It’s easy to see the immediate purpose for our actions everyday, but it’s hard to see the Purpose with a capital P. It can be difficult to feel that thread that connects you to something beyond the urgent needs of your family.
Are You Going Back To Work?
This will be the first year that all three of my kids will be in school full-time.
It’s All Big And Important
Melina's anchors are different than mine but every time we connect I understand they are really the same, just in different decades. She is me, sometime ago. And I am her sometime ahead. Or vice versa. Or both.
I Thought I Could Go Back To Life As It Was Before Kids
I want to describe it to him, to give it form—the smelly, ridiculous, beautiful moment when I knew: I will never be the same.
I’m Never Alone For Long
I have momentarily lost sight of my identity. For nine years I have been a stay at home mother, stealing time during naps and concentrated play to write, to work.
Will I Ever Just Be By Myself Again?
One day my daughter will not need me to fall asleep. She will be old enough to feel embarrassed about watching me pee. But not today.
The Look – And Why I Love It
The Look generally lasts only a few seconds at the most, but it carries with it decades, perhaps even generations, of memories and parental experiences.
The Day My Children Broke Me
I could feel it building over over the past week. The not listening. The blatant disrespect and bad decision making. And it was driving me crazy.
Dirty Laundry
Being a good mother doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. It’s about having the willingness to try again when things get messy.
Reflections On Guilt
I’m starting to realize this: the less blame I pile on myself for things I can’t change, the more energy I can invest in my kids right now.