How to listen to our children. You can follow her or find her on .

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Kate Rosin

Kate Rosin is a freelance writer and editor. She lives outside Philadelphia with her husband, two daughters, two dogs, and the occasional foster child.

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Kate T. Parker

Kate Parker is a commercial and fine art photographer, mother and athlete who calls Atlanta home. Her work has been featured in galleries in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles among others. Kate was inspired by her own athletic career, playing collegiate soccer at Wake Forest, she was surrounded by amazing women whose value was not determined by how they looked, rather what they did. She wanted to inspire this same feeling in her own girls and others with her project.

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Kate Walton

I’m Kate: the mama and wife that wants to have a clean house and a Pinteresty summer with the kids and a delicious meal on the table every night. But I always come up a bit short feeling a frazzled hot mess. I live life on my latest . Follow along on , and .

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Katherine Stanley Obando

Katherine is a writer and editor living with her husband and two-year-old daughter in Costa Rica. She blogs about motherhood far from home at .

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Katherine Vincent

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Kathleen Harris

Kathleen McKitty Harris is a writer, native New Yorker, wife and mother living in northern New Jersey with her husband and two children. Some of her work has appeared online and in print at The Rumpus, McSweeney’s, The Huffington Post, Literary Mama, and Family Fun Magazine. She's also been named as a Glimmer Train Press short story finalist, and as a three-time finalist at the Woodstock Writers’ Festival Story Slam. Visit her blog, , where she regularly posts.

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Kathleen Siddell

Kathleen recently moved with her family from Shanghai, China, to Singapore. While she resists the term "mommy blogger," she reluctantly admits that she is a mother with a blog. You can read about her family's sometimes ordinary/sometimes extraordinary adventures living abroad at .

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Kathleen Sullivan

I am a freelance writer whose work has been published on: Huffington Post, The Mid, xojane, and Mommyish. I am also the author and creator of my own blog .

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Kathrena Rivera

Mother, Photographer & random thought collector fit nicely.

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Kathryn Leehane

Kathryn Leehane is a mom and a writer living in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two children. Along with inhaling books, bacon and Pinot Noir, she writes the humor blog, , where she shares twisted stories about her life as a mother, wife, friend and wine-drinker in suburbia. She is a contributing author to several anthologies, and her essays have also been featured on BLUNTmoms, The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, and more. You can follow Foxy Wine Pocket on and .

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Kathryn Streeter

Freelance writer, traveler, mom and wife. about people and places. Highly mobile--she's moved 22 times in 23 married years.

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Kathy Glow

Kathy Glow lives in a house of all males-a husband and four lively boys. When she is not wiping boy stuff off walls or driving all over town in her mini-van, she is blogging about what life is really like after all your dreams come true, including the loss of one of her sons to cancer. Her blog is .

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Kathy Roller

Kathy Roller, mother of three boys (Chris--21 and still needs money weekly, Eli--13 genius IQ, even smarter mouth, and Isaac--8 our special needs angel who was taken too soon). I love our boys, dogs, the outdoors...and my job helping people.

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Katie Anthony

Katie lives in Seattle with her husband and two sons, and is the only person in her family (including the one-year-old) who can't tell the difference between an excavator and a backhoe loader. Please don't try to explain it to her. Katie blogs at .

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Katie Blackie

Katie lives on the east coast of Canada and is a single mother to a beautiful baby girl named Charlotte. When she's not busy raising her daughter, working full time, writing, or taking pictures, she spends what little free-time she has trying to figure out how to make a living off of eating chocolate and drinking wine. Her work has been featured on Scary Mommy. You can check out her blog at .

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Katie Greulich

Katie Greulich is a wife and mother of one (so far) living in New Jersey. She is a columnist and regular contributor for two local magazines. Her work has appeared in the anthology "Oh Sandy! An Anthology of Humor for a Serious Purpose," and online on Mom Babble & The Good Mother Project. Connect with her on and .

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Katie Chiavarone

Writer & mama.

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Katie Coppens

Katie Coppens is a middle school science and English teacher. She lives in Maine with her husband and two children. For more information on her publications please visit her .

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Katie Lockwood

Katie Lockwood, MD, is a pediatrician and mother of two in Philadelphia. She writes at blog.

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Katie Marsh

Katie is a mother of four, three here on Earth and one watching over from above. She's a photographer by schooling, her camera rarely leaves her side. She's an avid concert goer, pickle lover and planter of flowers.

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Katie Mitchell

I am a mom of two and a composition instructor at a small university in Georgia. I write regularly at MamatheReader.com, and my work has been featured on Sweatpants and Coffee, Coffee + Crumbs, Mothers Always Write, Huffington Post, and Mamalode's own MamaNomNom.

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Katie Moore

Katie Yackley Moore is a freelance writer, yoga instructor and momma of four wild and beautiful warriors. Catch up with her between tea & wine breaks at .

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Katie Petersen

Katie Petersen is a 12-year veteran with the Missoula Police Department specializing in investigating sexual crimes against children and is assigned to the newly formed Sexual Violence Unit. She volunteers with the Parenting Place Child Abuse Prevention Center, is a member of the First Step Children's Advocacy Center Multidisciplinary Team, is part of the Child Protection Team, and has helped form the Missoula Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Team. She can be reached at kpetersen@ci.missoula.mt.us.

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Katie Read

Katie Read blogs about autism parenting and motherhood at . She is also the Executive Editor of Psyched Magazine, and a Marriage and Family Therapist. Her work has been featured at Psyched Magazine, Motherwell Magazine, Autism Speaks, The Mighty, Autism Awareness.com, and others.

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Katie Shea Britton

Katie Shea Britton was perfectly comfortable with having nothing in her life figured out, and then she became a mom and realized life could become even more confusing. She loves her three girls fully, laughs through the days with her favorite husband, and tries to capture snippets of the glorious insanity for posterity.

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Katrina Gonzalez-Viyar

Katrina is a wife, mother, nurse and closet writer who uses journaling and writing for stress-relieving purposes. Devoted mommy to a spirited little girl. She writes at .

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Katrina Willis

Katrina Willis is a Hoosier currently living in Ohio and is married to her high school sweetheart and a mom of 4 kids. An author and essayist, Katrina was named a Midwest Writers Fellow, participated in the 2013 Indianapolis "Listen to Your Mother" show, and is the resident "Mom" blogger for Indy's Child magazine. When she's not reading, running (slowly), or pouring a glass of Cabernet, you can find her here on her site, , or on .

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Katy Clark

Katy M. Clark is a writer who embraces her imperfections as a mom at . Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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Kay Bolden

Kay Bolden is a travel writer, speaker and single mom. The daughter of civil rights activists, she spent a good portion of her childhood on a picket line. She and KayBolden about her travels and when she’s not trekking, she runs urban farming and girls’ empowerment programs in Joliet, Illinois.

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Keenan McGrath

Keenan McGrath lives in Charlotte, NC where she tries to cultivate a lifestyle of fabulocity while raising 2 kids and husband who worship the quicksand she walks on.

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Kelli Raleigh

Kelli lives in Colorado with her daughter Ruby. She spends her days working for JDRF as an Outreach Manager and her free time dancing in the kitchen (sometimes even cooking), traveling, blogging, enjoying the sunshine and working out. In 1992, Kelli’s older brother was diagnosed with T1D and 10 years later, she received the same diagnosis. Her life goal is for Ruby to one day say, “My mom used to have T1D, but now we have a cure.”

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Kelly Bandas

Half stay-at-home-mom, half speech language pathologist, Kelly Bandas is that sexy hybrid of SAHM/WOH* momma that just couldn’t commit to one lifestyle. is a peek inside her world of raising two boys, playing Yahtzee with her husband and doing all sorts of other grownup-y stuff, without having to act too grownup-y about it.

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Kelly Arnell

Kelly Arnell is a stay at home mom from Wisconsin. She has a husband who is completely in charge of bath time, 3 little monsters to cherish and love and to drive her insane! When she is not yelling at her kids to stop licking things, changing poopy diapers or trying to all around keep her kids fed, clothed and alive, she can be found at her at her blog, Visit her on and .

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Kelly Colloff

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Kelly Coloff

Kelly found her way from Southern Colorado to Kalispell Montana where she lives with her husband, two boys and their sweet Bernese Mountain Dog. She works part-time as a Nurse Practitioner and spends the rest of her time with her family adventuring on trails, rivers, lakes, and in the backyard. Kelly and her sister write about gardening, nature, and mothering at .

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Kelly Crosby

Kelly Crosby is a mother, group fitness instructor, fitness director, former Army officer and personal fitness trainer.

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Kelly Flanagan

Kelly is a licensed clinical psychologist and a writer. He also blogs at about all topics redemptive, including marriage and parenting. Kelly is married and has three children and enjoys learning from them how to be a kid again.

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Kelly Hirt

Kelly Hirt is a mother, teacher & writer. She started her site as a way to connect and educate others about twice-exceptional children. In addition to her site and her Huffington Post blog, Kelly's work has been seen in Parent Map, Macaroni Kids, In the Powder Room, What The Flicka, Brain Child's blog, and many other sites. When Kelly is not writing articles on her phone in a coffee shop, she is homeschooling her son, playing with her two dogs, or enjoying movies with her family.

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Kelly Meyers

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Kelly Sage

Kelly Sage writes about living simply and the joy of doing so on her blog . After nine years of teaching middle and high school English, Kelly has decided to homeschool and put more energy into her love of writing. She facilitates writing circles at Writing for a Change in Bloomington, IN., loves to be outside, and put good food on the family table.

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Kelly Seaman

I'm Kelly. I live just outside of Austin, Texas with my husband, who I stalked til he loved me, and our three gorgeous babies, Hendrix, Roscoe and Magnolia. I am deeply passionate about the people in my life, and I am currently trying to figure out how to time travel so we can go back and do this fun stuff all over again. Come hang out with me on my .

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Kelly Suellentrop

Kelly Suellentrop is an author, illustrator, and blogger. When she is not working on a new children’s book, she is blogging at about things like getting hit on by Chuck E. Cheese and her children dancing on Betsy Ross' grave.

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Kids in the House

is the world’s largest parenting video library with over 8,000 videos from 450 top experts. Parents have the opportunity to hear and share different perspectives and get solutions for parenting challenges that range from pregnancy through getting into college. Kids in the House aims to be the most comprehensive resource for parenting advice, one that respects the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

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Kiff Gallagher

is an entrepreneur, investor and founder and CEO of .

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Kim Bongiorno

Kim Bongiorno is a writer of humor, fiction and memoir. Her blog is , her books are listed on , and she is always available on .

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Kim Brown

Kim Brown is a mom, education consultant and freelance writer living in Sunnyside, Queens. Samples of her work can be found .

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Kim Foster

I’m Kim Foster. In a nutshell, I’m a novelist, essayist, cook, wife, mom, foster mom, and lover of pugs. You can keep up with me on my .

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Kim McGinty

Kim McGinty is a Santa Cruz, California based writer and mom of two. When not inspired to write, she spends her days with other artistic endeavors, surfing, surviving the tweens, teens and an endless amount of dog hair. Her work can be found so far on Scarymommy/Clubmid, BLUNTmoms and Sammichespsychmeds.

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Kim Ormsby

Kim Ormsby is the founder and Chief Innovator of The Natural Baby Company, the makers of . She stated the company a decade ago in order to bring natural parenting products to the Montana marketplace. Named SBA Person of the Year for Montana in 2010, she is a mother to six children who provide ongoing inspiration to a business that was created to deliver safe and environmentally responsible products to parents and children everywhere.

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Kim Ruland Norgren

Kim Ruland Norgren lives with 4 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 husband, outside of Boston. In between shuttling kids and folding the laundry she tries to document building their family through birth and adoption at .

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Kim Simon

Kim Simon is a writer and mother of two young sons. Her essays on motherhood and current events are regularly featured on The Huffington Post, MSN Living, and other online magazines. She can be found telling the truth about motherhood on her personal blog on and on .

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Kim Storment

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Kim Tracy Prince

Kim Tracy Prince is a Los Angeles-based writer who has a husband, two little boys, and a goldfish. Well, it’s their goldfish. Her work appears at Notre Dame Magazine, Girl Body Pride, CBS Los Angeles, MomsLA, and on her blog, .

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Kim Williams

Mom, somewhat of an entrepreneur, philanthropist

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Kimberley Blaine

Kimberley Blaine, MA, MFT is obsessed with children, cats and dogs. She is a parenting expert, author and executive producer of – when she’s not working she’s skiing.

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Kimberly Hensle Lowrance

I write about parenting, travel, books, and more on my blog, , and have had my writing featured in The Boston Globe, BlogHer.com, and SheKnows.com. I am a mom of two elementary school age children, and live outside of Boston.

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Kimberly Mohammed

I am a mother of four, including a son with autism. I am the author of .

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Kimberly Patterson

Kimberly Patterson, her husband and two children live in the Tampa Bay area. Kimberly has been a freelance writer for seven years. She is a regular contributor for a local online magazine in her area, 83 Degrees Media. Her work has also been featured on The Mighty.com and as a ghost blogger for various corporate sites.

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Kimberly Rodriguez

I am a preschool teacher living in NYC. I love to laugh, sing, and explore my wonderful city!

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Kimberly Yavorski

Kimberly Yavorski has four (now adult) children. She has spent most of the past couple decades as a stay-at-home mom and frequent volunteer. In a previous life, she wrote and edited for a technical trade journal. She enjoys writing about life and family, working on a novel, spending time with her husband and taking walks with her dog. Her writing can be found on her . She is also on and .

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Kimberly Zapata

Kimberly Zapata is the creator and voice behind , a blog dedicated to mental health and mommyhood. She is a regular contributor for and her work has appeared on , , , Mamalode, , , and .

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Kiran Ferrandino

Kiran Ferrandino is the author of the blog . She is an avid writer, dreamer, songwriter and finds time to feed the kids when work and life allow it.

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Kirsten Brunner

Kirsten Brunner is a Licensed Professional Counselor and married mother of two boys in Austin, Texas. She "brings sane to baby brain" on her blog, , by providing sanity-saving and relationship-strengthening tools that new parents don't get in their childbirth classes.

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Kitty Black

Kitty Black won her first/only writing award for The Big Fish, heroically competing against twenty other six year olds. Her background in psychology and research is ironically irrelevant to parenting, as her children wander away when she asks them why they tipped jelly into the plant. Kitty can be found wondering what’s going on at her blog Playing with Fireworks.

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Krissy Dieruf

Krissy Dieruf is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has always loved working with kids, especially the ones with crazy hair and a rebellious streak. She often finds herself singing and dancing around the house and tries not to embarrass her three children too much.

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Krista Farris

Krista’s poems, essays, and stories have been published in a variety of journals and magazines. Links to her recent writing can be found . She lives in Virginia with her husband and three sons. She marvels at the rate her three sons are growing and is increasingly afraid to blink.

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Kristen Gunning

I love writing, as it offers me a way to learn more about myself, and the human experience. Although my experiences are personal, the themes, and emotions I write about are universal. Writing also allows me to creatively express my most challenging emotions, and in doing so, honors them. I live in RI with my husband, Jonathan, and two children, Eli, and Ruby.

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Kristen Mae

Kristen Mae is a devoted wife and mother, ADHD momma-warrior, violist, health-nut, and writer. She is the voice of , where her goal is to provide a community where women are free to be honest about their struggles with marriage, parenthood, and life.

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Kristen Ploetz

Kristen M. Ploetz is a writer and lawyer living in Massachusetts with her husband and daughter. She has had pieces published on NYT Motherlode and Literary Mama, and blogs regularly at .

