Haiku: Late for School

Joanna Brichetto because i said so

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Past time to leave
Small socks on floor, rejected
Toe seams not straight

Late again, dammit.
Breakfast book too engrossing:
Captain Underpants

Random new vocab
Interrupts dressing, big time
“Gluteal cleft,” ha!

One egg and toast gone
Child still hungry but we're late
How can I say no?

Time to get in car
Bowels demand attention
Late again. Worth it.

Booster seat harness
Engineering degree needed
Fingers fumble hell

SUV driver
Laughs into phone, waits to merge
She will wait longer

Line of cars at school
Eject kids in slow motion
God help me, please move

The vice-principal
Sees us but still locks the door:
We will have to park.

Arrivals Notebook
Weird pen with cap, confusing
Intelligence test

Principal watches,
Offers advice on routines
I try to self-soothe

Child walks to classroom
I drive home alone slowly
Seeing the bare trees


About the Author

Joanna Brichetto

I write at , and am a monthly columnist for BookPage.

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February 2015 – XO
Brought to you by – Sexplanations
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