Starter Series—Soft Skin Company

Team Mamalode reviews & interviews

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The Mamalode Starter Series is an exciting opportunity for us to introduce you to some of the amazing people we get to meet. Starting something takes enormous amounts of work, faith, help and community. Every week we'll share another story of starting. So, community of Mamalode, read up, get inspired and check out these wonder-folk.

Feature interview with founder of the Soft Skin Company, Lana Baker.

Tell us a little bit about your business and how you started it.
It all started when I was pregnant with my first child. When I started getting big with pregnancy I really started to feel the discomfort of my stretching skin. I was working full time and would literally sit there counting down the hours that I could run home, take a bath and slather my big expanding belly up with oil. I actually experienced quite a bit of pain from my stretching skin and I just knew I was going to get stretch marks. My mom, grandma and aunts all have terrible stretch marks from pregnancy so I knew I was doomed. I asked my doctor and midwife and they both told me just to moisturize as much as I could (and drink lots of water). So, the problem that I ran into was that unless I wanted to walk around naked all day, I found it really hard to keep those oils on my skin instead of everything else. I decided that walking around wrapped in plastic food wrap was my only option at the time. It was just crazy, my husband thought I was crazy and it was very uncomfortable but I had no choice. We had a good laugh about the whole ordeal.

Fast forward to my second pregnancy I decided to take matters into my own hands. I sourced a textile that would be perfect for keeping the oils on my skin. It's a technical fabric that is specifically designed to be worn close to the skin and retain moisture.  I come from a family of tailors, so I had their help in making a tank & boy short set that would be worn during my pregnancy. I used it throughout my second pregnancy and was so excited to launch the product to help all of the pregnant women that had the same issues as me. I also researched the best natural oils that help skin maintain elasticity and formulated a natural belly oil in my kitchen. The belly oil is nine perfect ingredients that I still use daily. I couldn't wait to get started on the business, so I decided to write a patent and it was finally granted! 

I knew that I had to get this product to market because all of my friends who have had babies had the same issues with keeping their oil on their bellies. Eventually, through some mutual friends I was put in touch with Julie Aigner-Clark, the founder of Baby Einstein! I had heard that she lived in Colorado, so I got in touch with her to hopefully get some advice on where I should go next and what I should do. To my great surprise she loved the idea and offered to jump in and help launch the company. Here we are today!

The Stretch Softly® Stretch Mark Prevention set consists of a tank top, boy short and a bottle of our 100% natural belly oil. The fabric & oil are free from toxins, BlueSign Certified and made in the USA. We are now selling online on our website, specialty maternity boutiques and will be soon available at Destination Maternity!

What do your kids think about your job?
I work from home so my kids know that I spend a lot of time on my computer. They know that mommy has to do her work, but my oldest son is always talking about how he wants to have an invention of his own and keeps giving me cute ideas—like a Transformer candle that he wants to make and sell to his friends. I think it's good for them to grow up around parents that start a company, it puts ideas in their minds to think that way.  

Tell us about a total mom+ biz fail?
Oh wow, there are too many to list! But the other day my 19-month-old decided to drink my (cold) coffee while I was busy typing away on my computer. Let's just say that he didn't sleep well that day!

Share with us a total win (brag away!)
My family. To me that is my total win. I love how supportive my husband is of me and my pursuits. My children are my everything and the reason why I am doing all of this. And of course I cannot forget my parents and husbands parents for always being there to help out in any way that they can. I feel truly blessed to have the support of my family.

What's your relationship with Mamalode?
I love Mamalode. I love that the content is fun & creative. I like to take a coffee break and read away.


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