If You Asked About Motherhood…

Julianne Palumbo because i said so

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If You Asked About Motherhood…

I would tell you

about the essence of baby,

the corn silk hair,

the soggy fingers,

the warm breath.

I would tell you

about nights

wrapped in worry,

drenched with mother-think;

as you’re convinced

jewels that precious

don’t exist.

I would tell you

how no two are alike,

but, when they

like each other,

nothing is better.

I would tell you about

squeezing your eyes tight

to obviate some disaster

after it almost was

but never should

have been.

I would tell you

how to suffer

someone else’s pain

more than they

feel it;

how to

relish every witty word

and warm embrace

and strain to make them stick

as they wash over you.

I would tell you how

to mend yourself

when your lifeblood

grows and tears away

bit by bit,

leaving you in pieces.


I would promise you


you’ll find them underfoot

when you least expect them



About the Author

Julianne Palumbo

Julianne is the mother of three almost grown children. She writes poetry, short stories, essays and YA verse novels. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks, Into Your Light (Flutter Press 2013) and Announcing the Thaw (Finishing Line Press 2014) and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

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