Time is a fickle thing
sometimes it’s on your side, events coinciding just right
Other moments, time gets weird
smushing too many milestones too close together
February of 2013 my mother in law was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer
one month later my son, her fifth grandchild, was born
She wept at the hospital meeting this new member of our tribe
that wouldn’t retain any memories of her beyond the ones we passed down
His first year of life was bittersweet watching her clock wind down
while his was only getting started ticking
All the milestone moments she documented religiously on her digital camera for our daughter
were snapped on our Iphones instead and shared via text message
She passed away two days before his 1st birthday
life and death, celebration and mourning, collided under our roof
We had a special family day to honor our son
he was too little to know but we weren’t
And we’re still transitioning our formerly only child into recognizing her brother
as a person with his own inherent value and needs
So we bought a cake and took him to see the sharks and had a birthday lunch
in a pretend rainforest with animatronic gorillas
The wake and funeral that followed saw teary adults who clutched each other
while children ran and squealed and played
After the service my daughter raced to our red-eyed huddle screaming
“There’s lunch in the cafeteria, and it’s FREE!”
We learned that children grieve differently
their tears and fears and broken hearts emerge at unexpected times
It’s like suffering a car crash and seeing the impact delayed, then replayed
many times over for our daughter
She gathers the nevers in the weeks and months that follow:
special sleepovers with Grandma Karen, horseback rides, cookie baking, rock painting
Nevermore. Until heaven.
All of us are changed
hearts have broken, innocence lost
And yet we are more reverent too of life and its gifts
we seize them with renewed zeal having been reminded
Exactly how too short this life can be

August 2014's theme timing is everything is brought to you by Schedulicity
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