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Kristen Stiefel Levithan

A former teacher of history, Kristen Levithan is now a freelance writer who pens essays, reviews, and grocery lists while living in Connecticut with her husband and three young children. She offers cultural commentary and musings on modern motherhood at her blog .

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Kristen Welch

Kristen and her family founded a non-profit called . She is an author, a frequent speaker, and a regular contributor to Lifeway’s HomeLife and ParentLife magazines. Kristen’s blog , continues to grow, and many of the readers financially support the work of Mercy House. When she and her family aren’t traveling to Kenya, Kristen and her husband and their three children live in Magnolia, Texas.

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Kristi Grigsby

Kristi Grigsby is an award-winning and writer with over 20 years of experience growing companies within numerous industries including technology/software, financial services, telecommunications and healthcare. She is also founder of , a picture book series designed to introduce young girls to the possibilities of STEM.

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Kristin Anderson

Kristin is a 6 foot 3 mother of two, wife of one. Kristin is mostly known for her straight to the point-edness. She has never been called classy... but she does call people darling. Read more from her and her 6 foot 8 husband at .

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Kristina Agar

I am a stay-at-home-mom of four year old twins and an eight year old who has moved five times in the past 7 years. (My husband's job has required us to move... A LOT!). I write about the adventures of parenting twins, relocating, and our food system at .

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Kristina Dooley

Kristina Dooley and her husband, Greg, are the proud parents of 5-year-old triplets, Mia, Isabella and Max. A Certified Educational Planner by day, Kristina spends her “free time” raising awareness of type 1 diabetes in hopes for a cure for Isabella, diagnosed with T1D at age 2, and the many others affected by the disease. You can follow the Dooley Family's journey at .

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Kristina Hammer

Kristina is a sahm of four kids, ages 4-11. A writer by nature, poet at heart, and blogger by nurture, she is always willing to share her words with anyone ready and willing to read them. Find her journey on or on .

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Kristina Newman

Kristina Newman is a stay at home mom and writer. She spends more time than she's willing to admit running from bees, chasing after her spirited toddler, and dreaming about chocolate chip cookies. She is a regular contributor for the , and her writing has also been featured on Scary Mommy, The Huffington Post, Tribe Magazine, and more. You can follow her on .

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Kristine Kimmel

Kristine Kimmel is a television comedy writer who lives in Los Angeles with her husband, her toddler twins and a very anxious pit bull. Her work has also been featured in XO Jane, Dame, Mommyish, and The Establishment. You can follow her on or read her . In fact, why don't you?

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Kristy Hartz

I am a mother of four amazing but rambunctious children who lives outside the little town of Winfield in Iowa. I am currently a stay at home mom who is getting back into my childhood passion of writing.

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Kristy Ramirez

I'm Kristy and I share stories about my adventures . Those adventures include, but are not limited to, raising kids, having twins, Celiac disease, books and incoherent ramblings.

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Krysann Sedberry

I'm a mother of three littles in the Northwest and I haven't found a better way to sift through life than to about it.

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Krysta Manning

Krysta is a mother of triplets residing in Louisville, KY. She writes about learning what it means to parent with intentionality at . She recently quit being a military dentist to focus on her family.

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Kylie Blenkhorn

Kylie Blenkhorn is a first-time mom and aspiring writer, living outside of Vancouver, BC. As a part-time stay at home mom to an active, hilarious, 3 year old little man, she splits her time between puddle jumping and pajama parties and working as a Paralegal for a non-profit public education advocacy organization. Her work has been previously featured on The Good Mother Project and Scary Mommy.

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LaNada Peppers

Writer & mama.

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Lara Hudson

Lara Hudson is a Pilates Method Alliance Gold Certified Instructor, the founder and creator of , an award-winning workout DVD choreographer and star, and the mother to a beautiful girl and boy. She lives in Chicago with her family, where she teaches, studies nutrition at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and writes a weekly Wellness Blog called . You can find her on , follow her on or learn more about her by visiting her .

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Larissa Peluso-Fleming

Larissa is a mama of three terrific kiddos and a happily married gal. She's a mathematics specialist and has the distinct pleasure of spending her days sharing the love and magic of math with elementary-aged learners. She lives by the credo, "It is better to be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right."

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Larissa Pickens

Larissa Pickens is a visual designer, mom of two, and recently co-founded , a website for creative moms.

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Larry Bernstein

Larry and his family live in North Jersey. Larry is a blogger, freelance writer, and educator. You can find his blog at .

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Laura Arrowsmith

I am a mother of three, an educator, and writer. I have published numerous articles and essays on faith, community building, and parenting.

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Laura Bastiani

Laura is loving and growing her two effervescent girls into world changers. She blogs about and coaches women on life satisfaction and career development during motherhood at . She desperately loves her man, is a joyful slave to the Holy Spirit of God, and would only need peanut butter, chocolate milk and bananas to survive on a desert island.

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Laura Birks

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Laura Evangelista

Laura Jo blogs at sharing her stories about living with a mental illness and raising a son on the spectrum.

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Laura Fanucci

Laura Kelly Fanucci is a writer and mother of three young boys. She is the author of "Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting" and blogs about spirituality and parenting at .

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Laura Grace Weldon

Laura Grace Weldon is the author of a poetry collection titled Tending and a handbook of alternative education, Free Range Learning. Laura would get more done if she didn't spend so much time reading library books, cooking weird things, and posting on Facebook's Free Range Learning community page. Connect with her on .

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Laura Harris

Laura Harris is a writer and mother of two. When she's not on an adventure with her family or curled up on the couch with a book, you can find her writing about family and personal finance at .

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Laura Jane

Laura is blessed to call the beautiful Pacific Northwest home, along with her husband and three young children. Her days are filled with cooking experiments, art projects, and reading lessons with the littles, as soon as they can be convinced to come in from the great outdoors, that is. She writes real encouragement for women, as we walk through the messy but beautiful stuff of faith and family, at .

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Laura Johnson Dahlke

Laura Johnson Dahlke, MFA, studied creative writing at Antioch University Los Angeles and also has an MA in English from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. Laura’s work appears in publications such as Parent.co, The Good Mother Project, Pathways to Family Wellness, Hippocampus Magazine, Momaha.com, and Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. She has particular interest in writing about pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. Laura lives and dreams in Omaha with her husband and four children.

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Laura Lohr

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Laura Meehan

Laura is the author of humor/parenting blog, . She also writes articles on a variety of topics for local and national publications, including the Oregonian, UC Davis magazine, and Portland Monthly magazine. She has her master's in writing/publishing from Portland State University, and a bachelor's in English from UCLA. In addition to writing, she edits book manuscripts and technical projects. She lives in Sacramento, California.

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Laura Munson

Laura Munson is a New York Times and international best-selling author and founder of . She lives in Montana with her family.

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Laura Reivinen

Laura is a psychologist who is doing her best to scribble while her 3- and 5-year-olds try to yank her hands off the keyboard. Fueled by sufficient chocolate and coffee, Laura is confident that she will one day finish something. Currently Laura drinks her coffee (with no milk) in Helsinki, Finland.

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Laura Willard

Laura Willard is a wife and mom of two via international adoption. She's a law school graduate who is proud to have avoided using her education for seven years (and counting). Laura's also a writer, editor, social media manager and a viral content curator. When she has a minute, she blogs at . She's certain sarcasm is a language, so she's totally bilingual.

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Laurel Sears

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Lauren Cormier

Lauren is a SAHM of three who shares their real life on her blog . Her writing has been featured on Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, Mamapedia, and BlogHer.

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Lauren Dillard

Lauren Dillard is the creator of , a website dedicated to sharing personal stories and advocating for intentional living. She also enjoys writing emotional essays about uncomfortable subjects, pretending to be a minimalist, and being an adventurous home cook. Lauren’s two kids are the light of her life and the reason she needs massive amounts of caffeine.

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Lauren Lodder

Lauren Lodder earned her BA from UC Berkeley and her MA from UCSF. Before becoming a work-at-home mom and a freelance writer, she taught writing and literature classes at the college level. Her essays have appeared on Scary Mommy, Mom Fuse, The Mighty and I AM Magazine. You can find her blogging at on and on .

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Lauren Manning

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Lauren ONeill

Lauren is a single mother of two kids who make her crazy and keep her sane. A native New Yorker, she is raising her family in the wild west of San Francisco. You can follow along on her blog, .

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Lauri Levenfeld

Lauri Levenfeld honed her captivating storytelling skills at the top-rated USC Film School. Her documentary film work seamlessly translated into a passion for still photography and a career focused in fashion, lifestyle, and portraiture. Lauri photographed for Sundance Film Festival and has been commissioned to capture portraits of Hilary Clinton, Sharon Stone, Danny Glover, Uma Thurman,and Nelson Mandela.

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Lauri Walker

Lauri Walker is wife to Brandon and Mama to four kids who’ve managed genius status despite being raised on chicken nuggets and take out. Her profession is Daycare Diva and she is a confessed over volunteer-er. In her spare time, Lauri tries to write a little. She has appeared on The Good Mother Project and Sassy Lassie and has her own blog at You can find her on and .

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Laurie Schlueb

Laurie Schlueb is mom to Spencer and Levi; wife to Chuck; and Executive Director of the Wild Rockies Field Institute in Missoula, Montana. She was both pleased and healed when her second son came out the old fashioned way.

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Leah Joki

Leah Joki is an actor and writer. She is the author of JUILLIARD TO JAIL: a memoir about her eighteen-year career in prison. It is being developed into a feature film by Joe Manganiello, and his production company. Her one-woman show Prison Boxing was produced at the Skylight Theatre Company in Los Angeles and ran for seven weeks with rave reviews.

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Leana Greene

Leana Greene is the founder and CEO of , the world's largest parenting video library and a mother to three kids. She spent three years interviewing 450 parenting experts from all over the U.S., giving her a uniquely strong grasp on the latest in parenting and the different perspectives of many experts. Leana’s goal was to create a multi-media hub where parents everywhere could get quick, easy information from leading experts that they would otherwise be unable to access.

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Leigh-Ann Whitworth

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Leighann Adams

Leighann lives with her family in Ontario, Canada and works full time while she pursues her writing career. She blogs at has been featured in BlogHer and World Moms Blogs and most recently as a contributor in the Anthology, Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor.

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Leland Buck

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Leland Buck

Leland Buck is a father, husband, teacher, writer, coder and documentarian. He is the digital director at Mamalode, Treesource and elsewhere. You can find him at lelandbuck.com.

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Leslie Gaar

Leslie is a part-time SAHM of three, former bilingual educator, current blogger, and perpetual smart ass. Mostly the last one. She's blogs at , and has been featured on Scary Mommy,TODAY Parents, and Club Mid. Find her on and .

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Leslie Kendall Dye

Leslie Kendall Dye is an actor and dancer in NYC. Her writing has been featured on The Huffington Post, Tipsy Lit, Mamapedia, Erma Bombeck Humor Writers, Off the Shelf, Nanny Magazine, BLUNT Moms, Mamalode and others. She also writes at .

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Leslie Means

Leslie is a washed up news anchor, published children’s book author, weekly columnist, co-founder of Her View From Home.com and has several published short stories as well. Find more details about her website at HerViewFromHome.com and her children’s books at .

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Leslie Ralph

Leslie is a working mom workin’ a happy lifestyle. She writes at where she helps working (and otherwise busy + overwhelmed) moms bring back the joy and balance with her signature blend of joyful projects, happy living tips, and delectable meditations. To get your year of happy started, she’s whipped up a 2-minute revitalizing for you to enjoy on the house.

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Leslie Wibberley

Leslie Wibberley is physiotherapist by profession, a slightly maddened mother to two outstanding young women and one slightly insane cocker spaniel, and wife to a loving and extremely tolerant husband. Writing has always been her passion but one she has only recently re-committed her life to. Her article RAISING A CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE recently won 6th place in Writer’s Digest annual contest, and her creative non-fiction essays have been published by MOTHERS ALWAYS WRITE an online literary magazine.

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Lexi Behrndt

Lexi is a writer at , a Communications Director, and a mom to Lincoln here and Charlie in heaven.

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Libby Galin

Libby Galin MS Ed. is a teacher, writer, yogi, and mother of two fabulous children. She teaches writing courses for gifted students, and works in online communications. You can find her trying to be peaceful and creative. She lives in the Chicago area.

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Libby Ryder

Libby Ryder loves coffee and decorating and traveling. She started sharing her cancer journey three years ago at . She lives in Virginia with her husband and two little girls.

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Lili Panarella

Lili Panarella is an estate planning & employee benefits lawyer at , a minority-woman-owned law firm.

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Lilly Bright

Writer & mama.

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Lily Jones

Lily Jones is a mother, educator, and founder of Curiosity Pack. Holding an M.A. in Education from UC Berkeley, she was a kindergarten and first grade teacher before moving into teacher education and curriculum development. Her mission in life is to inspire people to love learning.

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Linda Ruzicka

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Linda Wolff

Linda Wolff writes the lifestyle blog , where she blazes the trail from teen years to empty nest proving that midlife and motherhood aren't so scary.

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Lindsey Doe

Lindsey is a clinical sexologist in Missoula, Montana and host of YouTube sex education channel, . She is also parent to a spunky teen daughter.

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Lindsey Mead

Lindsey Mead is a mother, writer, and headhunter based outside of Boston. She writes regularly at .

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Lisa Bierman

Lisa is a 30 something working mother to a wild and energetic toddler, wife to a wonderful handy husband, caretaker of one crazy Catahoula dog and three misfit cats. When she isn’t managing her herd she can be found reading, crafting, doing something outdoorsy, trying a DIY project, playing “kitchen witch” or writing on her .

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Lisa Carmody Doiron

Lisa is a wife and mother of two boys living on the east coast of Canada. I blog regularly at on poop, barf and postpartum depression. My stories have been featured on Mom Babble, What the Flicka? and Blunt Moms.

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Lisa Cohn

Award-winning author Lisa Cohn and her son, Michael, age 6, are co-authors of the kids' dog book and were recently featured on the Today Show for Michael's love of books and his YouTube book reviews.

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Lisa Ferland

Lisa Ferland is a U.S. citizen who has called Sweden home since 2012. Together with her husband, they have embraced the Swedish lifestyle and are currently raising a five-year-old Lego-lover and a two-year-old Pippi Longstocking fanatic. Lisa recently published a heartwarming anthology called and can be reached on and .

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Lisa LeClair

Lisa is a social media junkie, humorist and mother. She writes about all things parenting at . She enjoys reading, writing, shopping, and laughing as much as humanly possible.

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Lisa Maltby

I am an artist, blogger and mother to two beautiful boys who have inspired my blog about parenting: . Since I became a parent I realized the need to be entirely honest about motherhood to relieve mums of expectations and pressures that are all too easily placed on them.

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Lisa Rosenberg

I am a former dancer, current writer and psychotherapist (L.C.S.W.), specializing in multiracial families, couples and individuals. I live in Montclair, NJ with my husband and two children.

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Lisa Sadikman

Lisa Sadikman is a writer living in Northern California with her husband and three daughters, the third one arriving somewhat late in the game, just as she began dreaming of life beyond motherhood. You can read about her adventures parenting tweens and a toddler, managing marriage and living a grown up life on her blog, .

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Lisa Stone

Listening to user voices, learning as hard as I can. Entrepreneur. Co-founder, former CEO of BlogHer. Follow along on .

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Lisa Sugarman

Lisa Sugarman lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts. Read and discuss all her columns on her . She is also the author of LIFE: It Is What It Is and Untying Parent Anxiety: 18 Myths That Have You in Knots—And How to Get Free available on Amazon.com and at select bookstores.

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Lisa Svara

Lisa is a mom, wife, photographer, graduate student, MBA-holding introvert. She likes to write when the mood strikes and embarrass her kids as much as possible.

