Letter to the Unborn

Danielle Lattuga essays

When we first began trying to conceive you, I focused on remembering each detail of each day. I thought that someday you would want to know the flavor of the sky when you were made and who your parents were then

Out of the Picture

Shannon Drury essays

Adults can usually be relied upon to photograph one another on birthdays and major holidays, especially when a member of the family is euphemistically referred to as “getting up there.” We too easily forget the people who fill in the days in between, the friends and neighbors, those who are woven so tightly into the fabric of our everyday lives that it takes a deep, irreparable tear for us to realize how bound together we really are.

To My Daughter’s Teacher: The Impact of Kindness

Tracy Jensen essays

I have been in your classroom and watched 24 faces brighten in your presence. Each child feels safe and loved in your room. You value their words and demonstrate to each of them that they are important. Abby needed that, as do so many of your students.