Our theme for the month is SIMPLIFY, which is funny since my usual state of being is more like MAKE COMPLICATED.
But that is why I love this theme so much. I need it.
Our partners for the month are The Minimalists. I adore these guys. They are funny, smart, humble and passionate. When I first met them I knew I had made new friends—new friends I should never, ever invite to my house. On the spectrum of stuff, I fall squarely into the Maximalist category. I was afraid they would judge.
We have a lot of stuff. Attics and closets and a teaming garage.
The more I got the opportunity to know Ryan and Joshua (the Minimalists), the less I saw their lack of stuff and the more I saw the abundance of time. For me, not yet ready to pack up my bleongings, I really am compelled to look deeply at the priorities piece of what the Minimalist do.
So for this month, come to Mamalode to celebrate the ride, for it is a complex role to be a parent, and find stories and examples of how we can whittle some of it away and seek a simpler way.
I had the opportunity to share a TEDx stage with Ryan and Joshua. Here is their powerful and important message. Don’t be nervous. They don’t judge. Really, they don’t. Guys, consider this your official invite to a full, messy house for a beautiful simple meal among friends.