Betsy DeVos Scares The Piss Out Of Me.

Morgan Armstad Milennial Mom

It’s personal partly because my daughter is about to start kindergarten. She is about to be directly affected by the changes Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration have planned for public education in this country.

Big Little Lies Recap—Episode 5

Morgan Armstad Milennial Mom

She is being crushed by the overwhelming and unanswerable parenthood question myself and I'm sure many others have faced – what if my best as a mom isn't good enough, and I fail my child somehow?

Big Little Lies Recap—Episodes 1 & 2

Morgan Armstad Milennial Mom

We're OBSESSED with Big Little Lies. Loved the book, and so far, loving HBO's adaptaion of it. So we're going to be digging into it each and every week! Join us as we dish on everyone's favorite new guilty pleasure.