Wild & Precious: Milk Snakes

Jesse Burke daddy-o

When my daughter, Clover, was born I felt that part of my new responsibility was to imbue in her a deep and personal connection to the natural world.

Along For The Ride

Daniel Rose daddy-o

I pluck the To Do list from the dashboard, ball it up in my fist, and jam it into my back pocket. There is still time. Time to see my daughter so young and alive.

Tebin Taughty

Anthony Wobbe daddy-o

Our neighbors live in a constant state of competition over their kids, constantly trying to outdo each other to establish who actually had the smartest child.

The Never Ending Battle

Jon Ziegler daddy-o

Getting my two wiggly, giggly girls into bed is a losing battle that begins shortly after dinner and carries on through the entire evening.

Pirate Ship Treasure Discovered

Erin Britt daddy-o

She didn’t feel deprived at all by me not building her the giant pirate ship, I promised … me. All she needed was the security; I would love and take care of her.

Are We Unconsciously Raising Unconscious Kids?

Timothy Almeida Jr. daddy-o

Why is it so hard to carry this awareness with us at all times, and above all else, are we failing to teach our children about presence of mind even without the threat of danger present?

An Ode To Sadness

Adrian Manuel daddy-o

With her tiny hands, she lifts Sadness up towards me in the same way I did when I knelt down and introduced them, the day Sadness became more than just a talking plush doll.