by Stacey Conner. My third child started Kindergarten this year and I watched in amazement. No kid was ever so comfortable with a school, so certain. He’d been picking up his older brother and sister for two years. He’d been to every party, walked every hall.
One Drop Off
Savagemama celebrates the first day of school because both of her kids are now in the same school.
She Walks Alone
Mom tries to motivate other parents to allow their kids to walk alone to middle school.
Extreme Measures
Mom goes to extreme measures to get her kids to stop fighting with each other.
Savagemama struggles with professional ambition.
Wild Things
When good intentions go bad, mom has to tame the beast.
When Lice Attack
Mom found lice infested in her daughters hair. The sight of the bugs will haunt her for the rest of her life.
Home Alone
I could be quite happy reading and writing and never leaving my home.
Someone Like You
I love music but cannot produce it in a way that is pleasant to humans.
How To Get Your Child To Open Up About The Things That Matter
They open-up when we listen, when we play, when we give them time, and create a space in which they can start a converstation.