We want our daughters to be confident. We want them to feel strong. To feel bright. To feel capable.
Bring It
By Gililan Kessler. The only physical activity I've been really confident about for most of my life has been dancing.
By Emily Gallo. Who taught me that word? Who taught me that idea? Was it in a board book of opposites I read once?
Already Lovely
How do I put makeup on my four year old?
Demander-in-Chief: Fat-Shaming in the Age of Trump
How can we possibly feel that this man, Donald Trump, values that which we painstakingly endure in the course of Motherhood?
Go Ahead And Wear Your Fat Pants
Let’s be defined by the love we pour out, not the way our pants hug our thighs.
An Open Letter To My Thighs
Our time is too valuable to pick apart the width of our bodies instead of embracing the pieces that make up the width of our days.
It’s All In the Belly
“Yes, honey. I do have a squishy belly.”
She Was Somebody’s Daughter
To my three blessings: You are special. You are loved. You are enough, just as you are.
Hope Beyond The Abyss: An Eating Disorder Testimony
Recovery is a journey, not a destination. It’s a long road, and sometimes there are detours. Sometimes there are speed bumps. Sometimes there are accidents.