Even with all of her maturity, sophistication and intolerance for everything you do, this same girl still needs her mom.
A Letter to My Eldest
By Tara at YKIHAYHT. For reasons not yet known, you were chosen to be my oldest.
By Katrina Willis. Today, seventeen is also the age of my firstborn.
In Between You And Me
So what’s my job now? To laugh with them I guess, about life and things we shouldn’t take too seriously. To care about something enough that it drives you. To teach them not to depend on me, but still need me. And how to be independent, but value community and family. Teach them how to be big brothers to their sister and how to figure out what they believe, stand up for it, but not be intolerant of others.
Starting Your Dreamer’s Heart
By Rachel Macy Stafford. If you are a writer, then you know there is almost always an obstacle between you and your writing.
Love Your Teenage Daughter
I’ll always love you. That’s what moms should know.
Staying Is Badass
That's the problem with being a person that's been left or rejected: it can haunt you.
Worries of a Teen
by Matilda Beltz, age 13 Should I put that picture of my PSL on my snapchat story? Does this selfie look bad? Do they all secretly hate me? Are my …
One Day At A Time—How Getting Sober Changed Me As A Mother
As my son’s teenage years approached, I knew I didn’t want to be that mom.
This is 12
My little boy who once so openly adored me is masked by pre-teen, eye-rolling, heavy-sighing adolescence.