What will I do, who will I become if not the full-time, stay-at-home mother of these three children?
Mom And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
It’s time to reexamine what motherhood means to me. It’s a chance to fix what is broken and strengthen what is right.
放慢速度 (Slow down)
一天内两次感觉像个失败者,可能吗? 我把老大狠狠的训斥了一番,因为干净的地板上被他撒的到处都是饼干。他看起来也是满脸伤心 痛苦。我气呼呼的拿起吸尘器吸着地上的碎末,那一刻我突然觉得自己就像散落一地的饼干屑。 “失败,失败,真失败!”内心忍不住尖叫起来。 孩子们的午睡时间到了,我还来不及陪他们立刻回房休息,于是我轻声细语的跟三岁的儿子说:“ 睡个好觉,宝贝。”他活泼的招招手说:午安! 他已经原谅我对着他大吼大叫了,但我还没原谅自己。这一次,头顶轻轻想起:“失败,失败,真 失败!” 像个一败涂地的失败者般坐在桌子前,打开电脑,我读到的第一件事就直击内心:“为什么我们不 让孩子有大人般的感受呢?为什么他们不可以有心情不好或者脾气暴躁的一天呢? 我并没有给我的儿子展示人性的慈悲。我把自己的标准凌驾在孩子身上。我没有给三岁的孩子留 有余地。相反,我脾气暴躁了一早上。我抱怨,发牢骚,大喊大叫并且表现的不愉快。我其实才 是那个有着不愉快一天的蹒跚学步的孩子。 那天后来,有了我们俩独处的时间。我们安下心来做着彼此的事情:我写作,他画画。 突然,他停下来,握起我的手喊了一声:“妈妈,”然后爬到我的膝盖上来。 我抱着老大,他的头靠在我的肩上,我意识到他的腿已经不知不觉长长了好多。回想起以前他常 常睡在我身上,头靠在我的心旁,脚蜷缩在胃前。当我闻着3岁孩子的气味并握着比我记忆里大 一些的手时,我真切的明白了两件事:一是我的儿子给了我慈悲和宽容,哪怕是一个有缺点的人, 他也会无条件的去爱;另一个是时间并没有站在我这边。 时间是个小偷,他偷走了那些孩子们大脑日益发达,四肢逐渐健壮,性格日渐独立的时光。 时间是个骗子,他告诉我来日方长,因此我还可以神经紧张并为鸡毛蒜皮的小事还脾气失控。 时间是个滑头,他隐藏了那些微小的快乐时刻,相反只让我们感受失败的滋味。 希望这些快点消逝(比如我等不及希望他们快点长大自己擦屁股,我迫不及待希望他们让我安静 的呆在洗手间!)我竟把时间当作了敌人。 时间,对不起,请你慢一点,让我们继续做朋友吧。我需要你给我的一切,我保证不再浪费一分 一秒。 作者:Alison Lee 翻译:Luna Luo …
Beyond Our Site – Putting The Capital P Back In Purpose
It’s easy to see the immediate purpose for our actions everyday, but it’s hard to see the Purpose with a capital P. It can be difficult to feel that thread that connects you to something beyond the urgent needs of your family.
Are You Going Back To Work?
This will be the first year that all three of my kids will be in school full-time.
It’s All Big And Important
Melina's anchors are different than mine but every time we connect I understand they are really the same, just in different decades. She is me, sometime ago. And I am her sometime ahead. Or vice versa. Or both.
I Thought I Could Go Back To Life As It Was Before Kids
I want to describe it to him, to give it form—the smelly, ridiculous, beautiful moment when I knew: I will never be the same.
I’m Never Alone For Long
I have momentarily lost sight of my identity. For nine years I have been a stay at home mother, stealing time during naps and concentrated play to write, to work.
Will I Ever Just Be By Myself Again?
One day my daughter will not need me to fall asleep. She will be old enough to feel embarrassed about watching me pee. But not today.
The Look – And Why I Love It
The Look generally lasts only a few seconds at the most, but it carries with it decades, perhaps even generations, of memories and parental experiences.