I have a new friend. His name is Ishmael. We talk about books and that always makes me weak in the knees. He is swoon worthy.
But the truth is my crush is not on Ishmael himself. He is actually just a voicemail. I do however have a full-fledged crush on Stephanie Kent who introduced me to Ishmael. She is the editor of Call Me, Ishmael. She has also worked for the Wall Street Journal, TED conferences and is a boxer and a bibliophile.
How it works: You call. Yes, you call a number and get a recording from Ishmael asking you to leave a message about a book you’ve read and a story you’ve lived. It is kind of like a hotline for those of us who love books—a place to go when you are in that post-book-blues or a place to remember reading a special book to someone else.
Here is the kicker: they type your message, video tape it and play it online. It is like a party on every platform celebrating your love with a story.
Here is mine. I can’t wait to do more. I have to resist flooding them.
I know, I KNOW. Call me, Ishmael is unbearably awesome. And even more awesome is that we will be doling out Ishmaels on Mamalode—so give them a call, they will flag ones Mamloders will like and we will run them right here on Mamalode.com.
Oh my heart, it is like a big old loop of Mamalode, bookish, YouTube love. Thanks Ishmael.
Here are more that we think you'll love:
'Pajama time' by Saundra Boynton (dad):
'Stranger in a strange land' by Robert A. Heinlein (mother son call in!)
Not even wrong. Adventures in Autism by Paul Collins (dad)

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