An Ode to the ‘Parenthood’—in Words and Tears

Because I Said So because i said so

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Parenthood: You Can Take Your Cameras Now… and Thank You
by Sharon Zuckerwar @mommyverbs

Over the years, I have wondered if the writers of Parenthood had secret cameras hidden around my life. So many times, the storylines of this show were playing out in my real-life world. Through all of the hard times, the tough life decisions and the hopeful, optimistic moments, Parenthood was there, like a mirror. I spent many nights, curled up in my corner seat of my couch, under a blanket, watching their worlds through teary eyes, while my husband looked over with confusion in his eyes. But it was all just a little too real during Kristina’s battle with cancer, as I spent that season on the couch alone while my love was upstairs sleeping off his own chemotherapy. Thank you, Parenthood. For the Thursday night therapy. For the mirror. For the words and the moments. Now. Please remove your cameras from my life. And…thank you. For every single one.

We Want Parenthood
by Peyton Price @Suburbanhaiku

We want our parents to still be married. We want our brothers and sisters together at a big table with white twinkle lights. We want to believe we can still be artists and run for office and do big things. We want to do our best by our children and parents. We want to make room in our hearts for all comers. We want to be forgiven when we eff it up. We want our people to race to us when we call. We want someone to hear what we’re not saying. We want to be tough enough, but someone to fight for us. We want to snort laugh and dance crazy and not even care how we look. We want to live and love and beloved and matter to the people who matter to us.

Farewell to the One Real Family on Network TV
by Kerry Rivera @breadwinningmom

Parenthood. It’s been one the few shows I’ve religiously watched in the midst of my own crazy days of parenting three young kids. I cry almost every episode, but I also leave each show feeling so much love for my own family. Like the Bravermans, I remain tight with my own parents and siblings. We too have dealt with breast cancer, miscarriage, heart issues and financial stress. We fight, we love, we support, we play. I’ve loved and appreciated seeing a network show give airtime to the modern family, struggling with so many issues, but always focused on supporting one another and loving unconditionally. Going to miss this TV family!

My Ode to Parenthood
by Carly Kerby @livingthescream

Time is ticking. I have to prepare.
My favorite T.V. show is almost on the air.

I hurry to put my four kids to bed.
“If you love me you'll stay put.” are the words that I said.

I run to the bathroom and then grab some snacks.
Because once the show starts there is no turning back.

The theme song begins and I'm already in tears.
There hasn't been a show like this one in years.

All the characters and the raw story line,
makes me wish the Braverman family was mine.

Through the highs and the lows their family is strong.
If only it was more than one hour long.

I am going to miss Sarah and Drew,
Crosby, Zeke and Amber too.

I will never forget all the times that were good.
As I say goodbye to the show, Parenthood.

Saying Goodbye to Parenthood
by Michelle Hancock @MindofMeesh

It was 2010 and I wasn’t a parent or a wife… yet. I suckered my fiancé into watching Parenthood and one hour later I looked at him and said, “I want a Braverman family.” Pretty bold, huh? Despite witnessing my ugly cry and my need for a large family, my fiancé still wanted to marry. Five years later we are hooked on a show we do not want to see end.

I now view Parenthood through a new set of eyes since the birth of our daughter. I can feel the pain that Kristina goes through when her son with Aspergers is not accepted.   

Thank you, Parenthood for filling my heart with love and my mind with a vision of what family can be. Now, please bring me some Kleenex, because the tears will keep coming even after the show ends.   


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Because I Said So

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