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Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson is a mom to three wonderful children who grow and amaze her everyday. Her eldest was born at 24 weeks which fueled her natural drive for social justice and introduced her to the world of disability and family advocacy. This fall, Lisa begins a new adventure as she tackles returning to school full-time to further support her ability to advocate.

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Lisa Witherspoon

Lisa Witherspoon is a stay at home mom to her three daughters and Director of Household Operations in the "Spoon" home. She blogs about the joys, frustrations, surprises, and chaos of motherhood on her blog, and is also a contributing author in The Mother of All Meltdowns anthology.

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Lisa Witz

Lisa Witz grew up the youngest of nine children on a sprawling cattle and sheep farm north of San Francisco. She left the small town to feed her wanderlust, living in Tokyo, Granada (Spain), Washington DC and the Pacific Northwest. She now lives near San Diego on the beach, where she enjoys writing and mothering her three children. Connect with her on .

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Liz Mannegren

My life currently revolves around my brilliant, video producer hubby, and our delightful little fellow whom we've affectionately nicknamed our "Baby Ali-gator." We live in the giant puddle otherwise known as Vancouver, Canada and fail entirely too often to take advantage of this stunning city. With a commercial pilots license under my belt, this self professed homebody has a bit of an adventurous heart to be found. As a stay-at-home-mom, I love writing and sharing the everyday stories uncovered in this journey of marriage, family and a life walked in faith. Follow along at .

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Liz McRae

Liz McRae works out of a sunny studio in her backyard in Big Sky. She tries to write, paint, daydream and be outside as much as possible. She spends most of her time raising a family: one supportive husband, two children who teach her a lot, one crazy cow dog, a killer cat and two aquatic frogs.

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Liz O’Donnell

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Liz Petrone

Liz is unequal parts mama, yogi, and writer. Also: warrior, wanderer, dreamer, doubter, and hot mess. She shares her stories on her , and is pretty sure that doing so has saved her life. Her work has been featured in Blogher, Mamapedia, and Yummy Mummy, among others. She lives in a creaky old house in Central New York with her ever-patient husband, their four babies, and an excitable dog named Boss. When she should be sleeping she can often be found instead working on her first full length project, a memoir.

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Logan Fisher

Logan has two sons and a daughter. She often writes about what she learned from the many mistakes she made while parenting her sons as a twenty-something and how those mistakes guide her parenting today. She has a blog, , that discusses the difficulties that often come with parenting, and she is a bi-weekly columnist for the award winning website, .

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Lola Lolita

Lola Lolita is a mother, wife, educator, and special needs advocate. When she's not grading papers and letting her kids watch too much TV, she can be found on her .

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Lori Wenner

Lori has been a registered nurse for thirty years, a lactation consultant for ten years and has pursued her newest passion as a writer for three years. She is immensely proud of the strong, beautiful, intelligent, fun and creative women her three daughters have become. Lori dreams of a way to avoid sleep so that she has more time to write, care for mothers and babies, be with her daughters and travel.

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Lorrie Lippincott

Lippincott is a writer, mother, homeschooler, and traveler. She has written 4 books covering the topics of Simple Living and Homeschooling that are available on Amazon. You can read about her simple living journey at . You can find out more about her family and their projects in Asia at .

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Louisa Kopp

Louisa Kopp is a South Jersey mother of two who shares her adventures (with a bit of humor) on . She lives on coffee, ice cream and very little sleep.

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Luc Phinney

Luc Phinney teaches poetry and fiction writing at Johns Hopkins. His first book of poems, Compass, was awarded the 2013 T. S. Eliot prize. Compass will be available from Truman State University Press in Fall 2013.

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Lucy Miller Robinson

Lucy Miller Robinson is a mother who thinks she can work at home and a hippie with a penchant for leather. When she's not writing novels or , she may be paying attention to her business, , which she founded upon the belief that Mother Nature is mankind's greatest chemist. Find her blogging at , where it's okay to have your head in the clouds.

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Lucy Satinoff

British mum of 2 brilliantly bonkers toddlers. Wife of footy/soccer mad Mancunian. We swapped Greg’s pasties and rain for sunshine and snags, moving to Australia 4 years ago. Follow along at .

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Lydia Will

Lydia is a homeschooling Mama to 6 wonderful kids with a seventh on the way. She knits through lessons, writes to keep sane and ignores laundry more than she ought. You can read more from Lydia at .

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Lynn Hudorovich

I am a Missoula mom, a Spanish-Immersion teacher and a lover of the outdoors.

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Lynn Morrison

Lynn Morrison is the mouthy woman behind the blog . She's not afraid to admit that she wears sweatpants too often, fails at sucking it in and has, on occasion, hidden delivery pizza boxes from her skinny husband. From thought-provoking to outrageously funny to almost unbearably sad, Lynn's emotions come through loud and clear in everything she writes.

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Lynn Shattuck

Lynn writes for the Huffington Post, is a featured columnist at the elephant journal, and her writing has also recently appeared on Brain, Child and Empowering Parents. Check out her blog at .

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Lynn-wood Fields

Lynn-wood Fields lives in Missoula as a mom, partner and filmmaker. She feels lucky to have a family that she loves, work that nurtures her spirit, and a town that supports her soul.

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Lynnette Nicholas

Lynnette Nicholas is a millennial mom who currently lives in New York City. Lynnette has a degree in English Literature, a passion for the artwork exhibited at The Studio Museum in Harlem and enjoys hiding out in cozy little coffee houses reading the works of her favorite authors: Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison and Alice Walker. When Lynnette is not ghostwriting content for others, she can be found enjoying the arts and cultural scene around town or you may even see her in an occasional television commercial or artistic project from time to time. Lynnette is currently working on her first book for young girls. #LNinspires

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M.B. Sanok

M.B. Sanok is a freelance writer and stay-at-home mom living with her family in Southern New Jersey. In her spare time, she volunteers for the International MOMS Club, a non-profit support group for stay-at-home moms. Her personal blog is .

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Madelyn Rosenberg

Madelyn Rosenberg is the author of How to Behave at a Tea Party and Nanny X. Dream Boy, a young adult novel written with her friend Mary Crockett, came out in July. You can find her and on .

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Maggie Jones

Wheat wife and mother hen to three, Maggie Jones is raising her family and managing a photography business in a rural farming community in Washington state. In December of 2013, her family was hurled into the world of Type 1 diabetes when her 4-year-old's blood sugar registered at almost 700 after weeks of unexplained thirst and lethargy. Since diagnosis, Maggie has made it her mission to bring awareness to a disease that is largely misunderstood and stigmatized. Keep up with Maggie on .

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Maggie Shores

Maggie Shores is a mom of three awesome kids, and works full time as a Senior Content Development Specialist at an IT firm in Washington DC. She is also a person in long-term recovery from a substance-use disorder, and the blogger behind , where she shares her experience strength and hope. Maggie is also an avid gardener, music lover, coffee junkie and happiness fanatic.

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Malia Garcia

I am a first-time Mom and new member of the Stay-At-Home-Mom club; learning much, mastering little, and trying to get back in touch with my writing spirit. My daughter, my husband, and I live in the wide-open, beautiful land of Wyoming.

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Mandy Dawson

I'm the creator of where I've documented my life for the last six years. In addition, I write for Momtastic, have been featured on BlogHer and Mamapedia, was a contributor to Aiming Low and Makes Fun of Stuff and am an editor at Bannerwing Books. I've been published in three anthologies and am currently working on a novel.

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Mandy Hitchcock

Mandy Hitchcock is a writer, bereaved mother, cancer survivor, and recovering lawyer. She is currently re-writing (for the third time) her first memoir, and her essays appear in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Modern Loss, and elsewhere, as well as in the forthcoming HerStories anthology So Glad They Told Me. She lives with her family in Carrboro, North Carolina. You can find her on her , and .

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Mandy Waysman

I am mother to two beautiful daughters whom I love dearly. I am married to a wonderful man who can be very oblivious to the games I make up on the daily. I am daughter to two fantastic parents (don't worry -I love you both the same!) I blog at and am a contributor on .

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Marcia Kester Doyle

Marcia Kester Doyle is the author of the humor book, “Who Stole My Spandex? Life In The Hot Flash Lane” and the voice behind the popular midlife blog, “Menopausal Mother.” Her work has been featured on numerous sites, including The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, The Huffington Post, Woman's Day, Country Living, House Beautiful, and Scary Mommy, among others. Blog: http://www.menopausalmom.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MenopausalMother Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MenoMother

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Mardra Sikora

Mardra Sikora is an author, speaker, & advocate who believes in the power of words and uses both fiction and non-fiction to advocate for and with her adult son, Marcus. You can follow their adventures at .

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Mani Schwartz

Mani Schwartz is a writer and artist living in Amherst, MA with her wife and two step kids. You can visit her main home on the .

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Margaret Dewilliam Horton

Margaret Dewilliam Horton is a writer, photographer and mom who loves spending time with her husband and three sons, all of whom she thinks are funny. You can see more of her work on her website .

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Margot Page

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Maria Filandro

Maria is a first time mom to a one year old. A homemaker by day and writer by night, she chronicles her first time parenting adventures at . She enjoys reading, Netflix binges with her husband, and the occasional spoonful (or two...or more) of Nutella.

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Maria Jordan MacKeigan

Maria Jordan MacKeigan resides in Edmonton, Canada. A mother of two precious girls sent from above and married to one supportive hubby. She is finally living her dream to write and hopes to bring light to this beautiful world of loved ones with Down Syndrome, through her words.

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Maria Morgan

Maria Morgan is a wife, teacher, and mom to three awesome boys. Welcome her to the blogging world by visiting , where she records the thoughts that run through her head as she tries to see the fun and humor in mothering while trying to keep it simple, too.

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Maria Osburga

Maria Osburga is a Clinical Psychologist and mom to a three year old named Ellison. She enjoys writing about being a mom, the process of therapy, and confirming that psychologists are also human beings. She lives in Upstate NY with her husband, daughter, and two lovable but very naughty dogs.

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Mariah Lawrence

Mariah is a mama of two small boys who are as wild as baby tigers. She is a knitter, an embroidering song lyrics-er, and an obsessive baker. She spends the hours before the sun rises with a strong cup of coffee, a cat snuggled in her lap, and writing on her blog .

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Marianne Lonsdale

writes personal essays and short stories, and is slowly cranking out a novel set in Oakland in 1991 about a crazy romance. Her work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, Literary Mama, Fiction365, Pulse and has aired on KQED.

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Marie Hickman

Marie Hickman is a journalist, freelance writer and . She is writing a book about women in the Middle East. When she's not traveling, she and her family live in Palm Harbor, Florida.

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Marie Larsen

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Marina Kalcina

Marina is a freelance writer living in Melbourne. She splits her days between the written word and (s)mothering her toddler. She has previously been published on Scary Mommy, Mamamia and The Good Mother Project. You can connect with her and read more of her work at her website, .

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Mary Windecker

Mary Windecker is the Vice President of Planning and Marketing at Community Medical Center. She still lives happily in Missoula with her family and friends, both living and dead.

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Mary Ann Palmer

Mary Ann C. Palmer is currently working on a memoir about coming through life’s adversities with love, hope and spirit intact. Her credits include the essay Cancer Revisited, published in Brain, Child: The Magazine for Thinking Mothers.

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Mary Barzee

Mary Barzee is a worker bee and a soon-to-be mom of two. She is interested in about everything, food, education, issues of inequality, film, and the outdoors. An ideal happy hour is a good book in the hammock on the front porch with a mojito within reach.

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Mary Dombrowski

Mary Dombrowski is a mom of three (Luca, Molly and Lily) and an elementary school teacher who currently divides her time between Northern Michigan and Missoula, MT.

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Mary Firestone

Mary is a new mother still figuring out how to balance motherhood with life. Several years ago, Mary, and her sister Lucy, founded , a blog and website dedicated to empowering women through encouraging travel and exploration. What started as just a blog has morphed into the retreat series where all that they write about is brought to life.

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Mary Galford Rudolph

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Mary McLaurine

Mary writes at about love, life, gratitude and hard life lessons learned while trying to find the humor in it all. She is passionate about her ancestral ties to Scotland and although has never been there, is certain she has lived there all of her life.

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Mary Pan

Mary Pan is a family medicine physician and writer with training in global health and narrative medicine. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Coffee + Crumbs, Hektoen International, and an anthology published by Monkey Star Press. She lives in Seattle with her husband and two (soon to be three) children.

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Mary Widdicks

Mary Widdicks is a mother of two boys, two male dogs, and an ever-changing number of gender-indiscriminate fish. Her husband calls her Honey, the three year old calls her Mommy, the baby calls her Milk, the dogs call her their Indentured Servant, and she's pretty sure the fish have no idea who she is at all. She is definitely outmanned. Coincidentally, she is also the writer of the humorous parenting blog .

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Mary Wiygul

Mary Roberson Wiygul has taught in the public school system for over twenty years. She is currently a feature writer for Southern Sass Magazine and has had work published on HumorWriters.Org.

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Matt Logelin

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Maureen Essen

Mo Essen is a mom living the dream in Missoula, MT with the men in her life - her son and husband.

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Maureen Stiles

Bringing humor to the many challenges of parenting, driving a gigantic SUV full of smelly boys and their friends, letting go of the idea of perfection and tackling middle age all serve as my inspiration. Keep up with her on her blog, .

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Maureen Wallace

Maureen Wallace was a PR guru trying to discover her writing passion when she gave birth to Charlie, who has Down syndrome. Now, she works at home, juggles two toddlers and panics over no. 3's arrival. During naps and at night, she writes for and , where her column is aptly titled, "Chasing Charlie." She blogs at .

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Mavis King

Mavis is a Sydney-based writer that unexpectedly found herself a solo parent. She commenced her career as a lawyer, has two degrees and is living the proverb: it takes a village to raise a child.

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Maxine Kollar

I am a wife and a mother of three living in California.

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McKenzie Austin

I am McKenzie Austin, wife, first time mom, tattoo artist, and creator and primary contributor to the blog, . My writing primarily focuses on the humorous and sentimental successes and failures of parenting, marriage, and balancing work and home life.

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Meagan Saia

Meagan is an elementary school gifted teacher turned SAHM. She happily admits that she is obsessed with her son Owen. Life became sweeter when he was born. Meagan writes because she finds it soothes her soul. You can find her writing over at .

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Meagan Schultz

Meagan Schultz lives in Milwaukee Wisconsin with her husband and two young boys, where she writes between naps with reheated coffee. She mostly finds herself musing on motherhood and midlife in the Midwest. Her work has appeared at Write On, Mamas and (forthcoming) at the Brain, Child blog, Brain, Mother.

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Meg Dowaliby

"Meg Dowaliby is the eldest of four girls. She grew up with her toes in the sand and the rain on her face on the very northwest tip of the Oregon Coast. She currently lives in Missoula, Montana where she is a senior at the University of Montana studying Marketing. Business and Sales Assistant at Mamalode, she is also a writer, a wanderer, a book-worm and a sunset chaser. She loves to learn, run, climb mountains and, above all, spend time with her family."

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Megan Broutian

Megan Broutian is a behavior analyst turned blogger. She writes about parenting using the principles of behavioral psychology at Behavioral Child and about life in general, and hers in particular, at .

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Megan Cottrell

Megan Cottrell is a journalist and mom based in Chicago. She live with my husband and 18-month old son, Teddy, in a little apartment where she cooks, cans, ferments, gardens, cloth diapers, and tries to raise her son in a Montessori environment, even when it means a few extra spills and some broken dishes.

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Megan McClain

Lifelong southern California girl married her high school sweetheart and has two little boys. She adores unicorns and spaghetti. She writes about life at .

