I wasn’t ready to be a mom of older children, just yet. To let go of the baby smells, the snuggles, and the closeness of them in my arms.
Strong As A Tiger
Maybe strength is relative.
Mom Arms
How can I do this? How can I carry everything?
The Gift Giver
But there’s a line. I would never insist that my little daughter hand over her prized possession for a pal to play with.
An Unexpected Path: The Best $12 I Have Ever Spent
It’s a little disappointing to see my almost 2.5 year old only take a handful of steps these last months.
First Steps
Some days, more and more, you choose your own steps, no longer tied to me, looking back with pride.
Cherish Every Moment?
Instead of cherish every moment, I hope I remember to tell my new mom friends that it won’t always be this hard, or maybe it will, but you will get through it.
How Much Longer Will She Want To Trick-Or-Treat?
How long before she turns to us and asks to ring doorbells alone? How long before we “become lame,” before the whole damn day becomes lame?
Dear Impractical, But Beautiful, Shoes
Wearing you, with your fringe around the angle and peep toe, will help build my confidence to affirm that I’m more than a mom – I’m still me?
Why It Took Me Two Months To Recycle A Glad Bag
I forget, to my son, childhood is not a thought, a passing chain of worries, or stages of changing forms – it is Everything he has been, Everything he is. It is Who he will Be.