My baby isn't made for diving in to anything, at least not right now. He needs to think about things, weigh his options, get a feel for the people, and then decide.
5 Things I learned After My Daughter’s (very public) Meltdown
We knew there was a storm brewing from the moment my daughter woke up. Crabby isn’t the right word. We’ll call it “off,” just not right. It was a walking on eggshells kind of day.
Why I’m Waiting to Cut my Son’s Hair
Who cares if I cling, just a bit, to his babyhood?
Confessions of a Failed Morning Routine
I considered his tantrum and I know, as I knew when it was happening, that he just felt helpless.
The Moment I Saw my Husband Become a Father
Last week, I watched my husband become a father.
Tiny Losses
Maybe I was the only one who cared about Tiny because I feared that if Tiny left, it would take my last baby with it.
Love at Bedtime
His room is dark. Discarded books are piled on the nightstand, his empty cup on top. I whisper that it’s time for our song, and he snuggles into position. I …
10 Terrible Decisions that Seem Perfectly Reasonable to Toddlers
By Mary Widdicks. Ten terrible decisions that children make over and over.
Playing Alone: A Comic
A comic illustrating what happens when a child is left alone to play.
The Dance at the Edge of the Tides
By Allison Slater Tate. The wind whipped our hair as we stepped onto the sand the first day of our spring break vacation.