It’s My Turn

Rebecca Einstein Schorr because i said so

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Pinterest is the bane of my existence. It simultaneously makes me feel completely inadequate and brazenly empowered. I am either the worst, laziest, most boring mother in the world or I am the most clever, craftiest, creative one. Pinterest can raise me up or cast me down.

Last summer, I was enamored by all of the enriching, fun, exciting things that “good mothers”apparently do with their children. So, I too started pinning and compiling and planning. Until I had a stunning board of all the awesome things we were going to do AS A FAMILY DAMNIT. We did do some fun things. But instead of feeling as though I’d accomplished something withthose few outings, I wallowed in my perceived failure. No more!

This summer, I have a different plan. No goals or outings for those ingrates.

Instead, I’ve got a new board: Mama’s summer bucket list.

About the Author

Rebecca Einstein Schorr

This former career-driven mother of three became a reluctant stay-at-home-mom when her autistic son and his two adorable sidekicks needed more from her and the transformation from a religious community leader to what her kids call a “house-mother” has been nothing short of life-altering. Writing at her blog, , Rebecca finds meaning in the sacred and not-yet-sacred intersections of daily life. Follow her on Twitter @rebeccaschorr.

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