That moment when you tell a child YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and in doing so, realize that you are not alone.
Ten Years Later, We’re Still In This Together
“OK, Mom. I trust you. We can do this.”
Alone May Be Where You Are, But It Isn’t Who You Are
Who you are and the qualities you possess will take anywhere you want to go.
You Are Amazing, My Dear
“I hope by the time I’m your age I have found my confidence.”
Why Parents Need Make It Okay for Kids & Teens to Cry
In a way, these gestures imply that the crying needs to hurry up and stop. What happens when this is communicated to kids and teens when they cry?
Selfies and Air Raid Sirens
I am still madly in love with my daughter. I know she still loves me, too. But that isn’t enough to make her want to live with me.
Marching Away From Me
My greatest desire, like all parents, is for my children to grow into happy, healthy adults. But watching it happen in front of my eyes is achingly bittersweet.
Becoming More Than Mom
When could the right moment come to tell your son he has a brain tumor?
Pre-Teen BTW’s
“Did she just BTW us?”
On Feelings, French Fries and Frozen Chocolate
My oldest child is our learner child – we hope we’re making our biggest mistakes with her, the firstborn of our two daughters, and that we’ll get more right with her younger sister.