A Love Like Ours

Gina Hassan because i said so

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For my son with whom I share an (im)perfect love…


In a hundred small ways,

I fail or disappoint you with my myriad of misses.

I don’t look up from my iPhone in time to see the joy in your face,

As you deliver the punch line from the show that I hate and let you watch anyway.

And everyday you forgive me.

Everyday I learn to forgive myself

And to accept that a perfect love like ours,

When seen up close,

Is filled with a hundred tiny blemishes,

As beautiful as that,

With lyrics dancing on the melody and singing,

I'm imperfect,

You’re imperfect,

And that is just as it should be,

A love that is real,

That lives and breathes,

That experiences wounding and that heals simply by staying connected.

About the Author

Gina Hassan

Gina Hassan, PhD, is a mother and clinical psychologist who specializes in the transition to motherhood, perinatal mood disorders, and mindful parenting. To learn more visit her website at .

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