It’s still hard for me to fathom that this will be my last Christmas in the place I grew up, maybe ever.
Millennial Mom Monday: Sharing Christmas
Trying to co-parent is hard, and for me sharing holidays is one of the most difficult parts.
Millennial Mom Monday: What Your 20’s Are For
When does that desire for stability stand in the way of our personal growth?
Millennial Mom Monday: Growing Up Young
I wouldn’t give up any of my motherhood worries for all the irresponsible shenanigans in the world.
Millennial Mom Monday: With A Little Help From My Friends
I don’t know where I would be without the amazing group of friends I get to call my mommy support system.
Millennial Mom Monday: Thankful Every Day
It makes me feel guilty. Because I really am thankful for all that I have every day, yet I need a holiday set aside to fully express that gratitude.
Millennial Mom Monday: Moms with Ink
“You got another tattoo mommy?” she squealed.
Millennial Mom Monday: My Boys
I grew up surrounded by the noise, and smell, of boys. I both hated and loved it. It shaped me into the me I am today.
Millennial Mom Monday: The Queen of My Heart
Part of me just loves that she skipped right over wanting to be a princess, and went straight to being the queen.
Millennial Mom Monday—A Legacy in Teaching
I knew what amazing teachers were, I was raised by them.