Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. Damn, he is really growing up.
A Single Aspiration
My job as a mother is simple: I’m raising my son to best prepare him to leave me.
Love Is More Than Enough
What will they remember more – the snickers and the taunts, or their mother's love for them?
Coming Full Circle: The Life of a Traveling Theatre Educator
How the theatre saved my life as a child and transformed me into the person I am today.
14 Ways I Would Like to Pay Back My Kid When He Grows Up
Yes, there are a few things for which we would like to avenge them for what they did to us when they were babies.
Baking With Boys
Growing up with two sisters, the world of boys is foreign to me.
A. Joy
Did you bring us a snack? Of course. I am Mama. Once I gave birth to you, my body produced milk and small bags of Goldfish crackers.
Flexing A Different Muscle
My hope is that as my sons see me fulfilled by being their mother as well as all I am beyond that, they will reach for such equilibrium and encourage it in others.
A Mosaic of Shared Memories
For me, my sons’ crib holds many of the best memories of their childhood, as well as the worst, and like most memorable things in life, it is impossible to separate the good from the bad.
I’ll Never Be the One to Hang Up First
Oh, little does he know how hard it will be for me to ever let him go.