A couple of years ago, a friend of mine helped start something special. Something that reminds us we are part of a community—that the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts. Something we should share widely and celebrate because it feels important and good. And it is.
It’s called #GivingTuesday and it follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
#Giving Tuesday invites us to take part in something bigger than ourselves. To give something back with our words, our money, our hearts or our time—because all of it matters. A lot.
On Tuesday, I will take a moment to text my yoga teacher to let her know her years of study and dedication and passion to her practice are a gift to me. I will offer her thanks.
I will take my kids to the local diner where there is a modest tree overflowing with note cards hung like precious ornaments that each hold the handwritten name of a different child or adult in need. We will choose. We will shop, wrap and give with love.
And I will write and share stories about what I am doing to help encourage and inspire others to do the same.
On Tuesday, I will listen to my heart, I will feed my soul and I will thank my friend for starting something special.

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