By Galit Breen. This book is about letting go of distractions to live a better life more focused on what truly matters.
The Silent Wife: A Book Review
The most thrillingly terrifying aspect of Harrison’s story isn’t who killed who or why the crime was committed: it’s the utter relatability that the reader feels for the main character.
An Interview With The Busy Mockingbird
Interview with Mica Hendricks, the mom and artist behind the blog The Busy Mockingbird.
An Interview With California Girl
Mamaloders, let me introduce you to a curious girl from the golden coast who became a pioneer in the $50 billion beauty industry—a mom, just like you and me.
You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth: A Book Review
A review of perhaps one of the most unaplogetic statements proclaiming this is who we are.
Mommy Meltdowns: A Review
By Shana Norris. The Mother of All Meltdowns, an anthology that will make you feel anywhere from a little to a lot better about the last time you failed to act like the calm, mature, reasonable mom you strive to be.
An Interview With The Tea Collection
Interview with Emily Meyer, co-founder of the Tea Collection.
Moms Who Drink and Swear: Book Review
Moms Who Drink and Swear is a spin-off of Nicole’s incredibly popular blog; a blog whose mission statement parallels Mamalode’s. She says, “What keeps us ticking is the knowledge that we are not alone. WE ARE NOT ALONE.”
Against All Grain: Book Review
I’ll admit that when the gluten-free craze first reared it’s grain-free head, that’s all I chalked it up to: a craze—a fad diet that would soon be replaced with the …
Dear Mom Letters, A Book Review
A book Review of the Dear Mom Letters written by Rachel Martin of the blog Finding Joy.