Wanting to launch a new business? Exhausted figuring out how to keep family life on track? So are we!
How The Expectation Of Trying To “Have It All” Is Hurting Us All
It is far easier to pretend to be perfect, but it takes real courage to accept our imperfections and to still see ourselves as someone worthy of love and respect.
Family Drama
My imagination and my curiosity have always been my best asset.
“You’ll Get Caught Up…”
No. I won't. And you know what, I don't care.
Still-Life As Mommy
Once upon a time, my life belonged to me.
The Truth About Parental Leave
Parental leave for new parents is wonderful. For veteran parents, it's essential.
Chasing Our Children & Our Dreams
Motherhood is about becoming ready without being ready; it’s a state of constant adjustment. Some earth mothers might call this flow – for me it feels more like fits and starts.
Have We Traded Empathy For Efficiency?
Standing in the doorway to my garage on Christmas Eve was like staring into the aisles of Toys R Us.
10 Ways You Rock At Motherhood
Well I have had enough of the bullshit – enough of feeling I don’t come up to scratch – because I do.
While other eager new associates were hustling to impress the partners, I was trying to figure out how to tell them I was pregnant with my second child and that after my maternity leave I wanted to work part-time.