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Megan Merchant

Megan Merchant is mostly forthcoming. She is the author of two full-length poetry collections: Gravel Ghosts (Glass Lyre Press, 2016 Book of the Year), The Dark’s Humming (2015 Lyrebird Prize, Glass Lyre Press, forthcoming 2017), four chapbooks, and a children’s book with Philomel Books. You can find her work .

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Megan Oteri

Megan Oteri is a mama, wife, cowgirl, and writer who collects vintage typewriters. She is a Wyoming wildflower transplanted in the South. She believes you should bloom where you are planted. She has a MA in Creative Writing from East Carolina University and a BA in Education from Providence College. Hope. Wish. Dream. Be. is her motto. You can find her writing at .

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Megan Peterson

Megan Peterson lives in Chicago with her husband and three kids who supply enough material to back up her writing pipeline almost as frequently as her toilets. Writing behind the scenes for clients by day, she indulges her storytelling streak by documenting life. Her work can be found on Mamalode, Scary Mommy and . Connect with her on .

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Megan Woolsey

Megan Woolsey is the author of the blog, . When Megan is not raising four children (including triplets) or writing, she enjoys hot yoga, cooking, and obsessing about traveling the world. Her dream career is travel writing. Megan has been published on Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, BLUNTmoms, Bonbon Break, Role Reboot, Great Moments in Parenting and Erma Bombeck’s Writer’s Workshop.

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Meghan Horan

My name is Meghan Horan. I am a friend, daughter, sister, wife, mother and queen over planner! You can find me .

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Meghan Walbert

Meghan M. Walbert is a freelance writer, wife and stay-at-home mom to a spirited four-year-old boy. She blogs about life’s little pleasures - and its insanities - at .

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Meghann Harris

was conceived from Meghann’s passion for travel and her commitment to expanding the experiences of special needs children through travel, music, art and performance. Mother of two children, her daughter was born with Atypical Rett Syndrome. It is Meghann’s hope that SpecialGlobe will provide families of special needs children the resources to feel empowered and welcome to travel the globe with their families intact. Meghann’s ten year’s of experience as President of PolySearch Recruiting, Inc. has given her the skill set and knowledge to build a world class team to execute her vision for SpecialGlobe.

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Melanie McKinnon

Melanie McKinnon is a wife, writer, mother of 3 plus 1 in heaven, and a barre fitness instructor. On her blog, , you will find subscription box reviews, her experience with anxiety, depression and loss, stories about her life as a mother, and some tips for maintaining sanity. She hopes to inspire anyone fighting a daily battle.

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Melissa Bangs

Melissa Bangs grew up on an organic farm in Missoula. She is a fifth-generation Montanan and life-long painter. After a day of break dancing, snow eating and art making with her daughter Lil Miss Adelaide, she can be found filling her evenings with creative endeavors ranging from the culinary to the comical.

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Melissa Bierwag

Melissa lives in Missoula, Montana with her husband and three daughters. She enjoys sewing, crafting, baking and list making but being Mommy is her number one passion and full time job. Check out her blog at .

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Melissa Bowers

Melissa Bowers recently relocated from the Midwest to the West when she was six months pregnant with her second child. Now that she is no longer a high school teacher, she writes about moving and mommyhood at . Her work has been published on Scary Mommy and BonBon Break, and you can follow her on , , and Instagram.

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Melissa Fuoss

Melissa Fuoss is an alternative education teacher, a mother of two adorable boys, and a wife to man who knew he would marry her the day he met her. She loves the challenge of getting her students to get lost in books and share their personal stories. Before she became a teacher she was a reporter/photographer for a small daily paper in Kirksville, Missouri where she literally cut, waxed, and pasted her stories on a board before they went to press. She was raised in St. Louis by a dad who inspired her with his love of life, and a mom whose chicken soup made everything better and who was never afraid to keep it real. She was diagnosed with breast cancer the day before Thanksgiving. You can read about her journey at .

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Melissa Leddy

Melissa Leddy has been writing professionally for 10 years, although she won her first writing award at age 9 in her childhood library’s annual short story contest. Today, she lives, writes and drinks too much coffee in the Hudson Valley of New York. You can connect with her on , find her short fiction e-book “This Is Just a Story” on Amazon and follow her writing on her .

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Melissa Mowry

Melissa is a stay at home mom to 1-year-old Chase with baby #2 currently cooking. Her hobbies include: eating peanut butter from the jar, finding acceptable styles for unwashed hair and coming up with a patent for disposable laundry. She blogs about her life as a (sometimes clueless, but always honest) new mom over at . You can also follow her on , , and .

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Melissa Roy

Melissa is a homeschooling, ballerina mommy of three with baby 4 on board. She shares her parenting adventures at .

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Melissa Stephenson

Melissa Stephenson lives, runs, parents, and writes in Missoula, Montana. Her fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have previously appeared in Cutbank, Other Voices, Thin Air, The Chattahoochee Review, New South, Memoir (and), The Mid American Review, and Passages North. She’s currently hard at work completing a collection of poems and revising her memoir.

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Melissa Tamberg-Heffron

I am a mother, wife, coupon-clipper, chauffer, cook, house cleaner, baseball aficionado, cheerleader for my three kids’ activities and … oh yeah, a writer. A by profession, I spend much of my day constructing customer testimonials, configuring web site copy, and composing technology-based blogs and articles.

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Melissa Uchiyama

I am a writer in Tokyo, transplant of South Florida. I have contributed to Literary Mama, Kveller, and now, an anthology by HerStories, called Mothering Through the Darkness. You can follow along at .

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Meredith Ethington

Meredith is a mother of 3 that is all about trying to be “real” when it comes to motherhood after years of trying to fake perfection. But, it’s the hardest job she’s ever done. She loves blogging about all the perfect and not so perfect moments on her blog, .

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Meredith Walker

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Meriah Nichols

Meriah Nichols is a third culture kid, former missionary child. Deaf. Mama to 3. She is leaving soon to drive with her family from San Francisco to Argentina, along the Pan Am Overland. Follow their trip at .

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Meryl Carver

Meryl writes about chickens, babies, knitting, gardening, food, photography, and whatever else tickles her fancy on any given day at .

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Michael Bryant

Michael Bryant is a Stay-At-Home-Dad in rural Virginia. You can read more of his work at .

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Michael Fitzgerald

Michael lives in Missoula, MT with his wife and two young sons. He's the founder of and , and the author of .

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Michaela Mitchell

Michaela is a freelancer writer, blogger, and mom of two rowdy boys. She writes all the random thoughts that pop into her head at .

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Michela Montgomery

Although born and raised in California, considers Boston her second home and spends as much time there as possible. She enjoys singing, dancing, yoga, cooking, the Red Sox, the Patriots and a good cannoli from Mike’s Pastries. She lives in Northern California with her two children, a feisty Yorkie and a teacup Chihuahua named Killer.The Cave is her first novel.

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Michele Fallon

I am a mom of two daughters. I write about the whole -everything from random questions that pop into my head to travel tips to product reviews.

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Michele Vaughn

Michele is a wife, mom of two, cancer survivor, and writer living in Washington, D.C. She blogs about life after cancer and infertility — as well as random musings on life as a transplanted Bostonian, a devoted fan of the Red Sox, and an infrequent and slow runner — at .

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Michelle Athens

I turned 40, had a sort of break down, sold my successful real estate brokerage and damn it, I'm going to write now.

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Michelle Barney

I am an MFA graduate from Antioch University in Los Angeles. I live in Utah with my husband and three children, where I teach 9th grade. I am currently working on a Young Adult novel.

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Michelle Cox

Michelle Cox is a wife, mother and professional freelance writer/communications specialist in St. Louis, MO. She’s a regular contributor to stlmag.com and an author for fiftiness.com (launching in September 2016) as well as their social media director. She also writes short stories and is working on her first novel, and she writes about writing on her website, michellecoxwriter.com, where she encourages other midlifers (not young, not old) to pick up a pen or keyboard.

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Michelle Grewe

Michelle Grewe blogs as the world permits at and dabbles full time in the art of being a mom. She is a military veteran who is fascinated by mom bloggers, madhattery, and Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

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Michelle Riddell

Michelle Riddell lives with her husband, daughter, and poodles in rural mid-Michigan where traffic stops for turtles, tractors, and threshers. She is a free-lance writer and an editor at Mothers Always Write. She substitute teaches at the local elementary school and is continually surprised by how much she loves it.

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Michelle Romero

Michelle and Carla are moms to fiesty toddlers who have faced life changing diagnosis. They run a special needs online library at .

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Michelle Sassa

Michelle is an advertising copywriter and author. Her novel COPYGIRL, hailed as Mad Men meets The Devil Wears Prada, will be published this Fall. Michelle blogs about the humor that happens when a modern woman marries a traditional man .

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Michelle Stephens

Michelle writes from the home she shares with her husband and their two daughters. She is the authority on nothing and may just be the most outgoing shy person you will ever meet. Her family is convinced she is a super hero but most days she feels more like the bumbling sidekick. She can be found all over the web including on her own blog and as well as in the upcoming HerStories Project anthology, Mothering Through The Darkness.

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Mike Adamick

Mike Adamick is a stay-at-home dad and writer whose work regularly appears on National Public Radio and iN the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, McSweeney's and Jezebel.com. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Dana, and daughter, Emmeline. Read more from MIke at his blog .

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Mike Cavender

Daddy Fishkins (AKA Mike Cavender) is a stay-at-home dad who spends his days teetering on the edge of insanity while trying to find the balance between being a father and best friend to his two beautiful girls and his rock star 8-year-old son. His blog, , is full of hilarious pictures and stories of how a former tough guy has been totally humbled by his two precocious daughters and too-smart-for-his-own-good son and forced to reevaluate his opinion of stay-at-home parents and women in general.

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Mommy Catharsis

Mommy Catharsis blogs over at and is the mother of two young boys. When she's not blogging about raising children, she's juggling the roles of mother, wife, teacher, and perfectionist. Her work can also be found on Scary Mommy, Sammiches and Psych Meds, and The Mighty. Follow her on and .

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Mirna Sabbagh Muslmani

Mirna is a biologist and a nutritionist, with a strong passion for reading and writing. She writes about nutrition during pregnancy, infancy, and toddler years in her website . She also blogs about her mothering experience and other motherhood related topics. You can find her blog on , , and .

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Mo Larson

Mo Larson is a mom with three lovely, loud children and a strikingly handsome Alaskan husband. When she isn't arranging flowers and hand-sewing her children's clothing, you can find her catching up on The Real Housewives and driving the kids to various activities in which they may or may not be enrolled. Mo and her husband Joe own SoccerTots Missoula, which they enjoy immensely.

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Mollie Ottenhoff

Mollie Ottenhoff is a mom of two, freelance writer (featured on Scary Mommy and Listen to Your Mother), Chicago suburbanite, and lover of books, food, and joy. She laughs at parenting and life at and you can find her on .

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Molly Austin

Molly Austin was born and raised in the Bitterroot Valley, and currently lives in Missoula, Montana, where she has been a full-time Realtor for 10 years. Molly is the mother of 2 boys and a step-daughter and step-son. She would like to pursue writing as a career, but for now, writes whenever she has the opportunity.

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Molly England

Molly England is a wife, mother of three, freelance writer, blogger and a passionate Certified Bradley Method® Natural Childbirth Educator. Molly founded , a virtual hub providing resources based on evidence, research, experience and love to pregnant women and new parents making healthy and informed choices.

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Molly Presant

Mother of two school aged children. She grew up in Denver, Colorado before moving to the east coast for college. She enjoys reading, writing, and watching her children grow up.

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Molly Selders

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Molly Shalz

Molly is a mom of two boys and one girl. She writes about learning to live among the mess of motherhood on her blog . She loves traveling, photography and sipping hot coffee when little fingers will allow it.

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Molly Stockdale

Molly grew up in Pittsburgh, traveled the world, and settled in Montana with her computer genius husband and two sons. She loves exploring with her family, watching old movies, and belting out disco tunes. Her greatest aspiration is to leave the world better than she found it.

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Mona Darling

Mona Darling spent close to twenty years as an A-list professional dominatrix before becoming a D-list mommy blogger. After spending many years traveling the world being told that she is fabulous, she now spends her days being told she doesn't drive fast enough by her five-year-old son. Scratch that. Her five-year-old daughter. Gender aside, the point is, she doesn't drive fast enough. She writes, sporadically, about sex and parenting at .

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Mona Shand

Mona Shand is an award-winning broadcast journalist who has worked in radio, television, and print. She is currently a correspondent for , a news agency dedicated to lifting up marginalized voices. She writes about family life at , and you can also follow her on and .

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Monica Gebell

Monica Gebell is a full-time English teacher, a Co-Director of the Rochester Listen To Your Mother show, and a contributing writer for Kveller. She and her husband are raising their three, young, wild-haired children in Rochester, NY. You can find her memoirs, rants, and musings at or on .

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Monica Green

A lady of mystery.

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Morgan Armstad

Morgan Armstad is a part-time writer and waitress, as well as a full-time mom to her incredible daughter Skye. She loves to read, dance and eat Milano cookies. She graduated spring 2016 from the University of Montana in Missoula with a degree in journalism with a history minor. Morgan is currently working and writing at Mamalode magazine in Missoula and has written for the website VProud.

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Morgan Starr

When Morgan Starr isn't working on beefing up her parenting resume with help from her two boys, she can be found at her job as a high school English teacher, ranting about comma splices and semi-colons. In her free time, which is few and far between, she can be found blogging at or about all of the aforementioned ridiculousness.

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mouths of babes

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Mychaela Nickoloff

is a journalist, freelance writer, and exuberant adventurer. Originally from Spokane, Washington, she now lives in Missoula, Montana. She loves the outdoors and is an avid skier.

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Myra Katherine Hale

I'm a single mama of two precious littles. I'm a personal fitness trainer, writer, piano teacher, and consultant for Rodan and Fields. In short, I work hard to support my family! I have recorded my journey of faith through divorce at .

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Nadine Bubeck

Nadine Bubeck is a mom, wife, TV personality, host, blogger, and author of . Check out her online mommy show, .

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Nancy Rose Stefanick

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Nancy Tandon

Nancy Tandon is a children's book author, a neurotic mom, and avid reader. She about kids books and parenting.

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Nanea Hoffman

Nanea Hoffman is the founder of Sweatpants & Coffee. She writes, she makes things, and she drinks an inordinate amount of coffee. She is also extremely fond of sweatpants. She believes in love, peace, joy, comfort, and caffeinated beverages. She has written for RoleReboot, The Washington Post, and Modern Loss.

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Naomi Gerheim

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Naomi Hartman Gerheim

Naomi is a Montana girl raising two Montana sons with a Texas boy. Trying to decide what she wants to be when she grows up, while trying to make sure those two sons grow up to value what is good, true, and fun.

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Naomi Pelss

Naomi Pelss is the mother of four children. She has a toddler, a teen, and two red-headed boys in between. At 43 years old she is currently parenting both a toddler and a teen. Naomi blogs about her crazy parenting journey at .

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Natalie Hayden

Natalie Hayden, 33, is a former TV news anchor living in St. Louis. Her mission in life is to be an advocate for those battling inflammatory bowel disease and to show that a chronic illness doesn’t have to dull your sparkle. Natalie was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in July 2005. After several hospitalizations, countless medications and flare ups she underwent her first surgery in August 2015. Recently married, Natalie will share insight on how her disease process impacts life as she and her husband look to the future and plan for their first child (a baby boy) due April 1.

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Natalie Hoage

Natalie is a wife, mom of a seven year old son and five year old twin girls, wannabe foodie, lover of wine and of all things social media. She blogs at and also works as a freelance writer and social media manager. You can find her , Facebooking, and pinning more recipes than she can ever possibly try.

