I almost dread more the time they get left behind—just objects again, not alive like now. The time that inescapable, steady march towards adulthood consumes this bit of childhood’s magic
She Needs Me To Let Go, But It’s All I Can Do To Hold On
Contractions, colic, teething. The cycle continues. Beginnings are scary, but endings are scarier.
Even as I celebrate her growing up, I cannot ignore my desire to be near her, to hold onto her, to feel her on my lap.
That Old Rocker
“You read to me Mommy?” It isn’t really a question, but more of an emotional appeal.
Baking Nostalgic: Grandma’s Green Cookies
My dad said I was just like Grandma, who always left out a crucial ingredient or two when sharing recipes long-ago committed to memory.
When You Are Afraid of the Growing Up Part
So I will continue to snuggle her every single night, twice when she needs it. And I will prepare for the day she packs up her stuff and heads out into the big world like the confident courageous girl she is.
When I Feel I Am Failing, I Reach For Her Words
In the wake of motherhood when my world feels as though it is crumbling beneath me, I reach for her unwavering strength.
After We Jump In Puddles.
While I want her to grow and thrive, while I want her to be strong and independent, I’m not ready to teach her how to shave.
Wade In, Run In, Jump In. It’s Your Life. It’s Waiting.
I hope she remembers that her mom didn't mind rolling her pants up and taking her in the water. Ever. Her mom helped her lead her inherently independent life.
Be That Love
I’ll tell you to rise, even when you are sinking, and I’ll tell you that you don’t do it alone.