People are terrified of heavily pregnant women. They tiptoe around us, as if a baby might burst out at any moment.
8 Registry Essentials You Might Not Be Thinking About
You just don't know what you don't know at this point. Had you known, your list would have included these 8 essentials.
The Beauty in Pregnancy
I sigh heavily at the sight. I feel tired. I feel achy. I feel big. I don't feel like myself. I don't feel beautiful.
You’re Not Alone: Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a nine month, crazy adventure, but you don't have to do it alone!
Letters to a Dancing Star - Listen to Your Heart
Your heart beats almost twice as fast as mine – twice as happy, twice as energetic, twice as important. It is soft and gentle, but imperative. I can feel your sense of urgency under my hand. Urgent – that is your underlying premise in life.
17 Things Your Friends Should Have Told You about Becoming a Mom
There are some other things your mom-friends should be sharing with you as you travel toward the path of parenthood
I Didn’t Want To Be A Mom
How was I going to raise a child? Because I had never felt the maternal urge, I felt lost, overwhelmed, and ill-prepared.
3 Guidelines for Talking to a Pregnant Woman
Like many other pregnant women, I don't enjoy listening to all of the unsolicited comments about my changing and growing body.
There Was Another
“Fight or flight” is commonly known but that space in between is rarely discussed.
A Vision of Babies—What the Psychic Said
Every cell in my body wants to be pregnant, biology overriding the thought of sleepless nights, foul diapers, and no freedom.