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Nathan Wenzel

Nathan Wenzel is the father of two beautiful children, husband to an amazing wife, and the CEO of Y Combinator backed SimpleLegal. Nathan graduated from Arizona State University in 1999 and now lives outside San Francisco. Follow him on .

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Nerys Copelovitz

I'm an ex-PR and teacher, turned stay-at-home mom to two teenagers and one second-grader, who teach me daily that I need to upgrade and reboot my system in order to be the best parent that I can. I write to connect, with you and myself on and .

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Nichole Beaudry

Nichole Beaudry spends her days enjoying the small moments with her two children and uses their naptime to write about them. A former English professor, Nichole is now the assignment editor for allParenting, co-director/co-producer for Listen to Your Mother, Sacramento and co-founder of Sacramento Bloggers. When, by some miracle, she manages to find a few quiet moments, she writes on her own blog, , where she strives to capture the smallest, most amazing moments of life with her husband and young children.

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Nici Holt Cline

A fourth generation Montanan raising a fifth, Nici Holt Cline is a mama to Margot and Ruby, wife, gardener, crafter and runner who loves to write and take photos. She writes regularly on her popular blog .

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Nick Geurts

Nick is a structural engineer and lives in Denver, CO with his lovely wife Kari and girls Anna and Anzi. He enjoys hiking and camping with the girls, mountain biking, skiing and teaching a bi-weekly intro to welding class.

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Nicki Gilbert

Nicki Gilbert is a writer and country music lover who lives in the Bay Area with her husband and four kids. She is a regular columnist for j. the Jewish news weekly of Northern California and her work has appeared on NYT Well Family, Brain, Child, Mamalode, Kveller, and elsewhere. She blogs at and .

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Nicole Dash

Nicole Dash is a writer, blogger, and business owner who lives outside Washington DC with her husband and four children. Nicole writes about life, family and finding herself amid the chaos on her heartfelt blog. She is also a Huffington Post Blog Contributor and is working on her dream to publish a book.

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Nicole Jankowski

Nicole Jankowski is a mom of 4 kids and 2 awesome step-kids, a divorcee, a writer and very good at saying all the wrong things to the right people. Read about her experiences with autism, addiction and awesomeness at .

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Nicole Johnson

Nicole Johnson is the mother of four amazing people. She is also a fiction writer and blogger. She can be found blogging at .

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Nicole Leigh Shaw

Nicole Leigh Shaw consistently wonders, "Why did I come into this room?" Once upon a time she was a mostly serious news journalist, an accidental magazine columnist, and a mediocre editor. Now she funnels an enthusiasm for meeting minimum requirements into her blog, , and finding pairs of socks for her kids that kind of match. With four kids under age eight (two are twins), she can say with confidence that she's finally gotten the hang of this birth control thing: Facebook. Because one cannot procreate and update statuses at the same time.

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Nicole Morgan

Nicole, author of , is a Social Good Fellow for the United Nations Foundation, a Champion leader for shot@life and a Social Influencer for Johnson & Johnson, doing good makes her heart smile. She is a transplanted Brit cross South African, technically a lily white African American with an accent. A world traveling, liberal homeschooling Mama of two blog fodder providing cherubs by day. Writer at heart. Tweeter by compulsion. Blogger by night.

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Nicole Schwarz

Nicole Schwarz is a mom to 3 young girls, she encourages positive parenting at , using her background as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Parent Coach.

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Nicolette Brunner

Nicki Brunner is the Minnesota blogger behind . She works as an Art Director by day and raises three crazy children by night. She enjoys planning travels with her husband, spending time with her friends, listening to Broadway music, and relaxing on her computer, where she someday hopes to whip out a children's book or finally land tickets to see the Ellen show live. Nicki has been a Type I Diabetic for almost 30 years and wants the world to know it doesn't have to slow you down. You only go around once, after all. Don't let anything slow you down.

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Nikki Thomas

Nikki Thomas is a freelance writer that also runs a home improvement business with her handy hubby. You can find her blogging at .

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Nina Badzin

Nina Badzin is a columnist at The HerStories Project and , and a contributing writer at and . Her essays have appeared regularly at Brain, Child Magazine, The Jewish Daily Forward, , and elsewhere. Her short stories have appeared in over a dozen literary magazines, and she loved participating in the 2013 cast of Listen to Your Mother. Nina lives in Minneapolis with her husband and four children.

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Nina Parrish

Nina is the proud mom of two adorable girls. She is a teacher who has experienced the ups and downs and many "hats" involved in developing an education business that started at her kitchen table. She enjoys writing about parenting and education topics on her blog . Her writing has also been featured in Huffington Post Parents.

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Nina Riggs

Nina Riggs lives with her husband and sons and dogs in Greensboro, North Carolina. She received her MFA in poetry in 2004 and published a chapbook of poems entitled LUCKY, LUCKY in 2009. She works for a nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s health and human rights and writes about negotiating life with metastatic breast cancer (and the other perils and thrills of existence) on her blog .

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Noelle Elliott

Noelle is the mother of four boys and wife of one. She lives in the Midwest where she works as a publicist. She is a contributing writer for Family and Sassy magazines and has been featured in various print and on several websites including Elephant Journal, Erma Bombeck and Tabata Times. She is the creator of the successful staged show, The Mamalogue and author at where she writes about her lofty mission to raise the next generation of gentleman.

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Olga Mecking

Olga writes about living abroad and raising children with multiple languages on her blog, The . Originally from Poland, she lives with her German husband in the Netherlands. She also regularly contributes to and .

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Ophelia Leong

Ophelia Leong is a wife and mom who loves to write and Irish Dance in her spare time. She has been published in Mothers Always Write, Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Eunoia Review, Mixtape Methodology, Beyond Science Fiction, and others. She recently won Mothers Always Write's 2015 Holiday Poetry Contest with her poem "Christmas With Little Ones." Follow her on Twitter @OpheliaLeong and check out her .

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Paige Beselt

Mom of 8, wife to a traveling man. Keep up with her at .

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Paige Parker

Paige Parker is a writer and teacher who lives in Eugene, Ore. She blogs at .

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Paige Williams

Paige Williams is an award winning filmmaker and CEO/Founder of Porch Productions and FilmSpur. FilmSpur is an entertainment, film distribution, and marketing & outreach company. FilmSpur operates three film centric businesses: The Audience Awards, The International Documentary Challenge and The FilmSpur short film library. The library features 900 short films that businesses can use to promote their objectives via social media outlets.

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Pam Marie Ang

Pam Marie Ang is a full-time stay-at-home mom to Riley. Only when her son is asleep does she find the time to write. Read more of her writing at .

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Pam Moore

Pam Moore blogs about parenting, running, and life at The author of , she dreams of completing her To Do list, qualifying for the Boston Marathon, and sleeping in. Come hang out with her on , and .

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Pam Van Dyk

I live, work and write in Raleigh, NC. I can be found on and on .

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Pamela Bussi

Pamela Bussi writes about the people she meets. People with struggles, great victories, strange challenges and unique professions. All in all every story is about women that survive and contribute. .

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Pamela Savage

Pamela Savage is a work at home mom to Sweet Baby Raymond and forever-puppy, Buddy. She is married to a handsome, adventurous ER doc whose work schedule drives her nuts. Pamela is a counselor, yogi, runner and who has lived in Morocco, Philadelphia and Chicago. Pamela and her family live in Baltimore, MD (for now).

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Parvathy Pothan

I am a mother to a 1 year old baby boy. Before motherhood beckoned, I was part of our family business. Now, I am a full time mother, and trying to ignite my passion for writing through Mad Over Baby. My writings are mainly based on my new-found perspective as a parent. They can be found at . You can follow along on and .

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Patti Hall

I am a writer, ghostwriter and memoir writing coach. I am the author of a memoir on the subject of being a mom in the rare disease world that is seeking publication. You can find more about me on and all over social media.

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Patty Lazarus

Patty Lazarus is a published author, blogger and mother of two sons and a daughter she adopted at birth in the U.S. After spending nine years as an Account Manager for Microsoft, she left to focus on raising her children and became actively involved in their schools and several Seattle area charities as a board member and fundraiser. She is the author of a new adoption memoir called "March into My Heart: a Memoir of Mothers, Daughters, and Adoption" which is now available on . She lives near Seattle, Washington with her husband and three beautiful children. Follow her on or keep up with her on her website at .

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Paula Danner

Paula is a mom of two boys. She writes about finding the best moments even in the worst times at . She loves to laugh, travel, perform and snowboard.

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Paula Parks

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Pete Wilgoren

Pete Wilgoren is Managing Editor at one of the largest local news stations in the country. He is also a husband and father, outnumbered at home by a wife, two little girls and a dog named Cupcake. You can find him on and at talking about his frequently embarrassing, sometimes insightful, and often uncomfortable, admissions living with a wife and two girls.

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Peyton Price

Peyton Price is the author of Suburban Haiku: Poetic Dispatches From Behind The Picket Fence. She lives in suburbia (of course) with her long-commuting husband (of course) and two above-average children (of course). .

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Pink Gloves Boxing

Garret Garrels and Nick Milodragovich are the founders of : a women’s empowerment movement that started in Montana, expanded across the U.S. and has since grown all the way to Scandinavia.

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Prinna Boudreau

Prinna Boudreau is a mother, a writer, and a teacher. She writes about about one of the most profound mothering experiences—loss. Her stories reflect her belief that being human, and especially being a mother, means not always showing the most flattering sides of ourselves.

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Priscilla Halterman

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Rachael Lavon

Rachael is a Mom of four who blogs mostly in her head and occasionally on the web when she finds some time to come up for air.

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Rachael Moshman

Rachael Moshman lives in Florida with her husband, daughter, dog, four cats and a mannequin named Vivian. She blogs at .

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Rachel Beanland

Rachel Beanland lives in Lexington, Virginia with her husband and three children. Her writing has appeared on Brain, Child, in the monthlies Adoption Today and PRSA Tactics, and in several anthologies. You can find her .

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Rachel Bledsoe

Rachel E. Bledsoe is the Magnificent Mommy to the Terrific Toddler. When she is not writing, she is chasing around a rambunctious little boy and working at a local newspaper. After bedtime, she stays up late and has Misfits of a Mountain Mama while binging on Green Tea and Cheetos.

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Rachel Brandt

Originally from Gary, Indiana, Rachel Brandt is a writer and photographer living in San Diego with her technophile husband, dance-obsessed 5-year-old daughter, and two unruly rescue pups. Her blog, , is a no BS look at parenting and personhood post-kids. You can find more from Rachel on , and .

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Rachel Bucher

Rachel is a wife and mom of two. She works in marketing full time and also recently started her own children's clothing line, Little & Mighty. Rachel enjoys a frosty beverage and a good conversation riddled in sarcasm. She writes regularly over at .

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Rachel Cedar

Rachel Cedar, MSW is the founder and owner of , a parenting support & education service. She specializes in teaching parenting skills to parents of toddlers & preschool-aged children as well as new and expectant 2nd time parents. Rachel's writing and 28 Days of Play project has been featured on The Huffington Post, The Today Show.com, & NBC.com and her first children's book "When Mommy Has our Baby" will be available May 2014. While Californian at heart, Rachel is now living and raising her two young boys in New York City. Follow along with her on , , and .

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Rachel Garlinghouse

Rachel Garlinghouse rocks a top-knot while about adoption, race, mothering, and health. Her experiences and education have appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, Huffington Post, Babble, Scary Mommy, Fatherly, abcnews.com, Medium, Yahoo! News, My Brown Baby, and many more. Learn more about adoption and health on or .

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Rachel Guyah

My name is Rachel Guyah and I'm a terrible gardener, mediocre cook, and pretty good mom (I hope). I'm also a freelance writer/editor. You can find me rambling about motherhood over at my blog .

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Rachel Haggerty

Rachel Haggerty, blogger of . Wife and Mother of three, finds grace and humor in the ordinary.

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Rachel Hillestad

Rachel Hillestad is a 34-year-old Iowa-raised and Kansas City-living girl with one ruggedly sensible computer-nerd husband who kind of resembles the unibomber, three mostly sweet babies, and room for any foster children who need a place to stay. She has experience in dealing with OCD, anxiety, early hysterectomy, loss, love, and Diet Coke. Read more at , , or "like" her on .

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Rachel Jones

Rachel Pieh Jones is a writer living in Djibouti with her husband and three children. She has written for the New York Times, Literary Mama, Family Fun, and blogs for Babble and Brain Child. You can find her on her website .

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Rachel Macy Stafford

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Rachel Meyer

Rachel Meyer is a Portland-based writer and yoga teacher. You can find her on , and .

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Rachel Swanson

Just your average mom of 3 kids under 2 who's primary job is wife and mother. I have a smorgasboard of other passions and pursuits--writer, blogger, dental hygienist, speaker, ministry leader, and friend. Keeping up with these roles is a constant balancing act. Follow along on .

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Rachel Turiel

Rachel Turiel tends an urban homestead in southern Colorado, where she raises children, chickens, a large vegetable garden and small orchard. She is managing editor of the magazine, Edible Southwest Colorado, and a regular contributor to the Durango Herald, for whom she’s written a parenting column for seven years. She writes about living the good wild life on her blog .

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Randi Olin

Randi Olin is an editor at . Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Brain, Child, Your Teen, NY Metro, among others. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children.

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Rebecca Blue

Rebecca Blue loves a good plot twist, and as such, turned from writing technical documents as a river ecologist in the desert southwest to managing projects at a digital product studio in the soggy northwest. She currently lives in Seattle with her husband, where she is teaching herself to write a book.

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Rebecca Einstein Schorr

This former career-driven mother of three became a reluctant stay-at-home-mom when her autistic son and his two adorable sidekicks needed more from her and the transformation from a religious community leader to what her kids call a “house-mother” has been nothing short of life-altering. Writing at her blog, , Rebecca finds meaning in the sacred and not-yet-sacred intersections of daily life. Follow her on Twitter @rebeccaschorr.

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Rebecca Fishman Lipsey

I'm a mother, a policymaker, and a social entrepreneur. I'm serving a 4-year term on the Florida Board of Education, and I run , an accelerator for social entrepreneurs.

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Rebecca Stetson Werner

Rebecca Stetson Werner lives in Portland, Maine with her husband and three children. She writes about parenting, children’s books, and life in their very old home at and has contributed to Taproot Magazine, Full Grown People, and Grounded Magazine.

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Rebecca Strahle

Becky Strahle lives in the Richmond, VA area with her high school sweetheart and their two daughters. She has Etsy and Big Cartel shops called Farmgirl Paints where she shares her love of words through custom cuffs and original artwork. When she's not busy cuffing or painting, you can find her writing and documenting her love of life, faith, family and fun on her blog .

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Regan deVictoria

Regan deVictoria is a Missoula native, living and working in Butte. She is the mother to a toddler, to whom she devotes her writing at .

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Regan Long

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Reyna Marder Gentin

Reyna Marder Gentin lives in New Rochelle, New York. She and her husband, Pierre, who met in high school, will be married 25 years this coming September, and have two wonderful teenage children, Ariella and Micah. After twenty years of practicing law as a criminal appellate attorney in a public defender’s office, Reyna is now pursuing other interests, including taking courses in memoir and fiction at The Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College. She has published in Mothers Always Write and The Jewish Literary Journal, and is currently working on her first novel.

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Riley Netzley-Hale

Age 13, originally published in mamalode print magazine.

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Rion Nakaya

Rion Nakaya has been or currently still is a user experience designer, a photoblogger, a New Yorker, an expat and a champion of science and storytelling for all ages. In addition to finding her in Oakland, Calif., with her husband and two kids, you can find her blogging smart videos for kids at .

