What is behind all this speeded up, super-achiever, activity overload anyway? Are we creating capacity or maxing it out? And who is it for?
To The Strangers Who Just Can’t Help Themselves And Touch My Kid
How would you feel if I came up to you and pinched your cheek?
The Great Pool Tantrum: The Day I Let My 3-Year-Old Cry It Out
And this is how I became the happy mom of the tantrumming toddler.
When Life Hands You Poop, Drink Wine With A Friend
Hello? My kid needs a warm and comfy place to poop. May we please use your home?
The Tiny Shoes Remind Me Of How Good I’ve Got It
There’s something about the ability to move freely, to think freely, that conjures the realization of how preciously wonderful it is to take care of small children.
I Need To Confess: I Almost Ran Over My Son
I kneeled before him, in some act of contrition, and just hugged him tightly.
They Say You Should Wean Once They Can Ask For It
They say you should wean once they start talking. They don’t know what they’re talking about.
Today It’s Your Turn
We all take a turn being “that” parent…the one whose kids run amok leaving us feeling browbeaten and broken.
My son has a scar in the middle of his forehead. It was the first time I felt one of my flaws as a mother was on public display.
He Doesn’t Need Me & That Doesn’t Make Me Sad
I cherish those precious times where he was nestled into my chest at the end of a long day, but I don’t spend my time yearning for those moments.