The Trump Effect

Laura Birks Elementary School

2016 was the year that bullies of all ages returned to the forefront. It is the “Trump Effect” as some educators have dubbed it.

The Space That Holds My Heart

Jennifer Gregory Elementary School

I endured by convincing myself that as long as he had that gaping space in his mouth and the sweet lisp that accompanied it, he would stay my second, last, and squishy baby boy forever.

Picture Day

Joseph Medler Elementary School

Hopefully when you look back, from a great distance and see your picture you’ll see love.

The One Thing We All Want to Know

Rachel Macy Stafford Elementary School

You might think opening their locker or having seven teachers is the greatest worry for sixth graders on that first day of school—but it’s not. In general, their biggest source of angst is knowing how they’re getting home.

I Don’t Want To Leave You Like This

Autumn Jones Elementary School

This type of back-and-forth banter was something I longed to relive on the stretch of weary mornings also known as the year my youngest son went to kindergarten and was diagnosed with severe separation anxiety.