Mamalode is real—it’s our anthem if you will. We don’t airbrush, tell you how to do something perfectly, or offer much in the way of advice.
But what we do really, really well is give you the space to be real. To be brave, authentic, true versions of your selves.
I always ask our writers to dig deep, take the plunge and tell their story.
So here is mine. I had near death experiences and a baby all in the same year. The swing from one to the other cracked me open in a way that is startling, scary, beautiful and very, very real. And in many ways that experience has left me with a complete impatience with things that aren’t real. I want to fill my life with big, amazing moments created by tiny imperfect things.
I want my kids to see me, really see me. I want to know them. I want to know them now and when they grow up. They are already the best people I know.
And I want to hear your stories. Dig deep. Write true. Our next theme is TIME.