Which brings me to the question I weigh myself down with every day as a mom. Am I enough?
This Is Why I Don’t Eat Dinner With My Kids
While I cooked, Bug shouted from the other room, “Something smells.” Clearly a bad omen, but I shrugged it off.
A Recipe For Making Memories
I want my son to know the joy that comes from creating something – and I want to instill in him a lifelong hunger for that.
To the Grocery Checker Who Called My Son Spoiled
“Is he spoiled?” she asked, not once but three times, as I couldn’t hear her over the hysterical crying of my son, Amos, strapped in the baby seat of the cart, slightly damp from the late afternoon rain.
Food For Thought
It made me wonder why it is that children get food envy?
The Stories Moms Tell on Facebook
It's fun and unifying to share the good times. We know, though, that motherhood is more than this. It is harder than this.
Mommies Have Temper Tantrums Too
Sometimes, quiet is the best way to make it right.
he was seeing it all, the sweet and wild tonic of words, in ways that I've forgotten, no longer so young, so open, so rapid, so endless, a basin of sounds and swirling images, a white page.
A Letter Of Thanks To My Youngest Son’s Blanket
I offer you my thanks. Because while I'd like to think that there's a little bit of me sewn into you, when you get right down to it, you are everything I strive to be.
Island Life Gratitude
My kids are growing up on an island, and for that I am thankful.