Simplify - A Look Back

Team Mamalode mama says

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Well Mamaloders, we’ve spent the last month simplifying. We’ve de-cluttered, de-stressed, de-scheduled and now we’re going to decompress and take a look back at some of the highlights from April.

Here’s what happened:

Abi Colter kicked off the month with Simplicity Parenting: Why Less is More for Your Kids. In it, family counselor, Waldorf educator and public school trainer Kim John Payne, M.Ed., asks that parents see childhood as an unfolding experience, not an enrichment opportunity. “If it is an enrichment opportunity, then we're in an arms race, trying to get the most for our child,” he says. “This is fundamentally a con, and not healthy.”

Alison Wilkinson doesn’t want to miss the moments of the sweetness that happen in between those of chaos.

“As the end of the school year approaches, my girls tend to experience what I call year-end burnout.”  Michele Fallon, you are certainly not alone here.

If I was asked to sum up Heather Holter’s I Hate my Baby: A Post-Partum Story in one word, it would be BRAVE. In all caps.

“I want to fly alone, Mom. I think that sounds cool.” And just like that, Daisy Florin became a parent to an Unaccompanied Minor.  

“If you haven’t worn it or played with it in a year, consider yourself warned: it’s going to Goodwill.” Sarah Harris got serious about this whole simplifying thing.

Anne Flavin wondered why the questions people ask her son differ so wildly from those they ask her daughter. Let’s all say it together now, Ask Her More.

Savagemama learned that her children open up to her most when they’re on the move.

Tracy Sano’s sister is a girl after my own heart: a “tosser.” And her daughter is learning to adapt to it: “What’s hilarious is watching my niece deal with living in a Throw-Away house. She’s 4 years old and by now she’s figured out that things in her house “disappear” unexpectedly. Mandy said sometimes she sneaks things over to Grammy’s for safekeeping because she’s also figured out nothing disappears at Grammy’s house.”

Cheers to you, Mamaloders, and to another month of wonderful, honest and brilliant stories.


Team Mamalode


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Team Mamalode

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March 2015 – Simplify
We are partnering this month with the marvelous minimalists:
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