
Ashby Bartke because i said so

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You are so close to me now that I breathe you in,
stumble over you,
tangle in your moods.

I pass time clenched in the frustration of long hours,
the enormity of an empty, rainy afternoon,
how slow these minutes trudge.

I drown in you,
heavy with my expectation
and your need.

From the corner of my eye I see you
knees bent,
leaning over empty space I long for in my sleep
The breath leaves my body,
leaps after you into the void.

I watch you sleep,
eyelids twitching like cricket wings,
and years pass in the time it takes to smooth your hair.

Your grip on my ankles slips away
and I surface, gasping
just in time to catch sight of you
backlit and floating towards the sea.

About the Author

Ashby Bartke

Ashby Bartke is an eighth grade teacher and Mama to two children, living in coastal Maine. Her days are spent breathing deeply, laughing, sweeping the floor and sneaking goldfish crackers in the pantry.

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