Daily, he teaches me anew that beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder, and I am a better person and mother for that lesson.
It Feels Like Home in Your Arms
To me, there is no better compliment. There is no greater gift, job, or purpose than for my arms to be his home.
Dear Boys and Girls
There is power in the do's and the don'ts in this world. And it is imperative to know the difference.
Reflections After The Storm
You may only see calm rainbows in someone’s life, but remember a strong storm may be looming nearby.
My Promise to This Year’s Teachers
But there are things I'll be thinking, things I wish I was brave enough to say out loud, to help them understand the package deal of their new student and said student's mother.
Parenting Like A Chimpanzee
One thing I learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun. – Jane Goodall
Learning Quiet Kindness
And then I see kindness that steals my heart and reminds me that there is goodness in the world, just for the sake of goodness.
Summer, Camp and Expectations
Maybe summer could be the one time when all of us send expectations packing and give each other a break.
The Best, And Cheapest, Summer Program Ever
Foster responsibility and compassion in our Fish Keepers program. Each week your child will build her hand-eye coordination skills as she scoops a beta fish out of its bowl.
I’m at that place: my youngest does not need me quite as much as he used to. Of course all my children “need” me, but not in that visceral and primal way anymore.