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Ris Higgins

Ris is a former Board President of the Prospera Business Network and currently serves on the Women’s Advisory Board for the SBA Women’s Business Center in Bozeman, MT, who named her their 2011 Mentor of the Year. In 2012, the SBA named her as one of their Women in Business Champions of the Year. Besides the priority of her family, Ris stays active in her community, enjoys hiking, camping in the middle of nowhere, dancing with Joe, and reading voraciously.

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Rob Irizarry

Rob is a husband, father, dreamer, attention span-challenged lover of all things technical, and a voracious reader. He has worked and lived in 38 countries including a decade in the Asian Pacific region. These days he spends his time at the intersection of his two core passions: entrepreneurship and edcuation. Rob runs the Blackstone LaunchPad at Montana State University, founded and has a startup, , that helps parents cooperatively manage technology with their kids.

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Robin Farr

Robin Farr is a writer, wife, communications professional, speaker and mom. She experienced undiagnosed postpartum depression after her son was born in 2008 and started her blog,, as a way of writing herself out of it. In doing so she discovered strength in brutal honesty and the power of community.

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Robin Finn

Robin Finn is a public health professional turned author, essayist, and advocate for out-of-the-box/2e/ADHD kids. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Brain, Child Magazine, ADDitude Magazine, Kveller.com, Disney’s Babble.com, and more. She has consulted with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on ADHD messaging for parents and has master’s degrees in public health from Columbia University, and in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica. Robin’s first novel, Restless in L.A. is forthcoming (February 2017, InkSpell Publishing). She lives with her family, writes, and searches for inner peace in Los Angeles (no pun intended). Visit her and on .

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Robin Lunsford

Robin is a mom of two boys. She writes about the beauty, trials, and humor of motherhood at .

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Robin O'Bryant

Robin O'Bryant is an award winning humor columnist and the blogger behind . She is the author of the indie bestseller, Ketchup is a Vegetable and Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves as well as A Second Helping: Best Loved Columns from Robin’s Chicks. O’Bryant is a regular contributor for The Huffington Post and Mashable listed her as one of the 17 Funniest Moms on Twitter. For the talent portion of this competition she will simultaneously cook dinner while singing the Hokey Pokey with her three-year-old, doing math drills with her eight-year-old, nodding and smiling at her six-year-old while looking lovingly into her husband's eyes and pretending to listen

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Robyn Reisch

Robyn Reisch is a proud Penn State graduate who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband, son, and two dogs. She enjoys cooking, snacking, lounging, reading, gardening, and listening to country and classic rock.

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Rosalynn Tyo

Rosalynn Tyo is a freelance writer who lives in Ontario with her husband, two little girls, and a small army of My Little Ponies.

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Roula Kefaki

Roula Kefaki was working as a sports writer for 10 years before he got pregnant to her now 4year old son, whom she raises ever since in Athens, Greece. She enjoys writing, eating candies behind the refrigerator door, meeting friends to talk about something else than motherhood and always talking about motherhood. She’s trying her best to cope with her sister’s loss to cancer, 3 years ago, but doing a terrible job.

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Rudey Maliszewski

Bienvenue! I'm Rudey. I’m a writer and an elementary French teacher living Chicago with my husband and two daughters. My driving force comes from my mom, who always said: "I gave you roots to guide you and wings so you can fly." I've built my life around that motto. My aim is to pass on to my daughters what my family secured in me. I want us to slow down, grow roots, and build a solid foundation. I also want to strengthen our wings and soar.

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Rudri Patel

Rudri Bhatt Patel is a former lawyer turned writer. She is the Online Editor for The First Day. Rudri posts frequently to her blog, , is a contributing writer for The Huffington Post and other publications. She is currently at work on a memoir that focuses on grief and life’s ordinary graces.

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Ruth Dawkins

Ruth is a writer who has recently moved from the UK to Australia with her husband and five year old son. She blogs about parenting, politics and photography at .

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Sage Penn

Sage has many titles: Mom, Wife, Professor, Writer. When her titles threaten her sanity, she happily adds the title Dr. Vino. She spends her work day teaching students to act like professionals, and spends her life teaching her kids to act like humans. Her work has been published on Scary Mommy, The Mid, Mock Mom, and Sammiches & Psych Meds. Find her on .

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Samantha Darby Sollenberger

Samantha is a freelance writer in small-town Georgia with her husband, David and her stepchildren, Chloe and Trey. She is a blogger for and writes a weekly column, at Work It, Mom! You can find more from Samantha at .

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Samantha McDonald

Author at , where I write about our family's experiences with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, and my own journey through depression. My husband and I live in Michigan and we have 3 children.

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Samantha Rodman

Dr. Samantha Rodman is a clinical psychologist and mom of three kids 5 and under. She blogs at about relationships, parenting, and psychology.

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Samantha Shanley

I am a writer and editor whose work has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and Huffington Post. I live in the Boston area with my husband and three children, and I blog at and I .

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Samantha Wassel

Samantha Wassel is a Stay-At-Home Mama to the cutest twin toddlers in the history of all Toddlerdom. When she's not running her borderline-offensive mouth, she's running masochistically long distances, often with the aforementioned toddlers in tow. She enjoys reading, writing, baking, marathoning, complaining, photographing, playgrounding, and Ghirardelli Midnight Reverie chocolate bars. You can find her on , , Mamalode, and .

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Samantha Willner

Samantha was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1991 when she was just one year old. Since then, she has worked in the T1D world in several capacities, most recently as development director for JDRF International, and previously chairing JDRF's Outreach Mentoring Program in NYC. She earned a B.S. in Communication from Cornell University and is currently working on a Master of Public Health at Yale University. Outside of school and work, Samantha is an avid world traveler and passionate writer/storyteller. You can follow her adventures with diabetes on her blog, www.HackDiabetes.tumblr.com, or on Twitter and Instagram @SamanthaWillner.

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Samina Farooq

Samina Farooq is a Co-founder of - an engineer by qualification, a language student by occupation, a photographer by eye, a writer by heart and an artist by soul.

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Sandra Ramos OBriant

Sandra Ramos O'Briant's is the author of The Sandoval Sisters’ Secret of Old Blood, which was awarded Best Historical Fiction and Best First Book by the ILBA, 2013. Her short stories and creative nonfiction have appeared in numerous print and online journals. Find out more about her .

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Sara Cline

Sara Cline is a wife and mother of three. She has an associates degree in nursing and worked in the nursing field for 13 years before making the decision to stay home with her family. Along with spending time with her family Sara enjoys photography, reading, hiking, boating, and travel.

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Sara Farmer

Sara Farmer is a stay-at-home mom to three - a four-year-old boy, a girl who died at 15 months, and a baby lost to miscarriage at 11 weeks. She writes about her journey through grief at her blog . Her passions (besides her husband and kids) include raising awareness of pediatric cardiomyopathy, her two cats, writing, and singing.

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Sara Fell

Sara Fell is an entrepreneur and mother of two boys. She is the Founder and CEO of , an innovative online job finding service based out of Boulder, Colorado.

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Sara Gillis

Sara works in higher education, but she's most proud of her role as a Mama to two precocious boys, Lionel Conner, age 3.5, and Quincy August, age 1. She's a bit uncertain about turning 30 later this year, so she's thinking about piercing her nose to "keep her young." She loves watching guilty-pleasure television, writing about motherhood, decorating her first home, sipping red wine with her husband Jordan, and chasing after her sons. Read her blog at .

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Sara Goldfarb

Sara is an attorney, wife, mother, and writer. You can follow her at or on Twitter @sjgoldfarb.

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Sara Goldstein

Wife of a rockstar, mother to his proteges. Vying for the title of World's Okayest mom. Keeping mama-ing real since 2005. Keep up with Sara on her blog .

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Sara Jensen

As the Creative Director for from the very beginning, Sara is responsible for their arresting visual design and branding. Her son Henry was diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 5 in 2013 and has grown into a powerful ambassador for diabetes issues. In addition to Beyond Type 1, Sara also works for world-class interior designer Genevieve Gorder as Creative Director. She is passionate about foster adoption, Beyond Type 1, good food and humor. She lives on a tiny island in the middle of a big ocean. And she has stories, lots of them.

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Sara Mutchler

Sara is a Minnesotan, a bookworm trying to raise bookworms, and a wannabe minimalist mom constantly trying to declutter in the clutter-full world of life with kids. If she’s not chasing her Irish twins, she can be found watching bad reality TV or reading—anything from a novel to a tweet—and sipping coffee or wine, depending on the time of day. You can find Sara at .

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Sara Smith

Entrepreneur, gardner, cook, mom, writer, hell-bent on doing it all, Sara Smith lives on Maui with her family. When she’s not wrangling her two kiddos, she’s hustling from her home office (or sneaking off to catch some waves.) She is founder and CEO of .

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Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson was born and raised in Montana. She was lucky enough to find her soul mate and almost every Saturday morning he makes crepes with huckleberry sauce. They have three children and live happily at the foot of a mountain. She loves the beginning and the end, but mostly... she loves the middle. Follow along at .

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Sarah Baughman

Sarah Baughman teaches English and lives with her husband and two children in Vermont. Her work has previously appeared in A River and Sound Review; Compose; Literary Mama; Brain, Mother, and elsewhere, and she .

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Sarah Black

Sarah Black is a self-proclaimed Drama Mama of four daughters. She shares her stories of motherhood and estrogen overload on her blog .

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Sarah Bregel

Sarah Bregel is a mother, writer, yoga teacher, deep-breather, wellness junkie, time-waster and perpetual balance-seeker. She is a contributor to SheKnows Parenting, Mommyish, HuffPost Parenting and Scary Mommy Experts. Find her at where talks outloud and divulges too much thanks for a very forgiving husband.

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Sarah Brentyn

Sarah Brentyn is a geek, a mum, and a freelance writer who loves good books and good wine. She enjoys writing fiction like those people who enjoy singing in the shower. She is a contributing writer for her local paper where she shares columns about life, kids, and whatever floats her boat. Keep up with her on her blog, .

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Sarah Bunton

In between balancing a chronic illness, work, and a feisty toddler, she loves to share her experiences, advice, and humor with others. You can find more of her writings on her blog !

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Sarah Calhoun

Sarah Calhoun has nearly two decades of leadership experience in both the non-profit and small business sectors, working in the outdoor education industry before founding in 2006. Tired of wearing men’s work pants that didn’t fit, Calhoun designed pants that would fit, function and flatter working women. Red Ants Pants are made in the USA and that will not change. Red Ants Pants is based out of White Sulphur Springs, Montana where the storefront, distribution center, and international headquarters all reside in an historic saddle shop.

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Sarah Clayville

Sarah Clayville writes, teaches, and mothers with abandon. Follow her writing antics at .

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Sarah Cline

Sara Cline is a wife and mother of three. She has an associates degree in nursing and worked in the nursing field for 13 years before making the decision to stay home with her family. Along with spending time with her family Sara enjoys photography, reading, hiking, boating, and travel.

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Sarah Clouser

After years of teaching high school English, Sarah is enjoying focusing on her two children while learning to slow down and look at the world through their eyes. She has learned more about dinosaurs and princesses in the past few years than she ever thought possible. Sarah’s work has been published on Parent.co, Mothers Always Write, Her View from Home, and The HerStories Project. Read more of her thoughts on smiling through the adventures of parenthood on her blog, One Mile Smile.

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Sarah Coghlan

A moustache loving Mo Sista since 2003, Sarah today leads the UK campaign and the team that make it all happen. She is responsible for delivery of the campaign across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Before joining Movember in a formal capacity Sarah worked in construction project management and as a product manager. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Laws) and is undertaking a Masters of Project Management.

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Sarah Cottrell

Sarah Cottrell is a stay-at-home mom of two boys in rural Maine. When she is not chasing children, cleaning disasters or yearning for wine, she blogs under the name .

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Sarah Curtis Graziano

A former reporter and high school English teacher, I am slowly finding my way back into the writing life. I grew up in the South but now try to keep on the sunny side in Michigan with my husband and three daughters. When I'm not at work on a musical biography, I procrastinate by writing parenting pieces. My work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Literary Mama, Parent.co, and Scary Mommy.

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Sarah DeNome

Sarah is a licensed counselor, stay at home mom of two charming little boys, and a seeker of SoulSync moments. You can find her living out her passion for building healthy self esteem at and on .

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Sarah Fader

Sarah Fader is the flavor vanilla with something unusual in it – like gummy bears, because she’s sometimes extroverted and wants everybody to like her, but some folks are like “wait a minute, this vanilla ice cream has gummy bears in it?! That’s weird. I don’t know about that…” Other people love that this particular ice cream has gummy bears in it, because it makes it more interesting and special. Oh, and she writes for HuffPost was on Good Day NY, has her own column on Psychology Today called Panic life, and runs a non-profit for mental health called .

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Sarah Gayden

I live outside of New York City and work in Marketing for The Washington Post. My work has previously been published on The Washington Post and on WeeWestchester.

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Sarah Geurts Millar

Sarah Millar is the managing editor at Mamalode. She has the pleasure of wrangling not only writers but also her two daughters and husband. Most days you'll find her moving words around on a page or curating the best of the information freeway.

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Sarah Grecula

Sarah lives in Woodbury, Minnesota with her husband, six year old daughter and infant son. Her greatest pride is reserved for her children but earning her bachelor's degree last year while mothering and working full-time is a close second. She loves to read, write and chase her dreams while helping her family pursue their own.

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Sarah Harris

Sarah is a mother of three and a writer of all the thoughts that clutter her mind. Her writing has appeared on Scary Mommy, BonBon Break, The Mid, in addition to her blog: .

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Sarah Honey

Sarah is the author of a lifestyle blog, where she writes about her adventures in mommyhood and everything in- between. You can also find her on , , or wrangling her toddler.

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Sarah Hosseini

Sarah is an introverted urbanite, temporarily hiding out in the suburbs, wondering, with a glass of wine in hand, where is everybody? (But secretly hopes no one comes out of their house to talk to her). She lives in Atlanta-ish with her two girls and husband. Sarah writes profanity laced musings on her blog .

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Sarah Ivens Moffett

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Sarah Kilch Gaffney

Sarah Kilch Gaffney is a brain injury advocate, writer, and homemade-caramel aficionado. She lives in Maine and you can find her work on her .

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Sarah Lucas

Sarah’s daughter Mary was diagnosed with Type 1 in 1998 at the age of seven. An event designer, writer and lifestyle expert with a passion for philanthropy, she has raised over $10 million for Type 1 charities over the past 15 years. In addition to being a co-founder, Sarah will also serve as the CEO of Beyond Type 1. When she's not fighting to make the world a better place, you will find her surrounded by her family, spending time with friends, exploring the world, and frequently on her bicycle.

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Sarah Millar

Sarah Millar is the managing editor at Mamalode. She has the pleasure of not only wrangling writers but also her two daughters and husband. When not moving words around on a page or curating the best of the information freeway, you'll find her delving into her love of teaching.

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Sarah Powers

Sarah Powers is a writer, editor and mom of three small children. She lives, writes, and wrangles in Southern California, and blogs sporadically at . You can find her on and .

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Sarah Sandifer

Sarah Sandifer is a mama to three young girls and she loves adventure, dark chocolate, and hanging out with her husband. She is a regular writer for the Huffington Post and blogs about life, motherhood, and marriage at .

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Sarah Sarkis

I am a licensed psychologist living in Honolulu, Hawaii. Originally hailing from Boston Mass, I have a private practice where I work with adults in long-term insight oriented therapy. I work from an existential psychology vantage point where I encourage my patients to “stay present even in the storm.” I believe myself to be an explorer of the psyche and I will encourage you to be curious about the journey rather than the destination. You can keep up with here .

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Sarah Schroeder

Sarah Schroeder is a stay-at-home mama, freelance editor, and costume designer for her family.

