You can’t quit. You don’t even want to quit. But at the same time, you wish it wasn’t so damn hard. I know how you feel
When We Keep Saying We Can’t Believe How Much They’ve Grown…
When I think about it, I can believe how much he has grown. It is me, the mother, who I do not recognize.
Steinbeck Loved Montana. And So Do I.
I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love. And it’s difficult to analyze love when you’re in it.
Life Lessons For Little Sisters
She will be successful because little sisters make fearless women, unafraid of failure and undeterred by defeat.
Beyond Today: Tomorrow We Will Try Again
I promise to you that when I look back on you being two, I won’t remember today. I’ll remember you. And you are absolutely wonderful.
Why My Son’s First Haircut Didn’t Make Me Sad
We tend to equate growing up with loss: a loss of innocence, of helplessness, of cuteness. But that’s not how children experience it.
Dancing In Brown Sugar
I keep coming back to these tiny feet that belong to a girl who is going through the “terrible twos.”
He Calls Me Mama
What better word to hear than the one that links us together?
Empower Them With Choices ‘They’ Said…
I have read that in order to get the little people in our lives to do what we want them to, we should offer them choices.
I Still Need Him To Need Me
This seemingly natural reflex is new—wiping off his mother's kiss—and it was not something I had expected until years down the road.