“Hold my hand,” the request comes at 4 a.m., an hour before I have to wake up for work.
Cherish: The Agony And Ecstasy
If she were someone you knew, Cherish would be that friend from high school who was great in small doses. But an afternoon out together? Something to avoid.
Sometimes I Want My Kids To Be Older Already
Sometimes, when mommas talk about their older kids pulling away from them, I feel something akin to envy.
Nap Time No More
I have always loved nap time.
Love Hurts
Why does my kid have to be the one doing the biting? This would be so much easier if he was the one getting bitten.
On Strollers And Car Seats
But then our surprise blessing arrived, forever altering the tapestry of our lives — and changing everything I thought I knew about motherhood.
Not Like I Thought
I had a vision of what my daughter’s transition to nursery school would be like, and it was not this.
Taking Refuge
Showering isn't exactly the sanctuary it used to be, but for now I'm happy to take refuge in this moment of motherhood.
Sink Or Swim
This letting go is the part of mothering that keeps me up at night.
Tantrums Between Two Worlds
For those of you who are deep in it, I want you to know, “It’ll be nap time soon, Momma. You’re doing a good job.”