Keeping the Romance Alive After Having Kids

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Since waking up your children and hastily getting them out the door just in time for school, you have been running around tirelessly all day. There is no time to relax however, as there are countless chores and errands to be done throughout the day, not to mention making dinner for your family. After the always seemingly more difficult than it should be routine of getting the kids to bed, all you can think of is one thing. Sleep.

I think we can all agree the job of a parent is strenuous. It is easy to feel like circus performer trying to juggle five flaming chainsaws, hoping you don’t forget about one before it comes dropping down on you. It is a constant balancing act and unfortunately it can get a little messy.

For many couples, the aspect of life that often gets pushed further and further down the priority list is one of the most enjoyable and most important—your sex life. With the overwhelming responsibilities of the day, your spouse starts feeling more like a roommate and less like your soul mate. It can be challenging to admit it when you realize you have overlooked this part of your life and it can be difficult to discuss with others. However, it’s an important topic, because sex is important.

So, how can you balance being a parent keeping the romance alive in your marriage? Making time is key. Sometimes you need to push away all the fatigue of a long day and strengthen the intimate relationship with your spouse. Doing this will strengthen all aspects of your relationship and will help you maintain a strong and healthy companionship.

In the video below, Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert Tammy Nelson, PhD, shares her advice for parents on making time for romance in your marriage. “You have to carve out just a couple hours a week where you get together to remind each other that you’re more than roommates and more than parents, but that you’re actually in a romantic relationship,” she said.


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About the Author

Erin Britt

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