I’m going to be his mommy for the rest of my life. Not every day is going to be on “the schedule”, and the routine is just not always going to work.
You Won’t Remember Me
You won’t remember me; I will remember for both of us.
We Are All These Mothers
Tonight, I have had my heart on Paris, on the Syrian refugees people want to keep out of our country, on the children that died as we bombed ISIS.
A Letter To My Second Born
Somewhere in the middle of my petitions, I drift off to sleep fretting over if I am giving you all I've got and if you truly know my heart for you.
The Grieving New Daddy: It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Only four weeks after my husband lost his mum, he welcomed a daughter into the world.
Love Amplifier
“But how does it work? How do you love this one like your first?”
To The New Mom Who Needs A Little Reassurance
Remember that you are important, beautiful, and strong. You brought a child into the world. You can do this, one day at a time.
How Four Little Lines And A Pair Of Scissors Changed Everything
So right then, we cut my hair. In the bathroom, with an old pair of slightly dull, blue scissors, he cut off my ponytail.