I need you Preteen Ballerina, to keep dancing. I need you to show my daughters that a ballerina can be curvy, strong and imperfect. I need you to help me change things.
I Can Do Hard Things
And that’s when everything clicked for me up there on that snow-covered beast of a mountain and I realized – Hey, you know what? I can do hard things.
Away From Me
The first day of his last year in high school. The first of many lasts is my immediate future. He jumped up ready to tackle it, even if I wasn’t.
The Art of Parental Embarrassment
Someone let out a giggle, and that started it—we all began to laugh. All of us except Steve, who was still searching the wall in vain for this mysterious “other painting.”
Redefining Optimism
We do have to accept that while we cannot control most of this world, we can choose our response to it.
20(ish) Things I Wish I’d Known 20 Years Ago
There are so many things I want to tell her about what it means to be a decent, kind human.
From Teenager To Kid Again
My son is back. The one I understand. The one who wants to be around me, wants me to know about everything going on in his life. I know he might not walk through the door tomorrow, but I’ll spend as much time with him as I can, today.
The Transition to Raising a Teenage Son
This phase will not last forever, but the phase before this one might be gone forever.
Three Reasons I’m Terrified of Raising my Three Teen Girls
I love motherhood, it is my greatest achievement, but it is a terrifying thought to raise my own teenage girls.
An Open Letter to my Son’s Drug Dealer
I will admit that from the moment the two of you met, way back in kindergarten, I warned my son about you. I told him that you were bad news. But he didn't listen, and you and he bonded over illicit illegal activities and your broken homes.