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Sarah Torna Roberts

Sarah Torna Roberts is a writer who lives in California with her husband and four sons. She spends her days shuttling kiddos and writing in her minivan, on the bathroom floor, at the kitchen counter. She snacks at 2 AM with great regularity, is highly suspicious of anyone who doesn’t love baseball (Go Giants!), and would happily live in a tent by the sea. You can connect on , , and .

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Sarah Watts

Sarah Watts is a freelance writer and work-at-home mom in the Chicago suburbs. She writes about a day in the life of a mom and a wife on .

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Sarah White

Sarah is an author, blogger and mom to three fabulous kiddos who give her LOTS of material to write about. Her articles can be found on sites like Books Rock My World, Writers Helping Writers and Her View From Home. If she's not taking care of the kids she's probably writing or reading something and wishing she had a cookie.

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Shana Norris

Shana Norris is a writer, reader, runner, coffee guzzler, and chocolate inhaler. She spends a lot of time acquiring new houseplants, organizing photos, and thinking about what she'll make for dinner. She's passionate about being a fully present mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Keep up with Shana on her blog,

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Shane Hickey

Shane Hickey is a computer consultant and proud nerd dad. In a former life, he toured the baltic countries with the Missoula new wave group, Volumen. These days he mostly just putters around on ukulele, plays video games and build robots.

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Shann Soiney

I'm Shann, a mother to 3 super active boys. I write about our adventures at .

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Shannan O'Brien

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Shannon Colleary

Shannon blogs at about parenting, body image, beauty and married sex. Her work has been featured on The Today Show, NPR, CNN, The Huffington Post and many more. She can be sassy.

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Shannon Curtin

I am a 2014 Pushcart Prize nominee and the author of two collections of poetry, Motherland (forthcoming from Anchor and Plume Press), and File Cabinet Heart (ELJ Publications). I am the newly named Poetry Editor of The Quotable and my writing has been featured in variety of literary magazines including Short, Fast, and Deadly, The Muddy River Review, The Mom Egg Review, and The Elephant Journal. I hold an MBA, competitive shooting records, and my liquor. You can find me .

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Shannon Day

Shannon Day is wife to one gorgeous, yet slightly overbearing, Brit and mom to 3 little ladies. Once a teacher now a story maker, and occasional cocktail shaker, she shares her tales, martini recipes and her shenanigans over at . You can also find her on , , and on .

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Shannon Drury

I am a longtime columnist for the Minnesota Women’s Press, and my writing has appeared in Bitch, HipMama, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and numerous anthologies. My first book, , was published last year by Medusa’s Muse Press.

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Shannon Lell

Shannon Lell was thrown from the corporate ladder in 2010. Shortler after, she started writing. Now, in between folding laundry and corralling two small children, she writes on her blog and is the editor and social media manager of Mamapedia. She writes introspective pieces on personal and social issues and she tries to use just enough sarcasm so you don't think she's emotionally unavailable. She also studies literary fiction at the University of Washington and is working on her first novel. You can also find her on , and .

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Shannon Perez

I'm a mom to two who blogged about parenting and politics at . Now I provide "advicetainment" as Ann Abler, giving people the advice they want to hear at .

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Shannon Shea

Shannon Brescher Shea is the mom of a three-year-year old and infant who is constantly learning to be kinder, more adventurous and more sustainable. She writes about parenting, growing up, and exploring this big, beautiful world at .

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Shari Marshall

Shari Marshall is a wife, a mother of two boys, and a career woman with a passion literature. She enjoys writing for her own blog, . Shari recently had her first short article published in Parents Canada called Lady Parts.

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Sharon Forman

Sharon Forman is a reform rabbi who tutors Bar and Bat Mitzvah students and resides with her husband and children in Westchester, New York. She is the author of The Baseball Haggadah: A Festival of Freedom and Springtime in 15 Innings. Her three children (ages 10, 13, and 16) are growing up at breakneck speed. When walking her new puppy, she finds inspiration for her writing, which has appeared in Kveller, Literary Mama, Mothers Always Write, the Bitter Southerner, and .

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Sharon Fuentes

Sharon Fuentes is an award winning freelance writer, humor columnist, special needs parenting expert and author of the soon to be released book: The Don't Freak Out Guide to Parenting Kids with Asperger's Syndrome.

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Sharon Powers

Sharon is a middle school counselor who loves working with kids and their families. She studied journalism at James Madison University and landed her first job covering the education beat for paper in her hometown, The Virginia Gazette. You can follow along on her website that's dedicated to parents of teens.

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Shawn Fink

I am not a therapist. I am not a pediatrician. I am not even certified in any of the dozens of kinds of parenting styles you can find in books and online. What I do have is immense life experience that led me to hold a very special view of the world of today’s mothers. That’s why I built this supportive village, , with the hope of inspiring more happy moms — and, in turn, happier children and a more peaceful world.

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Shawna Gove

Shawna Gove is the working mom to a sweet and wild little Calvin (complete with his own stuffed tiger!) She has blogged previously about her experience as a young adult with breast cancer, and she now blogs at about the made-up-in-her-head challenges of being a wife and raising an emotionally stinky little boy.

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Sheetal Tahilramani

Sheetal Tahilramani is a freelance writer and mother of 3. She grew up in America and is now based in Hong Kong. Last year, she published a children's book about embracing change titled "Happy to be Blu".

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Sheila Hageman

Sheila Hageman blogs for The Huffington Post. Her memoir, Stripping Down, Pink Fish Press is a meditation on womanhood and body image. Please visit , or find her on .

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Shelley Blanton-Stroud

Shelley is a college instructor and novelist with a cruel streak, having forced both her sons to make their own book clubs, which they did, from middle school through high school. Mean mom.

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Shelley Hopper

Shelley is a mama, a clean(ish) eating & cooking fro-yo lover with California roots and a gypsy soul. Looking to drop her final baby weight post-partum with her baby as her wing-man, Shelley found a passion for at-home fitness and adapting recipes to make them healthier and cleaner. With a pre-baby background as a small business owner and event coordinator, Shelley has always had an eye for details, styling, and writing. Documenting her journey living in North County San Diego through , and her as 'the healthy mama next door' turned single mom, Seashells and Sit Ups was born.

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Shelley Little

Born in New Brunswick, Canada, Shelley Little, now lives in Iowa with her three children, husband and two dogs. While she holds a Bachelor’s in Forestry and Environmental Science, after having children, she decided to stay home and pursue a writing career. She is now a full-time writer whose articles, short stories and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in: Funds for Writers, Moms Who Write, The Centrifugal Eye, Mom Writer’s Literary Magazine, Shemom, Writers Block Newsletter for the Midwest Writing Center, The Quad City Times, The Bettendorf News, and weekly on . She is currently finishing her first book of poems and hopes to find a publisher soon. In May, she also begins her new role as a volunteer staff member at Mothers Always Write.

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Shelley Wetton

Shelley is a mom, stepmom, wife and ex-wife who writes about blended families, divorce, co-parenting and relationships between moms and stepmoms. She has a BA and MA in English from CSU, Sacramento, and writes regularly on her blog, .

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Shelley Cameron

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Shenna Fitzgerald

Shenna Fitzgerald is a freelance writer and marketing consultant who lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, son and several spoiled chickens. You can read more of her writing at .

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Sheri Little

Writer & mama.

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Sherri Kuhn

Sherri Kuhn is a freelance writer, blogger and social media lurker. With a son in college and a daughter in high school, she always has something to write about. Her writing has been featured on Huffington Post, SheKnows, AllParenting, Moonfrye and BlogHer -- and on her personal blog . She was honored to be a cast member for the 2012 Listen to Your Mother show in San Francisco.

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Shri Nandan

I am a culture-blending parent of a first generation American. My current mission is to guide my daughter through the blended (muddled?) water of two vast cultures. I have lived in two countries and 8 different cities, and there is a glorious amount of chaos in my life. My daily attempts at extracting humor and meaning from these chaos can be found on my blog, .

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Silvia Demaras

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Sky Nelson

Sky is a joyous husband and daddy from Northern California. He spends his time studying the science of synchronicity for his upcoming book "What Are the Chances? Understanding Meaningful Coincidences", found at .

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Sonia Greenfield

's poetry has appeared in a variety of publications, including Rattle, The Massachusetts Review, and Best American Poetry, and she has a short story forthcoming in The Bellevue Literary Review. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and son, and teaches writing at USC.

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Sonya Spillmann

Sonya is a motherless mother who writes at to share her heart for her children. She loves laughter, coffee, red lipstick, and Jesus (not in that order).

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Stacey Conner

Stacey Conner loves chai tea lattes, bedtime and being at home with her children. She hates the cold, fingerpaints and play dough. She writes about life with four children, adoption, trans-racial parenting and other issues big and small at

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Stacey of onefunnymotha

One Funny Motha's award-winning work can be found on her eponymous blog , where she provides incisive cultural commentary, otherwise known as common sense, as well as on The Huffington Post, Mamapedia, Aiming Low and numerous other parenting websites. She is also the proud founder of the Detached Parenting Movement, a child-rearing model she single-handedly developed without any guidance or advanced degrees in child psychology. Currently, she's at work on a memoir.

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Stacey Owen

Stacey is a wife and mother, and a seeker of beauty and balance. She is most at home with fingers and toes in the dirt, face turned toward the sun, with her husband and three children alongside. She is learning to choose adventure over comfort and she believes in making the most of this life every single day. Follow along at .

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Stacey Pardoe

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Stacey Rodriguez

Stacey Garska Rodriguez is a wife, mother of two, writer, healthy living enthusiast, and lover of all cheesy music. She blogs about her "new life" as a housewife in the suburbs of Houston, TX at .

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Stacey Skrysak

Stacey lives in Central Illinois where she is a news anchor for WICS-TV. Stacey and her husband are parents to Peyton, their surviving triplet, who was born more than 17 weeks premature. Through her heartbreaking experience, Stacey has become a voice for dealing with grief, infertility and life with a micro-premie. Her triplets have touched thousands of lives around the world, thanks to Stacey's blog .

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Stacey Steinberg

Stacey is a professor, photographer, writer, and mom living in Gainesville, Florida. You can read more of Stacey’s essays on her or you can stay connected with Stacey by following her on and .

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Stacy di Anna Pollard

In her past life (before kids), Stacy di Anna Pollard worked in public relations and as a middle school teacher, but her proudest roles are that of wife to her college sweetheart and mom to their three “babies”, two teenage boys and a nine-year-old daughter. Stacy loves to read, write, travel, learn Italian but mostly hang out with her gang. Keep up with her at , where she blogs about Italy, family, and whatever else fills her with joy!

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Stacy Feintuch

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Stacy Firth

Stacy Firth is a writer and content strategist who helps small business owners create powerful online content. She’s also the mama of two. For years she’s been writing stories in her head; now she’s writing them down. You can find her .

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Stacy Katz

Stacy Katz is the inventor and co-founder of , a new card game for mischief-makers 8+.

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Starsha Diamond

A lady of mystery.

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Starter Series

The Starter Series is an ongoing set of interviews that share the stories of anyone who has started a business, non-profit or an interesting project in their field. Are you inspired by someone? Email any suggestions to sarah@mamalode.com.

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Stef Uhlenbruck

Stephanie Uhlenbruck has spent most of her life in Missoula, Montana and is now attending Wellesley College all the way in Massachusetts. When she isn't busy studying, she enjoys singing in choir, playing trombone in jazz band, swimming in the campus pool, and writing anything from plays to short stories to novels. She interned with Mamalode while home in Missoula for the summer of 2016.

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Steph Auteri

Steph Auteri is a writer who has been published in Bustle, Babble, Ploughshares, Time Out New York, and other publications. At the moment, she is the senior writer and editor for a nonprofit organization representing sexuality professionals, and also blogs regularly for mom.me. You can learn more about her .

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Stephanie Chang

I am a gregarious woman in love with math and education. I earned my Master’s in business at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; after working in Asia and America, I settled down in New York City. I started tutoring math over ten years ago, and I am certain I’ve found my true calling. I love to make math fun--I often use stories or poems to help bring concepts to life. My love of writing mathematical stories and poetry pushed me to branch out and write about my experiences as an Asian-American mother and a constantly changing woman.

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Stephanie Land

Stephanie Land's work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Vox, Salon, and many other outlets. She focuses on social and economic justice as a writing fellow through the Center for Community Change, and through the Economic Hardship Reporting Project. Her memoir, MAID: A Single Mother's Journey from Cleaning House to Finding Home, is forthcoming through Hachette Books. She writes from Missoula, Montana, where she lives with her two daughters.

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Stephanie Lormand

Stephanie Lormand is living the dream in Raleigh, NC with a husband, two children, and too many pets. When she thinks about it, she writes about parenting while ADHD at . But she's mostly focused coercing cooperation between the characters in her head and her working fiction novel. She had the most fun, ever, as a member of the Raleigh-Durham 2014 Listen To Your Mother cast.

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Stephanie Mackley

Stephanie Mackley is a storyteller, writer, and video producer who physically lives on an urban homestead in the Bay Area and metaphysically hangs out in her high mountain desert homeland. She is not a smoker, but wheezes like one when she laughs. You can find her writing at .

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Stephanie Pappas

As a professor turned stay-at-home parent, Stephanie Pappas is in the glory of not knowing what she's doing. She started to write about just that, and to offer inspiration to parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and others who want to teach kids to make magic out of the ordinary. You can find snackdinner on facebook @snackdinner and instagram @trysnackdinner.

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Stephanie Portell

I am the mother of two little boys working full time in the medical field while working on my dream of writing any chance I get. I primarily focus on the humor aspect of parenting and keeping sane when my kids purposely try to make me insane. In addition to working full time and writing, I am also working on my degree in psychology and hope to complete a novel one day.

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Stephanie Sprenger

I am a freelance writer, editor, music therapist, and mother of two young girls. As co-editor of , I have published two anthologies, with a third, Mothering Through the Darkness: Women Open Up About the Postpartum Experience, to be released in November by She Writes Press. In addition to Mamalode, my work has been published in Brain, Child Magazine, Cosmopolitan.com, Good Housekeeping.com, Scary Mommy, The Huffington Post, and others. I blog at .

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Stephanie Young

Stephanie M. Young is a communications expert, mother of two and advocate for health and wellness. Through her blog, , Stephanie muses about being a mother and wife, staying healthy and calm and finding the positives in life’s ups and downs.

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Steve Gilbert

Steve is a writer, husband and father of three, the youngest of which, Lia, was diagnosed with Type 1 in 2009 at the age of eight. Since then he has shared their story on the blog, Without Envy. Steve has served on his chapter’s executive board of JDRF, with his contributions embodying the spirit of community, outreach and raising awareness. He is also a novelist and serves as the Director of Operations and Social Mission for a small, friend-owned, natural products company operating out of Raleigh, NC. He, his wife, Franca, and family enjoy being outdoors, backpacking, cooking, and living a sustainable, health-conscious life. In 2013, they hosted a foreign exchange student from Germany who also has Type 1. Zuza has become like another daughter to them.

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Sue Callaway

Sue Callaway is the founder and CEO of , a contributor to Fortune and CNNMoney.com. She helped launch Esquire Gentleman, Esquire Sportsman, Men’s Journal and Civilization magazines before becoming a senior editor at Fortune. She left journalism to be the Director of Marketing for Ford’s luxury brands and later became VP and General Manager of Jaguar Cars NA. Sue co-authored the internationally best-selling book "What Would Jackie Do?" And if that isn't bad-assed enough, she is the co-creator of Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit.

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Sue Campbell

Sue Campbell is a freelance writer, children's novelist and mom of two. She blogs at . Cursing and potty humor abound.

