“Mom, I’m glad you’re not wearing that make up anymore. That means you are feeling better about yourself.”
The Mamalode Podcast Episode 2, Amy Pence-Brown
Episode 2 of the Mamalode Podcast featuring Amy Pence-Brown was released this week! Mamalode sat down (via Skype) with Amy in late March as she prepared to speak at TEDx …
My Son Sees Me, Not My Eating Disorder
Because the person he sees is the person I know I can be.
I have never one time talked about my body negatively in front of my daughters. They will always only hear me mention what makes me feel good, healthy and strong.
Someday, I Will Be Able To Write About Food
Someday, when food is not my best friend and worst enemy, my punishment and reward, my drug, my escape, my prison, I will write about it.
Dear Weight Watchers…
I was scrolling through your activities and the points for activities, and I think you are really missing the mark on points expenditures.
The Tightrope of Self Esteem
I strive to find balance, promoting positivity in all aspects of their lives without creating gigantic egos.
Raising Radicals: 6 Body Positive Books for Kids
While I can (and do) tell my kids over and over that all bodies are good bodies and that there is no wrong way to have a body, it's so nice to expose them to other voices, artists, and stories in addition to mine.
A Love Letter (With Apology) To My Body After 36 Years Together
When I stopped respecting you, I stopped respecting myself. Or maybe it was the other way around.
The Haircut
The wig was perfect; actually, it looked better than my own hair had, and it would never need trimming, just a weekly dunk in the sink.