Now, you are still vulnerable like the infant I once longed to protect, and although I don’t know exactly where you are heading, I know I have done my best.
How Do We Respond To This Instability? We Become Ourselves, But More So.
The best we can do for the world is become a bigger group of people seeking the answers. It’s the isolation that scares me the most. Expanding our hearths is the only way to keep them safe.
How A Conversation About My Son’s Body Hair Made Me Stop And Think
Changes are afoot in my world, on a much smaller scale than the myriad changes afoot in this great nation of ours. A few weeks ago, my youngest son commented …
If You’re Gay…
And if you fall in love with a man and you spark and you make a life filled with love, and laughter and experiences that make you feel the world was made just for you, just like this life feels for me, you will find no one in the world more delighted and happy for you than me.
Niagara IS Magic; Niagara IS America
What I didn’t know then was that memories of this trip would sustain me when things are looking more hard, uncertain, and difficult in light of the presidential election.
In 2017, I Challenge You To Run Toward the Car
It is disheartening that the current climate often makes us step back when we instinctively want to step in. We are quick to judge, slow to include and wary of strangers in need.
Advice For The Generation That Doesn’t Want Advice
I can deny it all I want but the frightening fact is that one day my four children will be teenagers.
Breathe With Me
She won’t have to go through what I have been through for the very reason that I have already been through it. I have survived it and come out the other side.
Thirteen and Beyond – How Do I Parent a Teenager?
I’m entering unchartered waters, and for the first time I won’t be able to think back of my own mom and what she did for me when I was his age.
Taking a 5,000 Mile Road Trip with Two Teenagers
This month, my family and I are taking an epic journey—in an RV. We’ll put ourselves and our kids – who aren’t exactly clamoring to spend more time with us – and a limited amount of belongings inside a 25-foot vehicle for the next four weeks.