They'll think beyond the boundaries of the ethos of ‘my country’ and embrace the idea of ‘our world’.
I Will Shape My Sons’ Understanding of “Women”
What matters most to me is this tremendous opportunity I have to be the closest and first idea of what a woman is to four young boys.
Size Matters When You’re Growing Up Giant
Growing up involves adjustment. The kids grow and the parents adjust.
Little Boys Never Grow Up; They Just Get Longer Pants
She told me, when I found out Hank was a boy, to be ready to have a little boy forever.
He Has His Own Definition Of Forever
There is only one thing more devastating for us parents than having to admit our child is beyond rescue, that circumstances have pressed our son or our daughter outside the scope of our parental toolbox.
Fragile and Brave
I can honestly say that you’ve impacted my life more than I ever could yours. You’ve shown me the value of being unafraid.
It Has Always Been Me
I have spent much of my life chasing false prophets, which has led me to question whether or not that part of myself holds any authenticity.
I Called The Police On My Son
Well, maybe I called them for my son’s sake.
The Night The Tooth Fairy Got Scammed
I’d been scammed by a 7-year-old kid.
Portrait Of A Mom
In the eyes of my son, I am an icon.