Once I shared my dream with those I loved most, a funny thing happened; I started taking steps to make my dream become a reality.
Why Jon Stewart Can Wait
By Joelle Wisler. I make a promise to myself to be right here with my daughter.
A Pledge Against Being a Perfect Mom
By Kelly Hirt. We could encourage each other to admit to a bit of slacking instead of holding ourselves, and others, to unreasonably high expectations.
Starter Series: Flex Jobs
Starter Series Interview with Sara Fell, CEO and Founder of FlexJobs.
The Best Perfect
Chasing perfection is one of the dumber habits one can acquire, but unfortunately I acquired it so young that by the time I realized the futility of it, the need to chase that elusive carrot was baked all the way in.
Without a washer/dryer in their apartment, Savagemama discovers a drop-off laundry service.
Bad Dad
What I felt more than anything as I was riding my bike home that day was I have failed my 6- and 3-year-olds. I have put them in harm’s way. I’m a bad dad. I’m in a position to be laid off because I’m not a serious person. I dabbled in writing rather than fully committing to my software engineering career.
Dear Congress – I Think You Have Forgotten
But you, Congress, have a choice in changing our country’s view on paid maternity leave. You can help women balance the adjustment between family and work.
The Day I Stopped Saying ‘Hurry Up’
When you’re living a distracted life, every minute must be accounted for. You feel like you must be checking something off the list, staring at a screen, or rushing off to the next destination.
Things I Meant To Do
Tonight, I've realized that your childhood is far too fleeting to elbow aside in the name of Important Work. YOU are my important work.