Treasures: 20 Items in My Pocket

Because I Said So because i said so

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1. Shreds of Kleenex

2. Those damn Rainbow Loom bands

3. Boogers

4. Lego heads. Multiple.

5. Chapstick

6. Hairbands

7. To-do lists. On the back of receipts.

8. Cereal

9. My debit card

10. Used Band-Aids

11. One Sock. Usually a child’s.

12. Fingernail clippings

13. Earring back

14. Pennies

15. Fingernail polish that has been peeled off.

16. Yellow fruit snacks-No one likes those.

17. Magic Sand. My ass.

18. Barbie shoes.

19. Ninja Turtle weapons.

20. A deceased Lady Bug. Don’t ask. 

(these items were not in my pocket all at the same time)


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Because I Said So

'Because I Said So' is a 200 words or less short piece related to a theme. To submit your own 'BISS', click on "submit a story" from the website.

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