Remember that you are important, beautiful, and strong. You brought a child into the world. You can do this, one day at a time.
How Four Little Lines And A Pair Of Scissors Changed Everything
So right then, we cut my hair. In the bathroom, with an old pair of slightly dull, blue scissors, he cut off my ponytail.
5 Beauty Tips for the Sleep-Deprived New Mom
Fear not, mammas. Use these tips to face the world fresh-faced, even though you only got 3 full hours of sleep last night.
Baby Blue
I was grateful. For a hospital close enough to visit. For a friend, who breezed in bearing a bag of goodies. For listening to mother's instinct.
Choosing To See
My depression didn't disappear just because I had kids. The depression still comes in waves. But my kids have given me a new set of eyes to see life with.
What My Son Is Teaching Me About Fear and Hope
If there’s one thing my sweet boy has taught me, it’s that worst case scenarios happen, but best case ones do, too.
A Season for Mothering
Dear New Mom, You were oblivious of me, watching you from across the room, as you wait for your husband get a haircut. In fact, you seemed oblivious to pretty much everything around you, except for the young infant on your lap.
Diving Into Every Day
I want to dive into the present and future with my son, not shy away from it because I am worried these are my glory days with him as a young mom.
12 Things I Miss About My Pre-Baby Life
1. Pooping alone. Number one thing.
The 4 Things Babies Really Want
All you need to do is meet their every wavering need and you too can have the happiest, most well-adjusted baby in the land