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Sue Muncaster

Sue Muncaster is a freelance writer, food activist, adventurer, mom and founding editor of Teton Family Magazine. She writes to inspire herself and others to live more sustainable and fulfilling lives.

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Sunshine Dad

I consider myself to be a typical dude. I love football, I hunt, I fish, I do my own car repairs, I’m a member of Mad Cowford Improv group, if I need a handyman I go into the garage and get my tools, I do my own yard work, I carry a pocket knife, I love all things electronic, I believe the Bible is true, I’m a die-hard Florida Gator fan, I shave a couple times a month, I cried during The Notebook, I build furniture out of old pallets…you know, all the typical guy stuff. I also just so happen to be a stay at home dad of 4. Nearly everyday of my life holds a new adventure, whether I’m ready for it or not. Follow along at .

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Surbhi Prapanna

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Susan Buttenwieser

Susan Buttenwieser's writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Atticus Review, Women's Media Center, Brain, Child and other publications. She teaches creative writing in New York City public schools and with incarcerated women.

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Susan Carstensen

Susan Carstensen, mother of Eric and Tara, is a serial CFO, COO and Board Member for non-profit, private and publicly traded organizations in Montana and across the U.S. When Susan isn’t hiking with her daughter, at an alpine ski race cheering on her son, or entertaining friends and family at Flathead Lake, she is probably in the Board Room with one of the 10 or so organizations she is currently advising.

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Susan Goldstein

Susan, an English major from DePauw University, lives in Delray Beach. She is a volunteer reading tutor with the Palm Beach Literacy Council and is published on Mothers Always Write and Silver Birch Press.

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Susan Maccarelli

is Susan’s humor blog, though occasionally she’ll author a poignant post revealing her soft underbelly (a euphemism AND literal description). Susan also helps other bloggers get featured on the websites they aspire to, via her blog resource site .

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Suzan Jackson

Sue is the mother of two boys and a freelance writer. She writes about books at and about living with chronic illness at .

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Suzanne Perryman

Blogger at - Celebrating the Simple, Everyday- one inspiring story at a time, Featured on HuffPost Parents, Tech, Women , ScaryMommy, Blogher, Queen Latifah and more. Blogher Voice Of The Year 2013.

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Suzanne Weerts

Suzanne Weerts is a former television marketing executive turned arts and education advocate. She serves on the Board of the Burbank Arts For All Foundation and co-authored the PTA Resolution Homework: Quality Over Quantity that passed at the National PTA Convention in Orlando in June 2016. The mother of two teens shares her stories on stages across Southern California and co-directs/produces Listen To Your Mother Burbank.

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Suzie Chiem

Suzie Chiem is an intern at Mamalode and a student at the University of Montana's Journalism School.

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Swati Chauhan

Swati Chauhan, a computer engineer and management graduate by education, is a writer by passion. She writes about varied topics like self growth, personal productivity and parenting at her blog , which has been voted the "Top European Blog 2013" by Circle of Moms.

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Sydney Day

Sydney will start her senior year at the University of Montana this fall and is very excited to be a part of the Mamalode team this summer. She was born in Seattle but ventured out to Montana to spend a few years outside the city and see the big sky country. After graduating she hopes to head back to Seattle and focus on feature writing at an alt-weekly magazine. She has had a love for writing from a very young age and hopes to one day write her very own novel.

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Takesha Powell

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Talya Stone

Talya is mum to a very intense, amazing little toddler gal who most of the time specializes in driving her round the bend. Having given up the working mum role when she hit 12 months (she was the co-founder and Editor-in-Chief for an online lifestyle platform) she’s sat on both sides of the fence as a working and then stay-at-home mum and like many, has grappled with the issues which come hand in hand with both scenarios. Read more from her on her blog .

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Tamara Woods

Tamara Woods is a poet, writer, awesome auntie. She can be found on sharing poems, short stories and forever and .

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Tammi Salas

Tammi lives in Valley Ford, CA (population: 126). She is a former wine bar owner, lifelong seeker + recovering perfectionist. She makes art everyday + credits this practice as the path to her spiritual overhaul. She documents her creative forays + monthly sobriety milestones on her website www.tammisalas.com and co-hosts The Unruffled Podcast, which focuses on creativity + recovery from alcohol. ------- Website http://www.tammisalas.com/ --------- Podcast https://m.soundcloud.com/stevehecht-561628099

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Tammie Haveman

Here I am. Smack dab in the middle of life. Married to my best friend. Raising four amazing kids. Growing in faith. Passionate about building community and serving the vulnerable. Laughing, sassing, and as I go.

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Tammy Kleinman

Tammy Kleinman is a communication consultant, writer, and editor living in New Haven, CT. Her work has appeared in Mamalode, the BlogHer anthology, Roots: Where Food Comes From and Where It Takes Us, and on Mash Stories. She currently is working on a full-length novel about two sisters coming of age in 1960's Ohio and their complicated relationships with their mother, their men, and Esther Williams.

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Tana Baer

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Tania Elfersy

Tania Elfersy, mother of 3, is the co-author and publisher of the award-winning gift book for new moms, Purple Leaves, Red Cherries. Find out more about how Purple Leaves, Red Cherries is supporting women in early motherhood by visiting:

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Tara of You Know it Happens at Your House Too is the mother of five young kids, wife to one hard working farmer. She is the sometimes hilarious, sometimes serious, usually sarcastic writer of the amazingly popular (in her own mind) blog . In her free time she enjoys wiping butts and noses all while picking up Legos and Polly Pockets. If she ever had a moment to herself she would go pee, then relax with a nice, cheap glass (bottle) of wine and any movie starring Johnny Depp. She has completely forgotten what it is like to do anything alone. Tara lives in Kansas with her husband, Farmer Bob, and her five children. You can also find her ignoring her kids on and .

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Tara Jordan

Tara is the mama of two city kids. A former English teacher, she writes about children's picture books and other tidbits that keep children and mamas connected and thriving. See her stuff at .

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Tara Mandarano

Tara Mandarano lives outside Toronto, Ontario. A first-time mama navigating life with a tyrannical toddler, her work has also been featured in The Huffington Post and The New Family. Follow her story at .

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Tasha Slotnick

Age 13.

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Team Mamalode

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Tera Johnson

Tera Johnson is an intern with Mamalode, and a student at the University of Montana. While she enjoys writing, her interests also include photography, hiking, and eating various forms of cake.

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Teri Biebel

Teri is a working mom of two teenage daughters. She is a writer, a ranter, a fan-girl and has a huge crush on Mike Rowe. Her work can be found in the New York Times Bestselling book I Just Want to Pee Alone, and you can find her on , and on her blog, .

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Teri Ott

Teri McDowell Ott is the chaplain of Monmouth College, a small, liberal arts college in the middle of Illinois and a mother of two tow-headed children. She writes for The Christian Century magazine and blogs at .

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Teri Venable

I am a grandma and mother of very old kids. We are an imperfect bunch and love ourselves anyhow. A freelance writer and an evolving soul, I make more mistakes than I want to admit and have learned to laugh through the resulting chaos. Writing funny is a desire that often turns not funny but an outgrowth of much wisdom.

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Terry Miller

Terry Miller lives with her two sassy little girls, two black labs and a fabulous husband. A Canadian, and former outdoor educator for Outward Bound Mexico and Alaska. On any given day you will find her chasing little girls, kayaking local rivers, dreaming of Grand Canyon permits, or dispersing lactation information and support to mamas and their babes.

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The Good Men Project

We're having a conversation about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century. You can get in on the conversation on , , and .

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Theo Ellsworth

I live with my family in Missoula, Montana. My wife is the owner of Mountain Sage Acupuncture and my son likes fighting imaginary fires, going down slides, and reading storybooks by flashlight. I make graphic novels, art zines, illustrations, and woodcut art out of my studio, The Thought Cloud Factory. It's all one big crazy juggling act, but it's a good life.

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Therese Steinhoff

Therese Steinhoff is an East Coast girl raising three midwestern boys with her husband in Saint Paul, MN. She enjoys writing, running, singing, reading, knitting, and drinking lattes at the local coffee shops with friends. She writes about the joys of her life daily at .

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Tiffany Hill

Tiffany Hill is an editor and mother to a toddler in Philadelphia, PA.

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Tiffany O’Connor

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Tiffany Shlain

Tiffany Shlain is a filmmaker, artist, founder of the Webby Awards, and co-founder of The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences. A celebrated thinker and catalyst, her films and work have received 60 awards and distinctions. Four of her films have premiered at Sundance, and her latest film will be released in 2014 for #CharacterDay. Find out more about her work at .

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Tiffany Verzal

Tiffany Verzal lives in Lincoln, Nebraska with her husband and daughter. In 2008, her daughter was the victim of shaken baby syndrome at the hands of her daycare provider. She suffered severe brain damage and has spent over 2,000 hours in rehabilitation since her injury. Tiffany continues to raise awareness for traumatic brain injury, shaken baby syndrome and child abuse. She serves on the Nebraska Brain Injury Council as well as Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital’s Board of Trustees. Read more from Tiffany at .

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Tim Akimoff

Tim is the father of three pretty amazing kids, and is married to their mom, his best friend. Tim has worked as a journalist at newspapers in Oregon, Montana and Ukraine, a television station in Anchorage, Alaska and a public radio station in Chicago, Illinois. He is completely fascinated by storytelling, and his passion is finding new ways to share our oldest form of entertainment and our most important way to communicate with others. Join him on his adventures at .

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Tim Daly

Tim has been an actor for more than 30 years, playing myriad roles in TV, films, and theater. He is the recipient of , , , , and , and has been nominated for and awards. He is perhaps best known for his roles in , , and , and as the voice of Superman for the animated series. He is currently starring in on CBS and the YouTube web series . Tim is an activist in various political and social causes and uses his voice and stature to promote issues of public importance, specifically in the areas of arts advocacy, public education, and First Amendment rights. Since 2008, he has been president of , a nonprofit, nonpartisan, politically active group of the American entertainment industry. He was also one of the three chairs for TCC at the 2008 Democratic and Republican conventions, responsible for leading TCC's efforts to bring issues of importance to the forefront of the 2008 presidential campaign. He is on the board of , a non-profit organization that uses the power of creative writing to help juvenile offenders reclaim their lives.

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Timothy Almeida Jr.

Writer & daddy-o.

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Tina Donvito

Tina Donvito is a freelance writer and the proud mom of a strong-willed toddler. Her work has appeared online in The New York Times, The Washington Post and Cosmopolitan, among others. She blogs at .

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Tina Hamilton

Tina Hamilton is a journalist, blogger and social media guru. You can usually find her online or walking along one of Southern California’s beaches with her dog, Joey. You can find her on Twitter.

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Tina Plantamura

Tina is a seamstress by trade, a writer at heart, and a stand-up comedian in her imagination. She lives on the central NJ Shore with her family. Read more of her work .

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Tiziana DiFabio

Tiziana DiFabio, LCSW-C, MPH is a bilingual (English and Spanish) therapist in Rockville, Maryland. She has experience working in schools, outpatient substance abuse, and in the community with out-of-school youth seeking to re-engage in education and/or workforce. She has had the privilege of serving adolescents as an educator, positive youth development facilitator and a therapist in Montgomery and Prince George's County. Therapeutically, she addresses: trauma and stress-related disorders such as adjustment disorders and PTSD, grief, depression, anxiety and substance abuse. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: TizianaDiFabioLCSWC@gmail.com.

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Todd Smith

Todd Smith is a Twin Cities based freelance writer and former columnist for METRO Magazine. He currently writes for the . Smith enjoys building LEGOs with his son Murphy, eating bacon at his favorite restaurant with his wife Sarah, and playing hockey outside until his face freezes off.

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Toni Hammer

Toni Hammer never planned on having kids, but she’s now a stay-at-home mom to Lillian and Levi who were born 355 days apart because the universe has an awesome sense of humor She chronicles her mommy misadventures at and a book of the same name is being pitched to publishers as you read this. If you’re a fellow social media addict, you can also find her trying to be funny on and . She loves food she doesn’t have to cook, and drowns her mommy guilt in copious amounts of coffee and Diet Coke.

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Tony Posnanski

Tony Posnanski was over 400 pounds for most of his adult life. His wife wanted him to get healthy so they could start a family. Finally in 2008, he decided to get healthy and lost over 200 pounds. While losing weight he started to document his weight loss on his blog, . While doing so he found a love for writing. Tony writes about family, weight loss, and any opinion he might have. He has been featured in CNN, Huffington Post and AOL. Tony also enjoys posting random status updates on his .

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Tonya Wertman

Tonya is a Southern Californian stay-at-home mother to five-year-old son, Lucas and toddler daughter, Lola. She is a freelance writer and author of her own blog, .

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Tori Roberts

Tori started as an intern, then worked as an editorial assistant, and is now our managing editor. She graduated from the University of Montana School of Journalism in 2013 and now lives in Boston, MA.

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Tove Stakkestad

I am a Danish American mother of four boys, 8 years old and younger! I report live from the trenches of motherhood on all things related to love, life, laughter and lots of LEGOs!

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Tracey Watts

Tracey Watts teaches writing at Loyola University in New Orleans, where she is raising two spirited children.

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Tracy Gillett

Tracy Gillett is a mother and adventure seeker. She writes on her blog, , a heart-driven platform providing parents with knowledge and empowerment. She hopes to rouse your natural instincts so you can parent your way.

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Tracy Jensen

Tracy Jensen is a writer, single mom, marathoner, and music lover. She is also notorious for doing things the hard way. You can find her at and .

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Tracy Morrison

Tracy Morrison is a work at home mom of three girls and two male cats. She keeps the cats because her daughters love them and they provide good entertainment and blog fodder. She writes about the lighter side of parenting on her personal blog . Her writing has also been featured on Savvy Sassy Moms, The Huffington Post, Mamapedia, Care.com, Everyday Family, and BlogHer.

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Tracy Sano

Tracy loves to laugh and tells her tales of love, life and libations on her humor blog, . Her greatest accomplishment to date is being named "Best Auntie in theWorld" by those who matter.

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Tricia Kushman Anderson

Tricia grew up in a small Mid West Wisconsin town but dreamed of big cities and high heels. She writes about motherhood, grief, hair loss and finding her voice in the world on .

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Tricia Mirchandani

Tricia Mirchandani is a mother of two, a freelance writer, and the blogger behind . Her words have appeared on the Huffington Post, Literary Mama, SheKnows, BlogHer, and in Pregnancy & Newborn magazine. She tells stories about motherhood, personal growth and the life of a writer mama because sharing words can make the world a better place.

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Tristan Young Mercado

Tristan Young Mercado is a Carolina Mama living in Texas, who writes and raises her young’un the best way she knows how. Between caring for her son and husband, she’s sweeping dog hair and writing about the relentless cast of crazy characters known as her family. Currently, she’s putting finishing touches on a recently completed screenplay and beefing up her blog titled, .

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Trudy Ludwig

Trudy Ludwig, who lives in the wet and wonderful Pacific Northwest with her two great kids and kind hubby, is a nationally acclaimed speaker and award-winning author of nine children’s books. Her work focuses on helping kids cope with and thrive in their social world. You can find out more about Trudy on .

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Tyler Jacobson

Tyler Jacobson is a father, husband, and writer, with past experience in content writing and outreach for parent and . Tyler has offered advice and humor to readers on parenting struggles, problems in education, all things social media, addiction, and pressing issues with raising a teenager today. Connect with Tyler on .

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Val Perry Rendel

Dr. Val Perry Rendel has a fucking Ph.D. in English, bitches, and her linguistics students used to LOVE it whenever she (occasionally) dropped one or two curses into her lectures. She now works as a in Chicago, where she and her husband are doing an admirable job of not screwing up their only child.<